+100 In order to be a great teacher you must care for and try to understand your students, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Probably, beyond understanding your students you may also have to understand their culture, their family, their economic circumstance, their hopes, their limitations; imposed by themselves and society. To be a great teacher is to be part of a wonderful accident, a collision of positives and very rare, so one can be a great teacher, great missionary, great Doctor, etc. but people still starve, die and drop out. I think being a decent teacher and respecting your students and trying to give them a good education is the best you can hope for, being great I am not so sure is a valid aspiration.a

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So much unexpected knowledge from Brad Pitt. y

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And in order to be a good student you must care for and try to understand your studies.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Idiotic material on the home page

by Anonymous 11 years ago

woah woah woah how is this idiotic?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, i don't know what he/she's thinking but if i had to guess its because the post, while correct, is generic and obvious. Has anybody, at least anybody who's worth listening to, ever said anything to the contrary? I mean seriously whats the alternative? "In order to be a good teacher you must beat and ridicule your students" Its true, its just not particularly clever. But that's just mild speculation and me being overly critical. Who really cares if somethings creative or not i guess, this is the internet!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I wrote published this while in a class with a teacher who I believe is horrible at her job, so this was 1 part mocking them and 1 part personal belief.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

As good of a reason as any, i guess!

by Anonymous 11 years ago