-62 Even today in America, where we have a half black president and 'racial equality' blacks are still put in prison more often and die earlier than whites. Young black men are more likely to end up in prison than to graduate college. And the leading cause of death for black men under thirty is homicide. So please don't say that racial justice has been achieved and racial equality is a dead movement, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

How the hell do you go around making black people live as long as whites?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You paint them white or incorporate the MIchael Jackson technique.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

provide better access to healthcare, education, and opportunities. I'm not saying it's your responsibility, but that's how it could be done

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Could it be that black men go to prison more because they commit more crimes? Nah, let's just call the justice system racist.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm not saying its racist. I'm saying there's a problem.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What is the problem?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

PoC earn less and are employed less because of racism. It's not exactly a mystery that poorer people commit more crimes - they tend to live in worse neighbourhoods and so are involved in violence more often, and have less money to buy things they need. There is also racism in courts, so a PoC is more likely to go to prison than a white person even if their crime is the same (the poverty thing also comes into play as PoC, who are on average poorer because of employer prejudice, may not be able to afford good lawyers). They live less long for the same reasons. Medical care, healthy food, clean living environment... all these cost money if you want the best stuff. When PoC are more likely to get refused for jobs and education, they end up with less money on average. And then there's a higher risk of hate-crime violence causing their death. And that is why it is the justice system and systemic racism causing these problems. They are not biological. They're sociological.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Black people are not employed less than white people because of racism. That's just not true. When I drive through the poor black parts of Cincinnati I see unemployed black men standing around on street corners. They're not unemployed because employers are racist, they're unemployed because they either aren't looking for jobs or they did look for a job and got turned down because they dress, sound, and act like hoodlums. If a black man is well spoken and dresses normally, he has just as good of a chance of getting a job as a white person. The problem is that the unemployed black people present themselves badly to employers, not that employers are racist. If a black men walked into your office wearing chains, jeans around his knees, an a baggy sleeveless shirt and he spoke with horrible pronunciation and grammar, would you hire him? No. Are you racist? No. As I said in another comment, I'm constantly hearing on the radio about black guys shooting black guys in the poor black areas of my city. How is that caused by racism/prejudice? Blacks are more likely to be refused for education? The opposite of that is true. Black people get scholarships just for being black!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You are so confused. I have walked in to many places and my wardrobe does not consist of stereotypical "black hoochie woman" clothes I wear decent, slightly conservative clothes, my hair is always done, and I don't wear holed clothes ever. I still have yet to get a job and I know quite a few of my peers that show insane amounts of cleavage and thigh that have jobs. Is it because I carry myself like a ghetto "hood-rat"?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not because you carry yourself like a ghetto "hood-rat" (that's such a weird term...), but that doesn't mean you didn't get a job because you're black and the employer is racist.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sorry about all those typos...I'm on my iPod and typing very quickly.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying it's because of racism or that it's a community responsibility. What spurred this is that my dad works in poor, under educated, predominantly black areas teaching. When I explained this to someone they told me that was stupid because blacks were already the equal of whites. Racial justice may have been a poor choice of words while racial equality is a better one. I didn't mean to imply racism in the judiciary system or that the government should do something. Make more sense?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Statistically, those who live in poor areas are most likely black. Statistically, poor areas are prone to violence and homicide. How is that the judicial system's fault?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Im not saying its the judicial system's fault. That's why I said racial justice and equality not civil rights. Because it's not neccesarily the governments fault. Its a social issue.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't buy your claim that young black men are more likely to go to prison than to graduate college. http://stateofhbcus.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/where-are-our-african-american-men-prison-or-college/

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The site I read it off of said graduate not enrolled. I still might be wrong though.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not to say that we have come full circle on this issue or anything, but this definitely shows MAJOR improvement in the system. And most arguments that young black men are born into an unfair system that funnels them towards crime or prison are way off base.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Blacks are just as, and maybe even more, racist towards whites.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i'll say this again. I'm not saying any of this is because of racism or that it's white people's fault. This post was inspired because my father works with blacks in education and the like. When I told someone this they said it was stupid because blacks have equal rights. I'm not saying racism, lack of rights, or racism in government. I'm simply stating that blacks as a race still have problems.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

racism: prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief. That's my definition. You don't need to start a debate on every comment that people make.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

