+73 Stopping time is probably the most loophole filled wish since it has to be pre-established that you don't get stopped as well, other wise all existence pretty much ceases since there is no one to start time up again, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Otherwise is one word... •_•

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And that stopping time would also essentially stop the universe... would that cause an explosion?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Would anything even be able to explode if nothing is actively moving? Or if an explosion did somehow begin, wouldn't it also freeze once it began and entered the time lock?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

My mind is exploding.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

And even if you establish that, there's the issue of how you would move or change anything if the the whole universe is frozen except you. Also, if you could change things while time is frozen and if you, for example, deflected a bullet, does that mean you just applied infinite force to the bullet when you start time again? I'm not sure if these are loopholes, but they're problems with the idea of stopping time.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And what if two people wanted to stop time that were standing right near each other? Would they create two separate realities based on how each of them stopped the time or what? So interesting to think about. There's one episode of WOWP in which Alex can freeze time for as long as she can stand on one foot, which got me thinking about this whole concept and the relating paradoxes. Amazing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago