+269 It's stupid how when a kid or teenager does something inappropriate or stupid, people immediately blame it on the media and celebrities. The fact that something happens in a movie or a celebrity does something does not necessarily influence anything or everything we do. It always comes down to //our own// choices, and //we// should take responsibility for them, not some stranger, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes. God yes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree, but typically kids and teenagers are easily influenced. Teenagers also tend to do things without rationalizing. It's understandable why people jump to conclusions. That being said, it should be the responsibility of the parents or guardians to help teach and guide their children until they are capable to take responsibility for themselves.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

-__- Have you ever been a teenager? We are not influence easily at all! And we are able to take responsibility for our selves

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, I have been a teenager and I did many stupid things as one. Why I did some of those stupid things I literally have no idea other than the general fact that the mind works differently during adolescence than other stages of life. You can learn about it in a developmental psychology class. If you were being sarcastic, disregard this comment.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes we do stupid things and learn from our mistakes but we don't do ' Hey Lindsay Lohan drank Oh my go that is so cool I am going to do the same thing!' or ' I am going to be popular is I smoke cigarettes... Better buy myself a pack!'

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's not what StickCaveman was talking about.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Stickcaveman used to steal cars wary It was his parent's car, but still

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I always wished I had the balls to do that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Teens have some chemical in high amounts that make them see the reward of something more readily than the risk.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Teenagers don't have a fully connected frontal lobe so their decision making processes are stunted.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The **personal fable** results in the adolescent perceiving himself as special and unique, believing no one can relate to his personal experiences. It is also characterized by exaggerated feelings of invulnerability. Feelings of uniqueness may stem from fascination with one's own thoughts to the point where an adolescent believes that his or her thoughts or experiences are completely novel and unique when compared to the thoughts or experiences of others...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I also absolutely hate when people try to tell me what I am and am not capable of because of my age. I can't responsibly use my firearms, drive, or control a fire because I am a teenager; according to multiple people in my life. Funny thing is, I'm more knowledgeable about each of these subjects than the people who try to look down on me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I wasn't even aware that people did that in most cases...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not a celebrity's job to raise our children.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yea! They can't even take care of their own children!

by Anonymous 11 years ago