+228 Animals deserve to go to heaven more than most people, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no, animals are terrible. Sure they act cute, but they're just as evil and bastardized as we are. A lion when it takes over a pride will kill all the cubs that aren't his. Monkeys will kidnap and eat other baby monkey's. Bears will eat their own young. Pandas will refuse to feed one baby if they have twins. Many animal herds will haze weak members, i.e. bullying. Wolves actively seek revenge. Need i go on?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They don't do that because they're evil or sadistic like some humans are though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Humanity only learned evil when it grew a conscious. Nature is everything we deem as evil. It is savage, it is without remorse or mercy, it is cold and unforgiving. If nature we're not, evil society would not have been established because the laws of society are truly just a shelter from humanity's animalistic nature. Nature isn't all waterfalls and rainbows, its cold, its demanding, and it will kill without remorse. It's kill or be killed in the most literal sense.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's how the animal kingdom weeds out the weakest members so that the strongest survive and reproduce strong offspring. Monkeys don't just sit around thinking, "man, that bitch ass baby is annoying. I think I'm gonna kill it." Somewhere built into their animal instinct is the motivation to do the action.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True it is natural selection , but is it moral? If i were to beat a kid with down syndrome to death, would i be justified, even if i was "strengthening the gene pool." The post is talking about animals going to heaven, so, in that frame, we must hold them to the same standards we hold ourselves to. Otherwise how we can we deem them be more justified if we have nothing to judge them against? So let's look at an example of survival of the fittest. an animal, lets call monkey A, imposes its view of strength upon all other monkey's thereby by killing the bloodlines of all those it deems "weak." Therefor only monkey A's vision of health and fertility continues. Thus monkey A, an individual, is imposing its will upon an entire generation of monkey descendants simply because it deemed it not worthy. Also note, Monkeys show sadness at the loss of a child. So monkey A inflicts harm upon others in order to see its preferred genome continue. In a way it is a very primitive small scale of genocide, the extermination of a specific group. Simply because the animals are primitive doesn't mean they're altruistic. Many philosopher's note that that "evil" is simply the most primal state of nature.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

On a side note there is always the motivation to do an action, in humans or not, that's just basic psychology. Its what distinguishes viruses as non living organisms, and its what separates living organisms from machines.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I liked this

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

No. Animals aren't perfect, I bet if they were as intelligent as us they would do as much shit as we do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

probably worse.

by Anonymous 12 years ago