+70 If you go to Hell, why would Satan make you suffer instead of partying with you and thanking you for wreaking havoc on Earth, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If you're referring to the Christian idea of Hell, then Satan isn't actually in charge of it. The Bible describes him as an angel in a position of Heavenly authority who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. He roams the earth (Job 1:7) and is the prince, or god, of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), and he will be punished for his continued rebellion at the end of days (Revelation 20:10) by being thrown into Hell. He isn't in charge of Hell; common misconception. If he was, though, then it might make sense for him to be pleased rather than upset with us if we were sinning. However, he has no fondness for humans, thinking nothing of wreaking havoc of every flavor on us (see Job's tale). Although he is doubtless pleased when we harm ourselves and others and rebel against God, he is also pleased with our suffering. In my opinion, then, it would make more sense for him to enjoy our wreaking of havoc while we live, then punish us even more when we die. That dirty sadomasochist. SUPER DEEP THEOLOGY ON AMIRITE WOOOOO

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Satan doesn't punish you. Hell is complete separation from God for eternity, which is torture in itself.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

that is just how it is a place of punishment if it exists at all-rumor has it that catholicsgst made it up to get everyone to give more money to the church

by Anonymous 5 years ago