+128 If this website had more people on it, it would be bad. It would be flooded and it would be hard to keep up, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I don't know, it could do with a few more

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yea a few more.. But it is a shame.. Cause this website could be THE ONE in surveying millions of people on any topic. I can see this idea become very big. if steered correctly

by Anonymous 14 years ago

When the site becomes extremely popular, moderators should only allow one post (and choose the most interesting one at that) every ten minutes or so

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Lol I had just thought of the notification thing. Also, how do you add external links and links to profiles etc?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think a flooded overwhelmed social place looses kinda his magic and beauty. There are huge social media sites like 9gag and others where you can get lost into the crowd...I liked always sodahead and these kinds social sites cause you have a chance to know better the people...

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Anonymous needs to be off and blocked by management

by Anonymous 7 years ago