-41 Wouldn't it be awesome if humans came in different sizes, like people who could fit in the palm of our hands or even be as tall as houses? It would be similar to how cats are almost like mini lions. They would be proportionate, too. And we would all get along in society, with our jobs based on our sizes and capabilities.. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

People come in such a variety of sizes as it is.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And they prefer to be called Hobbits.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

people currently do come in a //reasonable// variety of size. Palm-sized people would probably be in danger of getting hurt by being stepped on, etc. In addition, people at either end of the spectrum would probably suffer severe health problems. Manufacturers of various products would have to spend billions to accomodate them to people of all sizes. Also, what if a palm-sized person wanted to have a sexual relationship with a house-sized person? I'm only 5'10 and my dick is bigger than my palm (thus bigger than an entire palm-sized person.) Think about that. Also, in order to accomodate the needs of the various sizes, they would likely need to live in seperate areas, and some of which may end up being poor, and the people of certain sizes would be discriminated against. sorry for overthinking this but this is a horrible idea

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A dog is a dog. I have seen 2 lbs dogs and 250 lbs dogs. I think it could work. You **are** over thinking it. Try this "**Awe** (noun) //an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder.//" Clearly this fits every argument from both YYAs and NWs. It would be AWESOME. OP wins.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

that may be so, but in modern culture, the term "awesome" generally means desirable or positive.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Still thinking about the dog example, lets say a chihuahua & a sheepdog. What if the chihuahua wants to herd sheep but can't because he is too small? The same situation would happen with people except in a larger scale. The people who are as big as a house would possibly have to be construction workers but what if a person as big as a hand wanted to be a construction worker. Yes, the idea of it would be kind of weird & funny but in actuality that would never work if we truly wanted to be free

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I feel in that situation there's another discriminatory factor to pile on to the ones we already have so possibility for more division

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes because we get on so well in our society now with our difference in colors, accents, religions and difference in sizes as it is. I can't possibly see any discrimination happening between the small and the large. The giants wouldn't possibly contemplate oppressing/robbing the small people...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I won't let my fear of discrimination change my YYA vote. It would be awesome, just like colors and accents. Just because a few (a lot?) of douche bags fear differences, it shall not deter those of us who celebrate diversity. Hooray for tiny pink people and humongous green ones!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

How did you get to that thought?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Based on hkhan comment (assumed sarcasm because of down vote) above and to some extent what Fuzala wrote.

by Anonymous 11 years ago