+95 Pregnant women should not abort the child they don't want if the father still wants to keep it and be its guardian, because it is his child, too, and he has just as much right to it as the mother, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, unless she has a legitimate reason not to, like health problems.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It sounds good in theory, but what you're actually advocating is that one person gets to make another give birth, which is pretty sick if abortion was available. Just like how barbaric it would be to make someone get an abortion. Secondly, it's impossible for both parents to get an equal say in the baby. There are 2 parents, an even number. It would be at a standstill if they had different opinions. If the father can choose whether or not the mother gives birth, it's not //equal// opinion, but //total// opinion. Both parents getting equal say is impossible, because they would negate each other.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Maybe not this. But definitely the reverse - if either parent wants an abortion it should be final.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If the woman wants to have the baby why shouldn't she?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

She can. She should not expect child support after thr father has already expressed a desire to about. I am a hardcore feminist but I hate when we have double standards. Just like the woman shouldn't have to suffer through pregnancy and childbirth when she doesn't want the baby, man shouldn't have to suffer through eighteen years of child support payments if he expressed that he didn't want the child ata time during thr pregnancy when abortion was still an option.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If the man doesn't want to stick around for the next eighteen years, he shouldn't have gotten her pregnant. Keeping it in your pants is a much easier choice than getting an abortion. You make your choices and you live with them. I'm sick of men always getting the easy way out

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That applies to both male and female partners. If she does not have the ability to raise a child by herself, she should keep her pants on. I am a feminist who stands for true equality. The responsibility of the pregnancy lies on both the partners. If either is unwilling to support the consequential child and have informed the other partner of their desire, they should not be forced to deal with it for the rest of their live or at least the next 18 years and 9 months. In this day and age, where termination of the pregnancy is possible, that is what having equal rights means.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Because it's his child too - people have a right to their own genetic material.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree that he shouldn't be required to pay child support if he wanted her to get an abortion while it was still an option. However, I don't think that he should be able to force the woman to keep or abort the baby.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think if either wants an abortion to happen, it should, and if they're planning on not living together the one who wants the abortion should pay. If the father just doesn't want the baby, but doesn't mind if she keeps it or vice versa, that's also fine, and the one who doesn't want it shouldn't pay for child support. And it's not as if abortions are that much of a dedication or negatively affect the body of the woman for more than short period of time.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What the hell? The father has no right to tell a woman carrying a baby that she has to kill it. He made the child. Even if he doesn't want to care for it, that's fine, but why should he be allowed to make the mother abort it? You think the man should have the right to tell a woman to have an injection that kills her child and then have it removed? That's barbaric.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It all comes back to "killing" the fetus...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A man has no right to tell a woman whether she is or isn't getting an abortion. Sorry. It's her choice either way.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It should be a conversation that the couple should have, but ultimately it's only the woman's body. She can decide whose opinions she listens to.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The way I see it, it seems as if an abortion would be the best option if an argument arose about whether to have an abortion or not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Like if either person is uncomfortable with having to financially support the child.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I know why you'd say this, but a lot of health complications can come from pregnancy. If the baby could possibly kill her, she should have every right to an abortion.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I partially agree but it's a contradiction of my belief that a woman should have the right to choose. Of course it's the man's child as well, but it all comes down to what the woman wants because her body is affected the most. In cases like this, persuasion is the best and only option. The man can only persuade the woman he impregnated to carry his child.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

How the hell does this post have more yes's than no's? No man should ever be allowed to force a woman to go through a pregnancy just like no man should ever be allowed to force a woman to go through an abortion. In the end, it's the woman's vote that will be the deciding factor. This post completely underplays the significance of being pregnant for a woman through its use of tone. That actually explains why some people agreed with it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree and disagree. I agree that, under the circumstances that the mother would want an abortion just because she didn't want a child and there aren't any health problems leading to wanting an abortion, the mother should consider having the child if the father (who I assume is seperated from the mother in this scenario) actually wants the child and can support it. I don't know if I completely agree with the second part though. While, obviously, both parents are responsible for the child, I think the mother still has the right to the final say on whether or not she wants to go through with the pregnancy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I hate to admitt it but I really can't agree or disagree with this. On one hand i'm very pro "it's her body she can decide" but on the other if the father wants his child born because he really wants it then.. Best option he has is to try and convince or pursuade her to have the baby.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree because you said "should not abort" and I don't think she should. However, I would have disagreed if you said "should not be able to abort" because I feel like she should still have the legal right to do that, I just don't think it's the nice thing to do.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You make a good point. On the one hand, it is rather selfish to say, "I don't care if you want this baby, I don't want to deal with being pregnant." On the other hand, a woman has every right to be selfish about her body, especially if the pregnancy puts her health at risk, in which case the father should not be asking her to go through with the pregnancy anyway.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think in an ideal world people would only get pregnant if they're in a loving, respectful relationship. Then, there would be an open channel of communication between the mother and the father and hopefully they could come to an agreement that makes everyone happy. If she's dead set on not having the baby then hopefully the father will love and respect her enough that he can respect her decision. But if she's still debating on what to do then hopefully she can love and respect him enough to take his opinion into account.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm a bit conflicted with this. I think that both parents have an equal right to the child once it's born, but during the pregnancy, when it's entirely dependent on the mother's body to survive, I think that the final choice should be up to the mother. I believe that the father should have a role in that decision and that his views should be taken into consideration. However it's the woman's body, so she should have the final say. Also, I think that forcing someone to go through with a pregnancy is absolutely horrific, and equal to forcing someone to abort a pregnancy against their wishes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The way I see it is that IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE WOMAN'S CHOICE. Simply because the baby literally grows inside her and has to share resources with her and pregnancy is impractical and annoying as fuck. If the woman is in a relationship, of course she can discuss this with a partner. But ultimately, it's her body and she does whatever the fuck she wants with it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This could get so messy. Like, what if the woman said the pregnancy was the result of a rape, but there was no way to prove it? Who do we give the benefit of the doubt to?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think if the father really really wants to keep the baby and the woman doesn't, then he should have to pay the woman like a surrogate to carry it to term (only if she agrees, of course).

by Anonymous 11 years ago