+75 It's baffling how a country like America that boasts about freedoms and rights, can make things illegal like gay marriage or abortions, Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And not being able to have sodas over 16 oz. And being indefinitely detained without trial And over-regulating businesses so that it's practically impossible to make money And removing all traces of religion from public eyes even though we are guarunteed the freedom of worship On regards to abortion, I'm pretty sure some silly document that contains the basis for American freedoms says we have the right to LIFE, as well as liberty and pursuit of happiness

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I see what you mean but with things like abortion, gay marriage...etc. generally those only affect those who do it, which is why it never made sense to me why it would be banned. and I agree that most of those things you mentioned, shouldn't be the governments problem, but rather the individuals. However, sometimes the government steps in to protect the people (like regulating business) and sometimes its protecting a person from themselves (regulating alcohol, smoking, assisted suicides..etc) In regards to abortion, the first 2 months the fetus is literally a lump of cells, and is not a person so it isn't protected the same way the women would be. If you don't like abortions don't get one, but don't push your own moral code on other people, the government needs to be unbiased. gay marriage, regardless of whether you like it or not, it's none of your business and if everyone is deserves the right to pursuit their happiness then how can government step in and deny them that too? and not to mention that is discrimination (which is also protected under your bill of rights) and shouldn't be happening. Sorry for the long reply!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The government doesn't need to protect me from my own dumb self. In fact, I absolutely abhor how people in Washington believe they know how to run anybody's life better than themselves. I'll leave you gay marriage Abortion isn't about "morals" unless you consider a respect for life an objective moral. All you are is a clump of cells, you're just slightly larger and a more definite shape. A woman's "right" to do what she wants with her body does not outweigh that child's right to live

by Anonymous 11 years ago

you're the best

by Anonymous 11 years ago