-43 Boys should ask girls out, not the other way around, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not all the time. Our society is stuck in this idea that males are responsible for arranging everything. I think if a girl really likes a guy there is nothing wrong with her asking him out.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

there's just something so manly about a guy be brave and daring enough to admit that he likes a girl. girls who ask guys out seem pushy and annoying to me, i dunno.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well I guess I understand that point of view, but as long as a girl is cute about it it's fine with me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's nice when girls like a guy and do something about it ('cause they totally can, much more effectively than a guy). A lot of guys don't have that courage. Why should they be forbidden from dating? That's sexism as well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*Sexist statement* *Good argument about something being sexist and therefore bad*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

to the 15 who disagree I say grow some balls learn and ask the girl out. Whats the worst that can happen? she says no? but i agree guys should ask girls out, simply put, girls go with confident guys!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm a girl and I disagreed, it shouldn't matter who asks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I told a girl that I liked her and I asked her out only to have her harshly reject me and go tell everyone that I'm a creep. This single reason is why half the grade hates me. Also this has happened more then once and I'm not asking random girls out, these are girls that I've been friends with and genuinely thought they were interested in me. Worst thing that can happen is they say no? Yeah right.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That happened to me before, with my one ex spreading horrible rumors about me, and i say ex because those ones aren't worth your time. When a girl rejects you and then you hear stuff about it, the best thing you can do is go up to her and tell her to grow up, but i highly doubt the half the grade hates you, unless you are in a small school, they'll forget about it in a week. Fear of rejection really holds men back. From me talking to a ton of random girls, at parties, sports events etc. about 30% accept, aren't those odds better than 0? Plus, your dating not marrying, you can date as many people as you want, I ended up with many long term friends and many to choose from. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well I asked a girl out over a year ago and I'm still copping shit for that now. I generally don't get upset about it because I don't really care what people think all that much. The only rejection that has really hurt was when a girl told me that she was embarrassed to be around me. I get what you mean about the last bit, it's not really a big deal. Fear of rejection has really kept me back from even talking to girls though, lately.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I've been the one to ask a guy out before. If a girl can ask a guy out, then that's great, but it shouldn't matter who asked who out, it's not the bloody 18th or 19th century, or whenever it was that it had to be males.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It still has to be males for most people, that's the problem.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It shouldn't have to be specifically either way, each relationship is unique.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, no, no, I completely disagree. To say that a man must do something simply because he is a man is sexism. If women were told to do something just because of their gender, it would be outrage. You know it's true. For some reason, it's 'sexism' if something is promoting female gender roles. But flip the gender, and it's "a man taking charge", or "a man has to be a man". I'm sure it must be nerve wracking for men to have to take responsibility for every. Damn. Thing. They have to ask the girl out. Driver her to and back. Plan the time and place. And so on. Sure, women do go for confident men. But what about our males? I'm sure they can appreciate a considerate, confident girl who breaks the status quo and initiates something for once.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is dumb. Some people wonder why women are still treated like second class citizens. People thinking like this is why.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Equal rights and responsibilities? I guess the ladies can just pick and choose there huh? I'm sick of facing the crushing depression of rejection. Worst they can do is say no? Bullshit, women, take a stand. I asked this girl out once, who was pretty close, so I thought I had a shot. Instead she rejected me and spread some vile rumor about me being gay and the whole thing being a cover up. It took months to sort out, and I still feel like shit occasionally.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you like someone, go ask them out. Don't wait for them to somehow know and ask you. This applies to all genders, imo.

by Anonymous 12 years ago