+298 "Gay" shouldn't be used as a derogatory term, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Neither should "black." By God, now we've both posted something politically correct and obvious.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sadly, it's not that obvious to most people. I always hear people complaining that something was "so gay" when they mean that it was bad. You never hear people saying "that's so black."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But if they did, they wouldn't be referring color. Just like people aren't referring to an something's sexual preference when they say "that's so gay". Words can be spelled the same and have different meanings.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, words can have different meanings but the word "gay" doesn't mean bad. People just use it that way because they're assholes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It doesn't just mean sexuality either. It can mean happy too. And if you use context clues, it //does// mean bad/stupid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So happy=bad? How does that work? ono

by Anonymous 11 years ago

ono so happy equals homosexual? It works by words having multiple definitions.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ok. The word gay has more than one definition, yes. It can mean happy or it can mean homosexual, but it //doesn't// mean bad/stupid. That isn't one of it's meanings. So it's wrong when people use it in that way.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's called slang, that doesn't mean the word is being used incorrectly.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It shouldn't just be accepted as slang, though. It's actually pretty offensive...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's only offensive when they relate it to sexuality, or if you let it be offensive.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No... it's the fact that they accept "gay" as being a synonym to bad/stupid that's offensive.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Let's agree to disagree.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Calling someone stupid is just as offensive, it's the fact that they use a word to describe a group that has a harder time than most in life that people get their knickers in a twist about using gay as stupid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

*Sigh* I'm so tired of this planet....

by Anonymous 11 years ago

As am I. It's really annoying having to walk on egg shells all the time. And I thought you were against being offensive? Yet you say something that is easily more offensive that calling something gay. That's really all you could up with, you don't have a logical retaliation.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Asking someone not to use the word gay as a derogatory term is hardly asking them to "walk on eggshells". If you were in the same room as mentally disabled person, would you refer to something as being retarded? That's just plain rude. You never know when a homosexual person is close enough to hear you call something gay, and from their point of view that seems like it would be so upsetting. Have a little bit of respect.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

As a gay person, I'd rather people just use the word gay how ever they want because people thinkging it has a negative cognatation and simply refusing to use it for anything other than to describe sexuality is more offensive than people who don't see it as negative or offensive and use it to describe something else.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I completely understand that, but the fact is that it //does// bother some people. Is slang really worth making someone so upset?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

...that is easily applicable to what I said, "is walking on eggshells really worth making someone so upset?"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't see why not. While gays are not inferior to straights, it is well known that most of them are finicky and don't like to get their hands dirty. If someone does things many gays do, it could be used to make fun of him. It's only funny if he's not actually gay, because then its an insult rather than a joke. It's like calling a guy who doesn't perform as well in gym class a girl. Girls have biologically weaker bodies (average, not to say that the strongest girl is weaker than the weakest guy), so calling a guy a girl is an insult to his manhood and strength. They're both not the most politically correct things in the world, but people shouldn't get all uptight about it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ive met several gays and only one kind of fits the stereotype. You're argument is invalid. I agree on your second point, though.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Really? I don't mean the general stereotype of girls that look like guys, I just mean the heightened preference for clean hands.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The issue is that the 'clean hands' thing seems to be an assumption on your part rather than having any factual evidence backing it. Just like other gay stereotypes are assumed to apply to the majority simply because only the stereotypes are immediately recognisable as being gay.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

From what I've seen, most people usually use gay as a synonym for dumb. It has nothing to do with not wanting to get their hands dirty or anything like that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I've never heard gay being used for stupid. Suckiness, yes, but that's a slang definition of the word. That's wrong, but I'm only arguing for the use when it fit the stereotype, because that actually has a reason that still exists.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree in that I would never use it as a derogatory term but I have quite a few gay friends who use it like it is. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but obviously I'm not in a position to tell them off for it. I suppose it's just a habit.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If it's not right for one group, it's not right for the other group. It's just like black people and the word "nigger": they get all pissed off is someone who isn't black uses that term, but if another black person says that, it's fine, which is annoying.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The term nigger refers to slavery. If a white person says it it, it sounds like they think the black guy is his slave. Black people didn't use slaves, so if they said nigger it doesn't have the same weight as it has with a white person.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's a grey area. I have some friends with gay family members who use the word to describe something 'lame'. They are not part of 'that group' but again, I know they love their gay family members tons, so is it okay to use it then? Most people I know who use it are very supportive of gay rights, so I dunno.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I definitely agree. There's also a lot of other words that shouldn't be used too. In fact, any word that has any negative connotations at all should be totally banned. Just my opinion anyways.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This post is gay.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

