+77 It would be interesting if there was something like a comic con for amiriters so we could all nerd out and debate en masse. It would also be kind of funny going around like "Hey Janelle! Sup Len? How's it going Johnny?" to people you've never actually met before, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Ahhhh.... I love comic cons!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'd want Len's autograph.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Id love to meet the person who was behind the Dwight persona, also actionman and len obviously too. Id like to meet favvkes too just to see if shes really the crazy cat lady in person. That would totally be a great idea to have a comic con like event. sorry my grammar is so poor i'm on the simplified mobile website.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Successfully managed to get all 3 amiriters referenced to up vote. I was going to be really embarrassed if one of them down voted.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Will there be anons at such an event? Like people with question marks for heads going around the event making negative comments towards everything anyone else says? "Cole made this cheese dip. It's really good and you should try it!" Anon- "Tastes like shit.. downvote." I assume there's cheese dip at comic cons.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wouldn't a comic convention for amirite just be an amirite convention?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Janelle is my name! Yay, it's never used in anything so this is kind of a big deal!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hi! I like never meet anyone with the same name as me, how exciting :D

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'd like to meet the SHIT out of you and the people you mentioned and a bunch of people I won't name. I would name them, but I'd inadvertently forget a few and they might feel left out. They'd be like, "Wow, I thought he was a nice guy. I guess he doesn't want to meet me." NO, I DO. My memory is just very shoddy sometimes.

by Anonymous 10 years ago