+784 It's strange to think that we may have witnessed someone's most embarrassing moment and don't even remember, and yet we still think so much about our own, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I honestly can't think of one. I do a lot of stupid embarrassing stuff so I'm just kinda immune now.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The only thing that comes to mind is when I threw up all over myself in an airport.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Anon: i just liked the last bit :P

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

That was hilarious. I am not gonna forget either! :P

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Julie cracks me up! I spelled her name wrong "WHAT THE HECK IS JULY? WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE A MONTH?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I farted once in church

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I queefed in church when I was 12. I wonder why that guy isn't a priest anymore...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Eh, I can't think of any. I don't get embarrassed with my actions easily. I guess there was the time when some bitch caught me trying to steal a fish from the teacher's fish tank in first grade and announced my attempted thievery to the whole class.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Haha what were you planning on doing with the fish?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I really can't say. I was a strange kid. I don't remember much but I do recall my parents taking me to like 10 different child psychologists to see if I had any sort of mental problems.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well obviously you wanted a magic little fish to grant your every wish cuz in reality it is your odd parent fairly odd parent

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Just stop favvkes

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most embarrassing moments aren't actually registered by others as embarrassing - because they don't constantly put themselves in others' shoes. Other times people just don't really care. For example, tripping in public can be quite humiliating but if you were to see someone else trip you'd hardly think twice about it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That was exactly my point, EilianEmpires. :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I fell down at the entrance of Universal Studios and hundreds of people laughed at me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Bled through my pants one day in eigth grade, and walked around like that all day without knowing. I looked in the mirror when i got home and you could definitely see a big splotch on the seat of my pants. WHY GOD WHY

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I got my period when I was seven, it happened quite a bit to me at the beginning and I I will always remember how embarrassing it was, It was horrible. Bad times

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://ctrlv.in/103333 voted up your own comment there y

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was letting you know in case you did it accidentally, not being an asshole. The screenshot was just in case you tried to call me crazy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Worst moment of my life: I thought I was going to skip my period when in reality it just came 2 weeks late, so I didn't have any tampons. I didn't notice it bled through my jeans in a class without any friends of mine in it until the sophomore guys (who I talk to but I hate them, and btw I'm a freshman girl) came over to tell me. I wouldn't talk to them because earlier that class they were calling me short, so I ignored everything they tried to tell me until threw a paper airplane with a note in it telling my I got my period and should get something to cover it up. I ran up to my locker to grab my coat and walked around with it on for the rest of the day. I can't look at those guys again without think of that day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I do embarrassing things constantly, so I don't really get embarrassed that easily anymore. I'm ALWAYS tripping and falling over things, and I've learned to just laugh at myself, cause we all look stupid sometimes. Hahaha.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I started a fire in my classroom in the fifth grade. Half my class saw me frantically throw a burning paper towel roll into the sink and cry. Good times.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i saw a crossing guard try and make a u-turn but she missed and ran her car onto the curb and into a pole

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My history teacher asked who was the leader of NATO and a girl in my class said Stalin. It was very likely embarrassing for her, but I still remember it because I'm still laughing. Feel a bit bad, though.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

When I was in sixth grade, I heard that this girl took a shower after PE, which you aren't supposed to do unless you do sports (She didn't know that). The pe teacher got really mad at her because she didn't have a towel and she had to dry off with her pe clothes. She wasn't even in my class, but the whole grade was talking about it so I heard. It must've been really embarrassing for her...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In 8th grade a girl in my class was confused when our teacher was talking about the American colonists fighting the British in the American Revolution. She promptly raised her hand and very pompously told our teacher that we didn't fight the British in the American Revolution, we fought the English. She then told our teacher that Britain and England are two different countries. We all burst out laughing, but I did feel a little bad for the girl.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

During a standardized test I took a couple years ago (it was the ACT), the girl sitting in front of me peed her pants. Like, yellow puddle on the ground trickling down the aisle peed. Everyone ignored it because there's no talking's allowed, but man that must of sucked. Also, on a more selfish note, sucked for me too. Slightly harder to concentrate when your trying to keep both your feet and a calculator out of someone's pee.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In freshmen world history, the teacher asked us who signed the decliration of indipendence. i thought it was an obvious question so i jokingly said Karl Marx. Everyone thought i was serious and people still make fun of me for it. it was just a joke -_-

by Anonymous 11 years ago

*declaration *independence

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Judging by your username I'd guess this happens a lot.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It does. haha