To address all your points: Blacks are put in prisons more often for crimes they commit. Blacks die earlier, well we can't really "fix" that... Same point again...they should really apply for college instead of committing crimes. Yes but homicide by who? I'd bet a lot of money that the leading cause of death for black men -30 is death by ANOTHER black man. Just because life is hard for them doesn't mean that it's the "white man's" fault.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/01/blacks-far-more-likely-th_n_817105.html http://www.naturalnews.com/020889.html These are problems and we can fix them. You can't just say "They should apply for college." Something is obviously keeping them from doing that, or else they would. Minorities are disenfranchised in the United States. A disproportionately large amount can't afford college.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Again, racism wasn't the point of this post so much as the fact that blacks are still not "equal" of whites. What spurred this is that my dad works in poor, under educated, predominantly black areas teaching. When I explained this to someone they told me that was stupid because blacks were already the equal of whites.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm going to pretend to be smart by regurgitating what I learned in history class. After WWII, soldiers were coming back to America to buy a home. However, they couldn't afford it, so the gov't came up with the mortgage program. More and more people thus began to want homes and looked for them. The thing is, though, "good" towns were pricier and gave more profit to realtors. People didn't want to live near black people, though. So when blacks moved into a town, people were less likely to move in, lessening the value of the house. What started happening was realtors claimed that the owner of the house didn't want blacks moving in. In the end, predominately white towns are a lot richer from property value than predominately black towns. If the town is richer, then the people are taxed more. The more tax money, the more education money. White education became better quality than black education, because they had poorer property. That obviously leads to a fallback in the race to college or real life. Also, once slavery was abolished, the whites kept their property, whereas blacks had absolutely nothing. After the passing down of generation to generation, whites had the upperhand.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I can't say I've ever heard someone say there's racial equality but that could be because the places I've lived, there's always some type of racism. I agree that there's not really racial equality but I disagree with your reasons because, well, basically what a lot of earlier commenters were saying. A majority of people in poor areas are black and those neighborhoods tend to have a higher crime rate. Also, while I'm not totallt sure I buy the thing about graduating college, I've seen the "ghetto" black people bully non-ghetto blacks. It could have something to do with peer pressure to "act black" (which is what the "ghetto" people say...)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The thing about them living in poor areas is exactly my point though. What spurred this is that my dad works in poor, under educated, predominantly black areas teaching. When I explained this to someone they told me that was stupid because blacks were already the equal of whites. I'm not saying racism white's fault or anything like that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My dad told me this: "every system is set up to get exactly the results it gets." Or something like that. It kind of makes sense though, like if there was a problem they wanted to fix, why don't they change anything? I agree with OP. In my state of Colorado, 3% of the population is black. 100% of the convicts on death row in Colorado are black. Now I don't want to get into arguments about whether black people commit more crimes than white people, but there is obviously a problem there. The system is biased and always has been.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This is true actually. In my sociology class last semester, we watched a video where they hired actors to vandalize cars in a parking lot (they owned the cars, they weren't random cars). The first group was 3 white guys, and no one called the police at them. They were out there all day. But when they got 3 black guys to do it, the police were called after like 5 minutes. People say that racism doesn't exist anymore, but it still does. It just isn't as obvious anymore.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree with the overall concept of the post, racism is still all around us in this day and age. It never really went away, it's just being practiced in a more subtle manner. I don't like the examples OP used in this post though because black people are not the only race discriminated against, everyone is (even white people, though that's much less common). I honestly don't believe that racism will ever completely go away; just like sexism, homophobia and bullying. All those problems are because of ignorance, and as long as there is a human race there are going to be ignorant people. On a related note, I used to be naive and think that racism had died down a lot until I came across this website: http://www.notracistbut.com/ That's what lead me to believe that there are still PLENTY of racist assholes in our society

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I used black people because that's the one I had come across recently and because Obama's black

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well that is true. I'm black myself and I have come across a lot of black hate towards Obama recently as well

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What spurred this is that my dad works in poor, under educated, predominantly black areas teaching. When I explained this to someone they told me that was stupid because blacks were already the equal of whites. That's also why I posted it

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not fair to say we have achieved complete racial equality, but it's also not fair to say we haven't come a long way. I think the further we get away from times when racism was acceptable, the better things will be.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What spurred this is that my dad works in poor, under educated, predominantly black areas teaching. When I explained this to someone they told me that was stupid because blacks were already the equal of whites.

by Anonymous 11 years ago