+140 Chick fil A was probably making a business move. A rather smart one; at that. It was an average fast food chain; and now it's name is everywhere. They have hundreds of anti gay people eating there and spending extra money now. Sure they lost customers; but they made up for it in publicity. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Dramatic overuse of semicolons and it's also probably wrong. Chick fil A is a known Christian business so it's likely that they actually believe that and didn't even think about the business aspect. Also, everyone's blowing this out of proportion. The CEO said nothing about gay relationships, he just didn't want to redefine traditional marriage (between a man and woman). You can disagree with that but it has nothing to do with homophobia.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They put money toward anti gay organizations, that is homophobia.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

yeah it's not just anti-gay marriage, it also promotes stuff like "rehabilitation" for gays, implying that their sexuality is not valid and is a mental illness that can be cured.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But they also brought Ice water out to give to the pro-gay protestors too! So they're not the evil demonic fast-food chain that everyone thinks they are!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"It's funny how people support more pro-gay companies by trying to show their support for an anti-gay company. Google, Apple, and Microsoft likely designed the OS on the smartphone used to take pictures at Chick-fil-a today. These pictures were likely uploaded (using Apple, Google and Microsoft products) to the major social networks, Facebook and Twitters, over one of the major cellular networks Verizon, Sprint, T-mobile, and AT&T. The customers probably purchased a beverage with their meal, which was provided by Coca-cola, the only beverage products available at Chick-fil-a. If they used credit/debit card to purchase their meal they more than likely used a Visa, Master Card, or American Express Card.If they drove there, there is a high probability they used a car produced by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors or Toyota. What do all these companies, besides Chick-fila, have in common? They're all pro-gay companies. So if you want to support anti-gay bigots, you're better off staying at home doing absolutely nothing. But make sure you aren't using a computer to share your opinion, as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, Alan Turing, was a homosexual."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sorry for the super huge quote, but I found that to be hilarious.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, they got advertising. But it was the wrong type. Sure, a lot of anti-gays will go there. But would you want to go to a restaurant full of hateful people who are mostly going to be loud and rude the whole time?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The CEO probably doesn't care if they're rude or hateful. Money is money.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You missed my points. I would not want to go to a restaurant full of hateful people. Would you? No. Customer loss.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not hateful to an anti-gay person. To them, it's just a bunch of people who they agree with and they are just voicing their opinions.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You guys aren't getting it. There is more people who only care about the atmosphere of the place than anti-gays, therefore they lose business. I'm talking about the people who aren't anti-gay.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Because disagreeing with you must mean they don't understand. When you walk into that place, no on is being rude and hateful. Thet just give you a freaking sammich. And while they lost some pro gay people, they gained //a lot// of anti gay people.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's my personal feeling (although I could be wrong) that with every passing generation, homosexuality will be more accepted (derived this hypothesis from the fact that tolerance is being promoted during young years of education) so maybe chic-fil-a is getting publicity now but it isn't sustainable because a paradigm shift is occuring (slowly) so there will be fewer and fewer anti-gay supporters with every generation.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

or is this viewpoint too radical and maybe best kept to myself?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not radical, it's fact.

by Anonymous 11 years ago