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In the first grade I was struck with some serious diarrhea during the school day. I guess I didn't know what it was, or what was wrong with me, because I flew into a panic. Being the loud melodramatic six year old I was, I returned to my class and gravely announced to the whole class that they should all say good-bye to me now, since I was dying a horrible death of "watery poops". Yikes. Then in the seventh grade a kid in a wheel chair, who was sitting across the table from me, asked me to pass him a pen. Without thinking I THREW him a pen. It landed on the floor JUST out of his reach. Everyone saw, and made snide comments about how insensitive I was.I was so embarrassed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

We were in Savannah, Georgia and we were talking to a tour guide about a historical house where she was telling us about the previous owners and the general history of it. She kept tripping over the name "Master Bater". The poor lady was red and stuttering up a storm. We finally took the pamphlets and left.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

8th grade history class, we were debating whether or not to shorten summer vacation and give more in-the-year vacations. I raised my hand and gave my opinion, saying yes because during the year students get stressed and would appreciate some time to relax, and in the summer you get bored a lot. As soon as I said that you get bored in the summer, the whole class revolted. Everyone was like "omg no, I never got a day's rest during the summer!" The entire class learned I have no life on that day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was in the show Hairspray doing Mic checks. Traditionaly you walk onstage and say your loudest line from the show. My loudest line was screaming 'crabs' multiple times after velma's song 'ms. Baltimore crabs.' When I went up to do my mic check they apparently asked my name but I didn't hear them and replied screaming "CRABS, CRABS, CRABS!!" The entire tech crew referred to me as STD girl for the rest of the shows.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I have a mic story also! They accidentally turned my mic on during a scene when it shouldn't have been on. I was talking in the green room (probably shouldn't have been in hindsight) and everyone heard what I was saying... :'(

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay, so, in the morning before school started, we would sit in the hallways before school. At some point, we got assigned seating and my best friend at the time was sitting on the opposite side of the hall. She asked for a pencil and without thinking about it, I threw it across the hall to her. Little did I know that the meanest teacher in school saw it so she took me into her classroom. Initially I was laughing because that was the only way I could keep composure but then she yelled at me for laughing as well as pencil-throwing so I cried. And apparently it was really loud because everyone heard it. wary

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In eighth grade science we were doing a flammability test on "fraction 1" (which was really alcohol and anyone who wasn't an idiot could figure that out, so I knew it was flammable) and I didn't know you weren't supposed to totally soak the paper towel with the liquid, so, me being me, I completely covered the paper towel in alcohol and I put it over the burner. At first I couldn't see the flame so I was just holding it for a second and then I realized it really was burning when I felt fire on my fingers and screamed "**OH //SHIT//!!**" in front of my whole class. But my teacher was really chill about it. She was just like "you had to try it..." and laughed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was once so frustrated at a term exam and wrote "eat me" on the back of my ID card and forgot to erase it afterwards, then this professor decided to go looking for the person who did it comparing ID numbers to student names until he found me, then someday in the middle of my college courtyard he held the ID card to my face saying "Was this you?". It never hit me how embarrassing that was until recently..

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In sixth grade a girl said that Thomas Edison invented fire, and a couple months ago another girl said Malcolm X was the leader of the KKK.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was just thinking about this yesterday.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

One time in like 3rd grade this girl sat on chocolate milk and she was freaking the heck out over it, so to be nice I traded pants with her because I wanted to make her feel better. She was much smaller than me because I was that awkwardly tall 3rd grade girl. The one that boys point at and scream GODZILLA and run away. (Yeah, you know the one I'm talking about) So her pants like ended at my shins and I looked like a complete idiot. And everyone made fun of me all day because it looked like I peed my pants because the chocolate milk stain was in a different place on me than it was on her. THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR BEING NICE.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

When I was in first grade we had to put our coats in the closet right when we got in the classroom. One morning I was so out of it that I forgot I took off my coat and instead took my shirt off. One of my friends gave me a weird look and I quickly put my shirt back on. In the same class I also stapled myself multiple times and cried.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think musical means that they had forgotten they had already taken their coat off and so when they got to the place where they usually take it off, they just started unbuttoning out of habit. That's happened to me too. I got to gym class early and was already changed, but when everyone else got there and started changing, I absent-mindedly started changing back out of my gym clothes. Got some weird looks.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In my AP Biology class the teacher was very open to questions, and being teenagers there were a lot of questions about sex. One day this girl asks why there isn't a bone in this diagram of a human penis. The teacher was confused and was like "What bone?" and the girl said "You know, the bone that makes it a boner! There's a bone in there right?" Pretty much the whole class laughed and she became really quiet after that, poor girl.

by Anonymous 11 years ago