+49 People who self harm: you're sick of people who don't self harm making condescending posts about cutting and putting everyone into one or two categories of different types of cutters, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I feel like my post caused this and I apologize. For those that do harm themselves, though, doesn't it frustrate you when people run around telling others they hurt themselves just for attention?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some people //do// do it for attention. I should have just commented on your post, and I shouldn't have gone anon, but it seems like people make these every couple days, and every person cuts for different reasons. Sometimes the reasons are similar, and sometimes they overlap, but it isn't fair how many generalizations are made based on the few most common examples.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"do do" hehe

by Anonymous 11 years ago