+319 You're terrified of the Hunger Games turning into the next Twilight, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sure we'll be fine so long as none of the female leads sets the womens movement back 50 years by acting like the world has ended and has no meaning just because the guy she likes left.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

sorry, but it kinda already has

by Anonymous 12 years ago

from what i hear the books are fantastic, and thats what sets them apart; good writing

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my opinion, no amount of annoying fan girls or bad movies (although the movie looks pretty boss so far) can truly ruin an amazing book series, so no, not that worried.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The only thing that struck me as "Twilightish" was the Peeta-Katniss-Gale love triangle. I can't help but feel there may have been a bit of executive meddling there, but it's still sixty times better than Twilight could ever possibly dream of being. There's an actual plot.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you for saying that! It's been driving me crazy with the whole "Peeta or Gale" thing and I was worried that I'm the only one who noticed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It stupid to talk about the Peeta/Gale thing now, but my friends and I talked about a lot before Mockingjay came out. Why is there a reason to argue about it now? What's been written in the book isn't going to change. Although, I will admit that I wanted Katniss to end up with Gale, but that isn't what the books are about. I'm just worried about people turning it into a romance movie because that is not what is is supposed to be. I pretty much started worrying when it exploded and everybody was reading the books. The first sign for me was when I was in the middle/high school library, and a senior came in requesting "The Hunger Games" and was told that all 3 copies (which is a lot considering the whole school has less than 500 people and no one uses the library except for some middle schoolers) and there was a huge wait list to get them. I am glad I read them when I did.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Except the Hunger Games actually have literary merit

by Anonymous 12 years ago

To be completely honest, it would be almost as annoying if it became like Harry Potter also. Not hating at all but seriously people need to chill out over this stuff.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I liked the Hunger Games; I found the books to be intriguing and suspenseful, and they represented an interesting dystopia. On the other hand, I thought the Twilight series kind of blew. ...But like who cares? I feel sad for anyone who lies awake at night, "terrified", as you say, that the Hunger Games is turning into the next Twilight. Like what does that even mean? That it's becoming popular like Twilight? That it's a fad like Twilight? I mean... it is. Posts like this bother me. If you want to argue that the Hunger Games are better than Twilight, fine. Do that on your own time. But this post isn't even an argument. It's a thoughtless cliche that people use to compare fads. Sorry, I'm in a bit of a contentious mood.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i will be very annoyed if after the movie comes out, there will be annoying fangirls who have never even read the books saying they're "team peter" or "team gale"

by Anonymous 12 years ago