-417 When a woman considers having an abortion, her family should get a say in her decision, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

*pulls out popcorn*

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Tired of abortion posts and the comments that follow.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Dude, really?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Right now of course I'd want to live.. In the hypothetical scenario, I would have been an unwanted probably unloved child and forever live with the guilt of wrecking my mom's body. It took 22 hours for by the way.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Fuck that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You cannot force a women to carry a baby against her will, however in saying that the father should get at least some say. Perhaps some counselling for the mother or a court ordered forum for negotiation...I dont know, just something that would force the mother to justify an abortion in light of the fathers wishes...But if all fails the mother should get the last say. As everyone else says; she is the one wit the highest stake so her vote counts for more.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why should anyone but the woman herself have any say? I get that her decision may affect them in some way, but that doesn't really matter. It's her body, and so ultimately her decision. I will never understand why, when it comes to abortion, many people think that women need all sorts of outside influences giving them advice and insight. Women are perfectly capable of making their own decisions. And I hate this argument that the woman may come to regret her decision. That's life. We all make decisions, some of which we regret, others that we don't. And many of our decisions do affect others. That doesn't mean we have the right to any say in the decisions that people we know make, because ultimately it's their life.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's up to the individual what opinions she takes into consideration. The father can state his opinion, but ultimately it's not his body.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

lolwut That is all.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

for the sake of this argument, i will pretend I am going to be a father, hypothetically. I don't think I should have the right to force my girlfriend to have an abortion, HOWEVER i DO think I should have a right to veto her decision TO have an abortion. The idea of paying full surrogate fees and such is a good idea though. It is as much the fathers as it is the mothers. I dont want my baby to die because my baby mama doesn't want to be a mother, but i am ready to be a father. thats fucked up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Unless the mother raped you, you decided to have sex with the mother of the fetus. You can control your sperm while it's in your own body, but when your sperm is in some one else's body, you don't have a say anymore.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But that works both ways! Unless the mother got raped, she chose to have sex with the father. She can control whether her eggs get fertilized, unless she chooses to let sperm into her body.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

She can control when her eggs get fertilized along with how long she remains pregnant and whether or not she gives birth to her child. Why would she lose the ability to control her body, her pregnancy, and her life when she has sex and lets sperm in? She control the embryo because it is always in her body. Men control sperm that is in their body. Men do not get to control their sperm while it is in someone else's body. It's not a double standard and it doesn't work both ways.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

She HAS the embryo in her body, that doesnt mean she can choose whether to keep it in or not. Unless either party was raped, both parents had the choice to have sex. Both are the parents of the child. Both should have a say in whether the baby is born or not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They did both choose to have sex. However, having sex doesn't mean you agree to surrender control of your body. If you have sex, you still own your body and you can still decide if you want to remain pregnant or if you want to have a child. Having sex with a man doesn't give a man permission to control your body or your life. You don't own a woman's body because you have deposited your sperm in it. You can't make pregnancy or family decisions for a woman you once had sex with. Women have the right to control their bodies, no matter who they had sex with. Men do NOT have the right to control women's bodies, no matter who they had sex with. Only one person gets a say in a woman's pregnancy: the woman.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Put yourself in this situation. You are a man, and you have sex with a woman. Said woman gets pregnant, and wants to abort the baby. You really want the baby to live, have the means to raise it by yourself, and the idea of your child being aborted breaks your heart. Would you want a say in whether the girl gives birth or not?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It would be nice if the woman talked to me about it first, but I would never dream of trying to control a woman's personal health decisions. It would be entirely wrong of me to force a woman to give birth against her will! I might be heartbroken if a guy dumped me for another girl, but I couldn't force the guy to stay with me against his will. I don't have the right to control his actions. Abortion is the same way. You don't have a right to control a woman's body, even though the woman's decision might make you very upset. Ultimately, the woman's uterus is the woman's domain and only gets a say in what goes on in there.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The family should definitely not have a say. It's the woman's choice.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it depends on her age.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Family? Sure, let's start with the baby in her womb!

by Anonymous 5 years ago