--Kind of like YOUR FACE.--

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I wish you hadn't crossed that comment out, because I'd really like to know what it said.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I thought crossing comments out made them //completely// invisible and only able to be detected by one of those flashlights that you get with invisible markers.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Man, that would be cool, but the constant flashlight-on-computer action might seriously mess my screen up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First Amendment in America. There is no further argument. I'm sorry you got offended, but not really.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This isn't about suppression of free speech; it's about ignorant misuse of the English language and the resulting propagation of bigotry. Anyone who thinks that this kind of attitude is okay, and that anyone who is offended is in some way less strong, then you have clearly never been on the receiving end of hate speech or violence. Homophobia is a serious issue in our society, and is made worse by idiots who don't realize what their words actually mean.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hm, I would love to hear your explain how someone telling me I shouldn't or can't say something (that threatens no one) for any reason whatsoever is NOT suppression of free speech. And yea, I know what it means. People can call me whatever they want because I don't get butthurt about something so stupid as a name. People have made fun of me before because I'm missing certain body parts, but idgaf, I don't get my feelings hurt over it. Tl;dr, suppression of words just because people get their feelings hurt over them IS suppression of free speech. If they are getting hurt, then they can grow some thicker skin.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First of all, no one is trying to take away your rights here. The post says "Gay" shouldn't be used as a derogatory term" , **not** "It should be illegal to use the word gay as a derogatory term". No one is telling you that you are not //allowed// to say hurtful and demeaning things without any disregard for anyone other than yourself; if that's the way you want to live your life, so be it. I'm simply pointing out that while words may not bother //you//, not everyone on this planet is as cool and tough as you are, and sometimes people do get hurt by what they hear other people saying. But no, you're right; all of the gay kids committing suicide should just grow a thicker skin. I find it so sad that in today's society, asking someone to speak with just a small amount of courtesy for those around them is asking too much. It should be a given. Just because you //can// say something rude and disrespectful, doesn't mean you should.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hm I see where you're coming from and am starting to agree. I agree that "asking someone to speak with just a small amount of courtesy for those around them is[n't] asking too much. It should be a given.", and that saying "gay" can be seen as offensive. Now that I've seen your argument, as should you see mine. "Gay" shouldn't be a derogatory term. Let's say there was a minority of people in the United States (doesn't matter the size, but a //minority//) that was extremely offended by the use of the letter "M"; that doesn't mean that the //majority// should stop just because the //minority// is butthurt over something that the majority doesn't even relate to in terms of offense. I don't relate to gays or anyone being offended by the word "gay" being derogatory in the way that I don't see someone calling me "straight" or "white" or whatever as offensive. //Obvious, descriptive words are not offensive to me//. That is where I don't agree: that I should be forced to consider "Obvious, descriptive words" as offensive, because they're not to me, and if the majority and I don't consider that sort of thing rude, then SORRY MINORITY, suck it up!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ok, I think I see where the problem lies here. I'm not talking about people using a descriptive, obvious word. After all, if you go up to someone who is homosexual and say "You're gay" I doubt they would care; it's not like it is an insult. However, when teenagers complain that it's "so gay" that they aren't allowed to go to a party, it becomes offensive. The word gay is being used as a synonym for stupid/bad, and that isn't right.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I know, I kinda screwed up my last post now that I re-read it. I meant to include synonymous uses. Even if people aren't calling ME it directly, I still am not offended, //and neither is the majority// (just referencing my last comment). I highly doubt that many people on Earth are offended when people use a descriptive word about them as derogatory, //especially// one so insignificant as their sexual preference. Straight people aren't offended if someone said "He's so straight" or "This game is straight, I keep dying!". That's just plain //stupid// to get upset about that sort of thing. Same thing if people said "This game is so blonde (brunette, white, black, people who prefer Mexican food, etc.)". They just describe a certain type of people each time, why the hell should anyone take extreme offense? It's almost like a joke to me that someone would hear that and think "Wow, that person must be homophobic" just because they used that descriptive word or "Wow, that is so disrespectful to those who enjoy Mexican food"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Straight people aren't offended if someone said He's so straight or This game is straight, I keep dying!" That is because nobody uses that as an expression. Calling something gay when you mean bad/stupid is ridiculously common; I've personally //never// heard "that's so blonde/straight/black". It's always "gay", and that's because too many people subconciously associate homosexuality with something to be avoided. For example, if a [straight] boy called another [straight] boy gay, he would most likely be insulted and instantly defend his heterosexuality. He does not want to be "accused" of being gay, since it is viewed so negatively. Because of this, "gay" has become the go-to word when describing something as being bad. Nobody would say "that's so blonde" because blonde isn't considered bad. Just curious, how do you know that the majority of the gay community isn't bothered by the word "gay" being misused as a synonym for dumb? Are there any statistics to prove this? Even if there are, some people are hurt by it. What's more important, your need to speak offensive language around others or someone comitting suicide because of all the hateful words they constantly hear?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First off, please sort out your ideas //at least// in paragraphs. I can barely read these clusterfucks without getting lost... Second, I have no clue what your last sentence said. Third, quote me where I said that gays don't find it offensive. I know they do, I'm saying they should get over it. When I mentioned it in my last comment, I meant everyone except gays. ONLY gays are offended by it. Sounds like a minority problem. I strictly explained how every other description sounds stupid, so why is saying "gay" as a derogatory description any different? Because everyone is throwing around the word "homophobe" like a damn witch hunt? Because they get offended JUST by one word? Fourth, and tying into the third, you're obviously not seeing my point: //A minority that is hurt by something cannot tell the majority what it should and should not do//. I already know everything you just said. I know "gay" is said as it being bad and all, blah, blah, stop repeating yourself. This is pointless when you're not listening to me. If you can disprove what I have in italics up there^, then I'll come back.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Since I have a job and kids to take care of and don't have time to continuously argue with an insensitive moron on the internet all day, I'll make this short and only respond to you're italics. That way it will be easier for you to read, too! The minority is not **telling you what to do.** We are simply //asking// you, person to person, to speak mindfully and respectfully, because you **should**. It's the decent thing to do. We aren't **forcing** you. Clearly that request is too much of a burden for you to agree, so there is nothing left to debate. I'm not telling you that you can't be rude, I'm pointing out the heartbreaking affect it has on other human beings. Your response is that you don't care, and everyone who is hurt by your insensitive words should get over it. Okay. That's it, we're done here. Go speak as you wish.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

