-79 Your neighbors are douchebags, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I wouldn't say that, but for some reason the people on my street are nocturnal. hmm It'll be nice and quiet during the day and then as soon as it's night you hear the squeals of little kids and the laughter of adults.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My neighbors are incredibly nice, almost to the point if being creepy...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

One of my neighbours is looking after a small dog at the moment, except she's never home so it just howls all the time. And one of my other neighbours is the family of a girl I went to school with, and in summer they seem to have a party every single night.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My neighbors cat is a douche bag; but the people are actually very nice.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Mine just came back from Afganistan and is one of the most helpful, nice guys out. Checkmate.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There were these pigeons living on my balcony and one day they all died and I looked on my balcony and found out my neighbors threw poison onto my balcony (their balcony is right next to mine, I live in an apartment). I wanted to fucking throw poison on their balcony and kill their dog considering my cats go onto my balcony and they could have ate it and died. Then one day we got a 50 dollar fine from the HOA because someone reported that there were crates on our balcony, which you couldn't see unless you were either standing on our balcony or being a little brown noser and peeking over your balcony to look at ours. Another time my mom went out of town, and they told her they heard a bunch of noise at night like I was having a party, and for the record I wasn't. My mom talked to the other neighbor and they didn't hear anything. They party all night and the girl talks loudly and sounds like Fran from The Nanny and they get into these fights where they throw furniture and clothes over the balcony and scream at each other, and when someone called the cops they egged our house. They're real fucking mature.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My neighbors will sit in their driveway, honking their horn and blasting music from their car for no reason.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

One of my neighbors is a cute guy I go to school with and let's just say I really enjoyed the view this summer...

by Anonymous 11 years ago