+232 You find it annoying how people stereotype Americans as fat and act like everyone in other countries is at peak physical fitness, especially when you find out that America isn't even the fattest country in the world, Amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You are right in that America isn't the fattest nation in the industrialized world... anymore. However, American adults leads the rest of the developed world in terms of obesity rates and trails only Mexico in terms of overall overweight populations. So don't get too angry when people say Americans are fat. Most can stand to lose a few pounds

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think the reason people get mad is not because they disagree with the statement "If you are American, you are most likely fat." because it holds some truth. What offends Americans is the assumption that "if you are American, you are fat." & I hate it when people use the former statement to justify the latter.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's like this with the "British have bad teeth" stereotype. We have some of the healthiest teeth worldwide! :O http://tinyurl.com/4yw9sel As for eating crumpets, drinking tea, wearing tophats, and monicles... that's all true. *sips tea*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I find that hard to believe. Have you seen Peirce Brosnan's teeth? And he has millions of dollars.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If Americans expect to be treated without stereotypes, they need to learn to treats others without stereotypes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I never said we expect to be treated without stereotypes, I said they are annoying. It's not like Americans are the only people who don't like being stereotyped.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago