-293 Incest between consenting adults is okay, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Jesus Christ! All of you need to wake up and realize that what other people do is none of your business! If a man wants to fuck another man, so be it! If a mom wants to fuck her eighteen-year-old son, so fucking be it! People should be able to do whatever the hell they want to do, without being ridiculed by closed-minded dumbasses who are too afraid to do what they really want to do, because they're too god damn concerned with the other dumbasses just like them with think of it!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is actually hilarious to watch people like you claim that thinking ANYTHING is wrong is close-minded. HAY GAIS KILLING IS OKAY, EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS TO OTHERS WITHOUT BEING JUDGED BY SOCIETY, JUST STAY OUT OF IT <_< Point blank. It is fucking disgusting for a woman who has raised a child as her own to take advantage of the trust she has given him and start some kind of relationship. Even a step-parent/step-child relationship is just WRONG (not as wrong as a blood-relationship), because you raised that person as a child, or saw them as a parental figure and having a sexual relationship is a surefire way to TEAR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY APART. It is not morally or ethically right and it has extreme consequences okay. I have read about families who have went through incestuous relationships, and the aftermath to their psyche are devastating. Sure society frowns upon some things that it shouldn't, but it got it right this time. Incest is wrong, and this is coming from an extremely open-minded person, but even I will not take the bullcrap you are trying to spoonfeed me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

HAY GAIS KILLING IS OKAY. No. Killing results in death. I voted no on this, because it is my OPINION that incest is wrong, but what other people do sexually is their own business. As for the tearing family apart thing? Yeah that's very possible. But maybe it would also bring them closer together.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because clearly killing = having sex with your family members.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is not what I am saying. I am saying that you can justify everything by saying, let others be, it does not affect you. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well then, on a different argument, people have problems in sexual relationships no matter what. Just because that occurs in incest does not mean incest should be outlawed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What you haven't read about are all the families that have had incestuous relationships and are A-OK. What you're describing doesn't sound consensual.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, Cassowary, it could be two guys, it could be an infertile guy with a girl, or any other combination. Also, condoms and birth control, while not foolproof, are pretty reliable.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Think it's pretty gross but people can live their own lives

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel like a redneck for voting YYA.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well you are from oklahoma and everybody that lives in oklahoma is a redneck.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is true, cletus.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was initially pissed by this because I'm from Oklahoma...but other than the Tulsa and OKC area it's kind of true...it's not like we're stupid rednecks, we're just mainly an agricultural state. But why the personal shot at Oklahoma? The post is about incest, shouldn't we be making fun of Arkansas if anything? Lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It was a joke to him because I'm from oklahoma too and I knew he knew that because we have met in real life

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Every amiriter from Oklahoma should meet up somewhere. We can have a little amirite? party. :3

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This ain't Reddit, ya poopoo.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

You put the "Mad" in "MeetMadie."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oklahoma isn't ALL rednecks. We have mexicans, black people, and white people with money. Oh, and methheads.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We also have those people who like to take videos of tornados.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're goin to find some caragory of redneck/hillbilly everywhere. Not just Oklahoma. We are an agricultural based state with an odd accent. Did you know Neil Armstrong and several other astronauts are from Oklahoma? Fun fact concluded.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Angry_Muffin is angry.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What's funny is many people are saying it's morally and ethically wrong or that it's disgusting, kinda like what homophobes say about homosexuality. The whole basis of the gay rights movement today is that just because someone finds an act disgusting, they should not have the right to affect the legality of it. Both these instances involve consenting adults, homosexuality and incest. About the procreation argument. Yes, there is a chance of potential disorders in the offspring but the same can be said for children of parents who have hereditary genetic disorders. Should be ban that as well? Pro-LGBT people claim to be open-minded and tolerant but in reality behave more like sheep following a political trend.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly. People with Down syndrome have a MUCH higher chance of passing it on than an incestuous relationship has of creating disorders in their children but it's nit illegal for people with down syndrome to procreate

by Anonymous 11 years ago

1.) bullshit. No way you would be cool if your brother and sister were having sex. These are the people you played trains with when you were little! Sure you can say you would be supportive now, but wait until it happens. 2.) I'm not saying the majority is always right, but in this case, it is. We have since evolved from the Medieval times where the kingdoms would breed their children to get heirs, yeah we learned from that. 3.) I watched a TV documentary (trust me I'm not saying "I WATCHED ONE DOCUMENTARY I AM AN EXPERT") but it was testing the biological ways of love and the subconscious things about love. It was proven that humans are specifically created (for lack of a better term :/) to be turned off by, among other things, the smell of a family member's sweat (sounds ridiculous, I know, but hey it's science) If I can find this again, I will post back as soon as possible. 4.) I don't understand what you are trying to say, please reword it. It is 3 am over here and I am fucking exhausted. Please do not ever compare me to a homophobe. I have dealt with almost-hilariously disgusting homophobes who nearly beat me and my gay cousin to death, claiming he was checking them out.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1) Yes I would. Perhaps it's because I don't consider it wrong? 2) When you say the majority is right in this case you make a subjective judgement. Who decides in what cases the majority is right and in what cases they are wrong? 3) While I wait for your link I'll tell you this. From an evolutionary standpoint, humans are meant to procreate. Thus, it is in direct contradiction of homosexuality as they hinder procreation. From this view, homosexuality is wrong or a defect. Again, I'm not saying it is morally wrong but it is counter-productive to our evolutionary goals. 4) What I was saying was that you say homosexuality and incest are not the same. Similarly, homophobes say homosexuality and heterosexuality are not the same and should not be compared when it comes to rights. You are using the same arguments a homophobe uses, the comparison is self-evident.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Obviously that tv documentary you watched was incorrect, because I love my first cousin and his smell is very attractive to me. And it's been proven that people are often attracted to people that look similar to them, so it makes sense to be attracted to family. Yes, it seems weird for people that have grown up together to want to be in a relationship or have sex, but you fail to mention the fact that not all relatives grow up together. If you didn't know you were related to a person, your attraction or lack thereof wouldn't be affected. People try to steer themselves away from family because the mindset that incest is bad. It's all stigma created by society.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't get the whole, 'you played with them as a kid!' argument. What about childhood friends who grew up together and did everything together, who then grew up and got married? That's usually considered a sweet story of true love. How different is it if that person is a sibling? It's more uncommon, sure. But I find that argument invalid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This will always be my opinion, and you will never change that, and obviously I will never change yours, so whatever. I'm gonna drop this and go on my merry way completely unaffected and glad that I think the way that I do. Goodnight.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Glad... That you're wrong?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I love how everyone's having such a circle jerk about letting homosexuals get it on, but considers this just ridiculously not okay, using the reasoning "it's fucking disgusting". That's the reasoning people use against homosexual sex too, you know.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not "fucking disgusting" it's that the balance of power between family members can be easily manipulated to make someone do something they usually wouldn't.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's illegal for cousins to have Sex too, where's the power manipulation?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That's not illegal. How should I know? Every situation is different.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Um ya it is. Very illegal. There's no problem with it other than semi-closed minded people like you try to give half ass reasons that just boil down to not liking it cause you think it's gross. Might as well be homophobic

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No, it's not. And lolwut highly illegal? Yeah no, definitely not a felony, so I have no idea what you even mean by that. Maybe where you live but not where I live. Then there's people like you who think being against anything means you're closed minded- and also, I'm not anti incest, I was simply explaining to someone why someone would be against it and how it's not like being homophobic at all. Which brings me to my last point, none of these reasons are half ass, you're the one making half ass reasons by stating over and over again "it's illegal and you're closed minded," and "may as well be homophobic." Which again, it is nothing like homophobia and you've turned my saying that into me being closed minded and thinking I'm against all forms of incest because "it's icky." So kindly, develop better reasoning skills and actually know what the person you're arguing with is talking about then you can insult my reasoning as being half ass.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Baha cole come on I'm not the only one who must have seen that was obvious troll bait you bit right into, don't prove them right by getting so worked up. It was just a handful of miscellaneous insults that appear to have worked really well on you.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Tis not obvious troll bait sir, look how many other people hold the exact same opinion on this thread. But hey, it got them to quit leaving me notifications, so I'm happy regardless.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lannisters no

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's a bit of a grey area. Like, if they are both over the age of 18, are both in their right minds, are aware of the physical consequences (ie, they should have kids) and emotional/mental consequences (their relationship will never be the same, they might split apart their family on this issue, people are gonna react negatively), then why not. On the other hand, members of your family have a significant power over you (I'm thinking particularly in parent-child terms). And, even if they're both over 18, if there is an age gap, coercion could happen, particularly if the older partner has been 'grooming' them for a sexual relationship. So, I think sibling-sibling and cousin-cousin relationships are more acceptable. Other things to consider is I'd they've been living in the same house most of their life, did the relationship come from any trauma (ie, father dies and then in their grief mother and son begin a relationship) and all sorts of other crap. It's a huge grey area, but basically if they're both consenting adults in their right minds who are aware of the consequences, but business is it of mine what they do?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

what* business is it of mine

by Anonymous 12 years ago

shouldnt* have kids Sorry, typing on an iPod sux

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think incest is pretty gross anyways, but the only reason I think that it shouldn't be allowed is because if the woman gets pregnant, the child has a higher rate of having birth defects or some other disease.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

She could get an abortion...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The risk is not that much higher than passing on some genetic diseases.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ok then if that's true and it's not a significant difference, then people should be allowed to do what they want even if it is nasty

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So should people that are older and and have a higher chance of giving birth to children with defects and diseases not be allowed to have sex or be together?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They're two consenting adults. Who they have sex with and for what reasons is their own decision, and shaming them for it is no better than shaming gay couples, interracial couples, disabled couples, or any other couple dynamic. Also, for the birth defects thing, do people realise what a tiny percent of increase it is? Incest results in an increased rate of homozygous (identical) alleles. That's all. A child still has a chance to NOT inherit those alleles, and even if it does, they're probably the alleles for something totally harmless. We don't stop two diabetics from having children. We don't stop two people with Down's syndrome having children. We don't stop two people whose families have a history of cancer or heart defects from having children. Why is this any different, even though the risk of it being passed on is actually smaller?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ehh, what ever. I wouldn't do it, because of my own reasons, but that doesn't mean that I care what other people do. As long as one person isn't being taken advantage of, but that's not what this post is talking about. They're talking about two adults.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The comments on this are sad. And I know people have already compared incest to homosexuality, but straight people can support gay rights, even if they think it's gross and would never do it themselves. But any other relationship you don't agree with is still "wrong?" When will humanity mature past the need to judge everything different themselves?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel awkward for voting yes, but if they're both consenting adults, then I don't see a problem. It's not anybody else's business who you're having sex with if it's not hurting anybody.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't like the idea. I would never do it myself, and I wouldn't want it for any of my friends or family, but I honestly don't think you should tell other people how to live their lives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I can't vote on this. I think it's gross, but I don't think I have a right to tell people how to live their lives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm going to preface this by saying that your feelings regarding incest are most likely influenced by your culture. There are places in the world that still practice marriages between family members, after all. However, having said that I feel like the YYAers are being a bit idealistic and picturing the best case scenario. I voted NW because I think the post is way too vague. Two consenting adults could mean two cousins who grew up in an environment where incestual marriage was normal, and so a healthy loving relationship was able to develop. OR, two consenting adults could mean a 67yr old man and his 16-18yr old granddaughter who grew up in America where both the expectations and what is deemed appropriate of "family" are completely different from the previous example. Now, maybe without any sinister precedent a mutual attraction/interest develop between the two. Maybe out of respect for the girl, he would wait like a gentleman until she was legally of age to begin any sort of courtship. Maybe there would be absolutely no coercion or manipulation that prompted the relationship, and they are both truly consenting adults. Maybe. But I //seriously// fucking doubt it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The issue with this line of thought is that there are 'worst case scenarios' in all kinds of relationships. No one here is saying that underage, coerced incestuous relationships should be legal. We are saying consensual incest between adults should be legal. One could say the 'worst case scenario' is the norm in some other kind of relationship and ban that too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

16-18 is legal in the U.S. My point is that just because two "adults" agree to a relationship doesn't necessarily make it alright. Regarding incest, I think a back story is necessary to determine whether or not it's "okay." Like I said, the wording was just too vague for my liking.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If two adults agreeing to a relationship is not right then who gets to decide which ones are right and which ones are wrong? Consent and age both can be objectively measured. Morality of an act can't. I don't think the wording is vague at all. Two consenting adults are allowed to have sex with each other today, whether they are of opposite genders or the same. Why should people who are happen to be related to each other be discriminated against in this form.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't understand why you said any of that to me. I never argued that incest is morally wrong. I just think it's trickier than saying "they're adults, let's leave them alone!" There's so much more to it than that. Like any other relationship, what two people consent to ( to me) isn't always okay. Take any other abusive relationship, for example. In regard to you inquiring who gets to say which relationships are right or wrong, I'd say that the general consensus would be that any relationship where someone is being hurt is seen as wrong. But does that change anything? Of course not. I'm not trying to, or suggesting anyone else should, stop them. I'm just giving my opinion. If you don't think it's vague then that's great. I do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I assumed you were against incest being legal because of those reasons. If you are not, then I apologize. We're saying that they are consenting adults so let's leave them alone. Relationships in which physical abuse has taken place, that abuse is illegal and such relationships can be between any two people. Just like when people advocate gay rights they don't necessarily imply that they include abusive gay relationships.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Of course that's vague, but then again with incest it's different. The connotation isn't the same. To me, the back story is completely relevant because of how much power and influence it's possible to have over a family member. If the post had said something along the lines of "sometimes incest between two consenting adults is actually okay" I would've agreed. As much as I don't like it, I agree.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just to be clear are we talking morals or law? Anyway, my issues with that logic if we are talking legality. 1) How do we determine is someone holds power and influence in a relationship? 2) If we determine that one person holds power, how do we decide how much is wrong and how much is okay? 3) A famous person can be said to hold considerable influence over a fan. Would him starting a relationship with said fan be wrong?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know if I want to use the word morality, but for arguments sake let's just stick with it. I wasn't talking about legality, for many of the reasons you mentioned. It's complicated. As for your celebrity scenario, I disagree that it's similar. (Although I'm sure that happens often.) A family member can have a much greater hold over a person's psyche than a celebrity.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, I guess it's one of those subjective things that can't be measured. I would say it's pretty similar but since you're not discussing legality I'll just leave it at that. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In 40 years time, we'll probably look back and think how people could have been so intolerant. Kinda like we do with homosexuality today. Society will never learn.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

don't you/we as a nation realize what we are doing? its past the point of ridiculous. its just plain stupid. i just cant believe the staggering amount of people that simply don't understand what is happening. i think people are great at coming up with excuses to justify themselves. there will always be a "worse" issue. and there will always be those who support it. there always has been. always will. we've just fallen so far as a people. and i believe its wrong. but i know that a cant change anyone's mind, because we all believe what we believe. i do. you do. everybody does. we are so divided. but i feel sorry. i pitty the world for what its become. everyday it falls a little more. i cant believe the world and what its really come to. we've come so far, yet at the some time we've lost something, something very very important... i dare say essential to our survival. im so sorry for what we have become. i know there is nothing i can do to save us.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I doubt you'll see this, but care to go into detail and explain what is happening that we can't see?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No. Just no. In basically every single case of incestuous relationships there is either physical or emotional damage. Just because people are adults, it doesn't mean they can do anything they want. And incest and homosexuality are two completely different things. People aren't only attracted to their family members. As a society, we need to draw some lines.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It really depends on a lot of factors. It can be okay, but if there's any risk of pregnancy, it's not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why not?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There's a much greater risk of birth defects, isn't there?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not as great as people think it is (Or so one of my teachers says, but I'm not sure how accurate that is). As people get older there becomes a greater chance of birth defects so do you think older people shouldn't be able to reproduce?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I just did some quick, informal research. Statistics vary a bit, but it seems that women over 40 have a higher chance of having children with birth defects than family members do. However, if a family inbreeds over generations, the risk becomes greater. I don't think that either party should be banned from having children, but I think that they should decide not to. It's idealism, but that would be for the best.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

as long as they aren't planning on having children

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think that sex between relatives up to first cousins should be okay, but I do not personally support incest. Mainly out of concern for the problem of how that will genetically affect children who are born from such relations.

by Anonymous 11 years ago