-67 It would be cool if guys actually had to carry around 'man cards'. So if they ever did something really feminine you can say "Give me your man card, bro" and make them earn it back by doing something really 'manly' like fighting a bear, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh oh oh oh! I think you just WON a "my perception of what constitutes masculinity and femininity is shaped by the hegemonic notions of masculinity and femininity and is socially construed to bear resemblance to the dominant social norms" card! You better be careful not to challenge those beliefs, or I'm gonna have to take that card back.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh, I get it. BEAR resemblance!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And you just won a "If it isn't politically correct, it's either offensive or wrong!" card.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't think some of you people get the difference between PC and a skewed perspective. It wouldn't be PC to say that the black woman had a hard time moving up the career ladder because she was black. It might be true or it might not be, but it's viewed as politically incorrect to even voice that thought in some places. Saying that men have to be masculine is not PC or not PC, it's just dumb and perpetrated by social norms and pressures. I personally don't even care about being PC, in general, and have no problem with saying things that are not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sorry if I misread this, but why wouldn't it be politically correct to say that a black woman had a hard time moving up the career latter because she's black? That's more politically correct than denying the existence of racism.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sure, if that were the case and people were discussing it, it would in fact be an act of racism and not be politically incorrect to talk about. What I meant was that sometimes, when people start to bring up things like race, they start to feel like it's not PC to talk about. If, say, a group of people were just speculating about a black woman at work who wasn't moving up the career ladder. The context for what I meant wasn't clear enough, perhaps, it might have been more clear to use an example such as people using the term "African American" instead of "black," in bringing up the example of racially politically correct.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Knowing that being a man does not mean you have to wrestle bears isn't trying to be political correct, it's common sense. It isn't a coincidence that people who think it's political incorrectness are the ones who lack said common sense. You're a man if you are a man, not because you killed a t-rex with your one toe-hair follicle.

by Anonymous 11 years ago