+160 It makes no sense that fair skin is generally considered 'better' than dark skin, although, genetically speaking, dark skin will help with survival a lot more than light skin, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sunburn, skin cancer, camouflage in the jungle (where humans came form).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How is fairer skin considered better? Is this regarding racism or pale vs tan?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Racism. You ever notice how it's always the white/less dark skinned people being assholes to the darker skinned people?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think the 'less dark skinned people' are being assholes to people who sit in tanning beds all day. If anything, a lot of white people WANT to be darker. The ones who don't criticize the ones who do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Darker slkim shows how much time you spend outside (i.e. Doing manual labor) so Americans look down on Mexicans. Northern Asians look down on Southern Asians.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure Mexicans will have darker skin than white people regardless of their time spent outside... Anyways, pale skin being considered sexy and showing status left long ago.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually it's still being used from what I understand in Asia, they're really racist (look down on) against the southerners

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's pretty much a universal truth. Did you know that pictures of dark skinned celebrities like Beyonce are actually lightened? In darker skinned cultures, being light skinned is revered. That's nor just in America, either. In places like India having really dark skin (especially if you're a woman) is ridiculed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, a reason fair skin was considered 'better' was cause it made it easier to see if someone had any diseases or other things you didn't want your offspring to have They did some sort of research on it, though I can't remember who/what institute But beside that, it doesn't make sense indeed

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OK. On Racism: I've seen racism come from both genders, all races, and all ages. Don't try and play the race card. On the genetics? Long story short, tan skin technically means that it has been damaged by the sun at all. And on a deep, subconscious level, we're all looking for a healthy mate.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm just saying that the majority of racism is White superiority. I always thought it was likelihood to survive that makes a desirable mate. Dark skin increases chance of not being spotted by a predator. Most girls like guys with scar because subconsciously, they think it means they can survive more. Please correct me if I'm wrong; I like learning new things. Even when I was four I read science books instead of bedtime stories. :P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The majority of racism is not white superiority. In places like india and china (accounting for more than 2billion people) the white person is not trusted or seen as an equal. Where as western countries are pro active in cutting out racisim. Open your eyes and ears and travel the world before making such grand statements. As to what makes a peson desirable, a scar would be a negative (subconsciously) as it would mean the potential mate was hurt. Subconsciously a person looks for symmetry in the face and the body as this indicates health and all round well being. Colour doesnt come into that equation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know where you are getting your information from but after years of suppression, people in India (at least) have developed a permanent slave mentality and elevated white people as if they were gods. (Source - experiences of an Indian in India traveling with friends of other races)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Survival really depends on where you are. Africa, then someone like me with blue eyes and very light skin would be screwed. Somewhere with more tame weather and with a lot of snow, a dark person may stick out more. Ever seen a black or brown bunny in a tundra? Chances are low because without the white camo, they get picked up pretty quickly for lunch. Again, a white rabbit in the forest wouldn't blend in well, and would be a prime target. I'm not racist in any way, infact I get picked on because my skin is so light. I burn easy. It sucks. I've had friends point out I'd make the 'perfect aryan' because light skin, blue eyes, blonde hair. Doesn't help that I'm German. Racism works in every way. I'm white, and German. There's two strikes against me. :/ And I've never done anything remotely racist or anything. Just pointing out my sides of things. Dark people aren't the only ones who get picked at.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Remember, pale skin is well-adapted to survival in northern latitudes. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have evolved. To this day, the majority of Caucasians live in the northern hemisphere, so it's not like being born having pale skin is a death sentence.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I love being medium/dark skinned.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People used to see fair skin as being better because it meant you had not been outside working everyday because you were rich.

by Anonymous 11 years ago