@thatguys The minority can't tell the majority what to do, nor should they. That doesn't mean that using gay as a derogatory term isn't disrespectful. Your analogy with the letter M isn't relevant. The letter M is a necessary part of the english language, and cannot be replaced. The word gay in the sentence "that's so gay" is not only easily replaceable, but it doesn't even belong there in the first place. The definition of gay is homosexual, not bad. Basically, what is the point of using gay in that way if it doesn't belong there, it's easily replaced and it also offends people? Why not use words that are actually supposed to go there and don't disrespect a large group of people?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Dude, I love you. I agree with a majority of what you said, some I disagree, but FINALLY I found someone on this website who knows how to listen to another person's argument and logically debate it. You listened to me in the way that Bob refused to, and for that, I thank you man. Thanks for agreeing with the italics part, by the way!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Honestly, if I can be told, "that's so white" as an offensive term, why can't stupid gays suck it up and not be little bitches about what they're being called? They're the reason that this is a huge mess. Why can't everyone be straight? They just had to barge on in and say, "We're gonna just fuck up this whole system of a man loving a woman, get depressed because you don't like it, and be whiny bitches." Stupid motherfucking liberals trying to ruin rational thought and simple things.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Gay people didn't decide to be gay. They were born that way, and a lot of them hate that they are gay. And "that's so white" isn't used as a derogatory term, so you don't even have to suck it up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Whether you were born that way or not, it isn't right for people to be attracted to the same sex. It is not natural, and there are TWO SEXES, if you didn't notice, TWO. NOT ONE, TWO. Sorry, I didn't know if you had enough comprehension to understand man and woman equals child, something those damn gay people can't do.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wow... I lived my entire life thinking that there was only ONE sex! Unbelieveable! God bless you, Sir, for opening my eyes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My point was that there are two sexes so that the two could be together. It is so obvious I feel I am speaking to a person with brain damage. Say, are you a liberal?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"There are two sexes so that the two could be together." Does it have to be this way? If so, why? To reproduce? What about infertile couples? We do not need every single couple to reproduce... trust me, this planet will not run into a baby-shortage anytime soon. Surely any educated person would know this.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Being gay IS natural. Homosexuality has been documented in tons if other species besides humans. Bats actually have the highest rate of homosexuality. What ISN'T natural, however is discriminating others because of their sexual preferences. Only humans do that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In other animal gay animals have been known to steal the babies of other animals. Is that what's going to happen here in america/ the world

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Gayness is not natural because natural is between a man and a woman. And do you honestly believe if a gay couple raises a son that son WILL NOT be gay.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Also, please stop fanning the flames of political correctness. I should be allowed to use the words gay or homosexual to any use I want. The fact of the matter is that for black ppl, the N word was the common word back then and they even called each other that. Then it was black, now it is african American. Nothing is wrong with the N word, it means the exact same thing as African American. We have just had pounded in our heads that it is a bad word. Political correctness is a form of cultural Marxism that aims at equality of thought. It must be stopped!!!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hmm... you seem to have a lot of passion about this issue of free speech, maybe you should try to make it a right so that we can all say whatever we want to say! That would be such a great idea, how did no one think of this yet?

by Anonymous 11 years ago