+273 Introverts: you hate how parents and teachers push you to be more extroverted as if introverted qualities weren't equally as valuable, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A lot of the introverted people are automatically assumed to have some kind of social-anxiety or "problem". Which most of the time that's not true.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

One of my teachers gave a huge speech about how we're seniors and we need to learn to not be shy and to be social and if we're introverted we're going to have a hard time in his class (this is a required class, mind you). It really bothered me because I can't just stop being shy. I'd love to be more open to social interaction, but it's not something a person can automatically will themselves to do.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm not trying to say you can help being shy or anything like that, but I would like to point out that being introverted doesn't necessarily mean you're shy also. For example, I'm an introvert, but I'm very outgoing. I can be talkative and loud just as much as- if not more than- my extraverted friends; my introversion just means that the social interaction tires me out and that, to rest and regain my energy, I need to be relaxed and by myself for a while.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This reminds me of a TED talk. So much truth. Although I am shy I can't name a benefit from it. Please please elaborate on your point that there are equally valuable traits from being shy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Introverted does not always mean shy. That being said, an introvert typically has a better understanding of himself and many other aspects of life because he spends more time thinking than socializing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Friend ships tend to be deeper. Tend to be more cautious and deliberate and better decision makers. Better listeners, tend to be better business leaders. Better at sitting and focusing on solitary work which tends to lead to fresh ideas and independent thinking, many successful people in the field of academia and people who've made break through discoveries are introverted. Here's some stuff here http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2105432-4,00.html

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I especially hate it when they want me to talk more, in class and in general. I really liked it when one of my favourite teachers wrote that I "work in my own quiet way" in a report; it's nice to have quietness acknowledged like that rather than as a fault.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I've found that teachers lok at introversion very differently. Some teachers get upset that I don't like talking out loud and think I'm being disrespectful, while other teachers favor me just because of my quietness.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

As an introvert, overly extroverted people annoy the fuck out of me. It's like, it's okay to not verbalize your thoughts for a while, you know. And introverts like myself don't talk a lot because we have nothing to say or add to the conversation, with which we probably have little interest in. It has nothing to do with being shy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm an ambivert, meaning I'm half way in between extrovert and introvert. I am also involved in theater. For those of you who know myers brigg, drama is filled with ENFP's. They're quite the extroverts. On occasion they'll play a game I'm not interested in, and I'll sit out. They almost always try and convince me to play anyway. I'm fairly sure it's because they feel like it'd be awful to sit by yourself, and they're all my friends so they don't want me to be lonely. So, I either have to play a round, or assure them I'm perfectly fine sitting alone.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Introverts and extroverts have equal problems socially, it's just that people see extroverts as kinder so they accept them more. As an introvert, I strive to be more towards the middle but I enjoy the introverted part of myself.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Whenever there's a job interview, it seems like the traits they look for (even in a warehouse...wtf) are talkative/happy things. You can't just say, my aim at this job is to perform the required tasks in order to make you money, and in return accept payment for said work. No. It is all about "Ya I'm sooo FUCKING exited to work and chill with people and talk and be overly happy to lift boxes around. It seems like you're expected to have a queer smile on your face at all times, for no reason. Why can't I just work? Why must I entertain people as well? If you want me to smile, make me laugh fuck. At school, teachers can't stand that I don't join group discussions. Most of my peers can't follow logic, and seem to just agree with the majority no matter what proof someone presents. Also, it seems like when an intelligent person brings up a fact (backed up by proof from studies) the others come up with their own "proof", meaning that they just say that the opposite is true even though they have nothing to back it. I'm silent on topics because there's no point in reasoning with these people. Funny that I'm seen as the stupid one XD

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, I've often been told by people their first impression of me was that I was stupid but when I actually started talking they didn't think so anymore. Like really? How does that even make sense? Stupid until proven otherwise, just because I didn't verbalize every thought that went through my head? With work, the ONE place I lied about myself and said I was outgoing and friendly and smiled way too much in the interview was the place I got hired. I never even got a call back from any place I described myself as "analytical and clever." And the best thing is, my extroverted co workers who slack off at their job can rely on their good social skill to get them off the hook. I work harder than most of my co workers and I'm better at my job, which I'm not saying is purely from being introverted, but it doesn't matter if I'm not ridiculously happy to make freaking pizzas all day or not as long as I'm not an ass hole to the customers and do my job well I should be valued for that. It seems like a less qualified extroverted person would get the job over a more qualified introverted person for no good reason other than flapping their jaw and show casing themself.

by Anonymous 11 years ago