+112 A simple solution to the Global Warming debate: Take fifty hardcore global warmer doubters, put them on a sheet of arctic ice and if they're there five years from now, they win. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's not that some people doubt Global Warming; they're just being skeptical of information given to them. I mean what if we all just accepted every bit of information given to us without any doubt? We'd be like sheep.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

I like George Carlin's view... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0aFPXr4n4

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Debate? Why have I never heard of this? What's there to debate? We know the planet is warming up, we know there's a hole in the ozone layer, we know we're polluting the earth. I feel like there's some major thing here that I'm not getting.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm not sure, but I think it's that there have been trends of global warming and ice ages in the past, and they believe humans don't contribute to the current one.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The belief that global warming is caused by humans started in England during the Industrial Revolution, when we were actually going through a cold spell, and a cycle of colder and colder weather a great scientist of the time suggested pumping CO2 into the atmosphere in order to heat up the atmosphere, and from there, it has been accepted as common knowledge that humans can control the weather. The debate is the cycle. A commonly used example of global warming is the Aral sea. However, the Aral sea only looks the way it is dried up because it has been overused; not because it has been overheated. And the graphs used to explain global warming are actually unrepresentative if you look at them closely, the CO2 output is 200 hundred years behind the rising temperatures, meaning the rising temperatures came before the CO2. Also, the ocean absorbs most of the carbon in our atmosphere anyways; it would take a lot, a lot more carbon before it would have to stop. I'm not saying that the earth isn't currently heating up it is but we have to look at all the facts before judgements are made; and going green initiatives are great, but they might not fix, you know, global warming.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There's also proof in the ice caps that they have been melted and refrozen before, several times, waaaay before we emitted this much carbon into the atmosphere. Unless the Mayans used industrial machinery that we just haven't found out about yet, or aliens came to dump CO2 into our atmosphere. Anything is possible.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What they should do is come to where I live. By now we should be having low 80s to upper 70s. Over the past week, every day has been over 100.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Way to steal this from Jason Alexander when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. You're clever.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Global warming is NOT "the earth warming up". It is extreme temperatures in the seasons (hotter summers and colder winters). I don't buy it at all, only got 3 weeks of real summer weather this year, it's only September now and I've had to put the heat on in my house. Honestly, humans haven't been tracking the planet's climate changes long enough to know if anything bad is even happening.

by Anonymous 11 years ago