+98 Judges should not ask women who are rape victims what they were wearing when they got raped because no matter how little she was wearing, she didn't give consent by her clothing choice. Even if people were right when they said "she was dressed in a way that obviously showed she was asking for it," well, if you were dressed to look for a sexual partner, that doesn't mean she wants it with just anyone- but clothing choice is no indication of what you're asking for anyway. The question is irrelevant and makes women feel like they're to blame for their rape, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

"Asking for it" is one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. There's no such thing as asking for rape, since rape is //sex without consent.// You can't ask for it. Clothes shouldn't be taken as an inexplicit way of saying yes. And honestly, if someone can't control themselves at the sight of some skin, they definitely deserve to be thrown in jail.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It also implies that rape is done purely because the person got horny and wanted sex, completely ignoring that rape is actually about power. And it implies that men can't control themselves and it's the job of a woman to not give a man a reason to lose control, so it's kind of sexist for both sides.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agreed with your post, but for discussion I would suggest that the whole thrust of pop culture is SEX. You can not watch any movie, music video, or listen to any rap or hip hop song without seeing the focal point and purpose (endgame) being "getting in the sack." It has been glamorized and popularized to the point that IT IS expected. Why do you think so many high school and college students are engaging in such? The whole notion behind partying is to get high (or stupid drunk) and get laid. The other factor going against the women on this issue is the prevalent statement that when a "woman says NO she really means YES." I am not saying men are right to insist and force a woman beyond a NO, but every guy to some degree or another has found that he can usually go farther with a woman than what she initially leads on to. And oddly enough, many men have in fact learned BY EXPERIENCE, that when a woman says NO she does not always mean it. So, how the hell is the guy to know when she does or does not? Men are not psychic, and women should not play men that way. And then another HUGE kicker twist in this whole debate is the fact that a woman can SAY she was raped and ruin a guy's life - just for spite or revenge. We are all aware of the just released football player Brian Banks, who did 5 years in prison for a rape he never did. Thankfully, he just got signed with the NFL Atlanta Falcons. Women should not be allowed to do this, and the courts are still extremely sympathetic towards the female over the male. When a woman can just create a verbal story without any proof and get a man locked up, that is JUST WRONG. And regarding the Banks story, I never heard anyone say the woman will be charged or held accountable for anything. http://video.foxnews.com/v/2279651430001/exonerated-football-player-signs-with-atlanta-falcons/

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And it's not like rape isn't limited to women who are scantily clad or inebriated or just compromised in general. If rape was about asking for it only pretty thin white women would be raped.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

In a serious response, what a women was wearing is relevant to the extent where she is inciting certain activity towards her. For example, if you go to a Nazi community and start shouting disrespectful things towards Nazism is likely you will end up beat up. This is no excuse whatsoever but certainly you could prevent it from happening. This post is sexist and racist against males by its nature, woman shouldn't be treated different from a man? Amirite? Hypocrisy in its highest point.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

What? How on earth is this hypocritical? Clothing choice is not consent. If rapists cared about what women were wearing, only girls wearing next to nothing would get raped. Rape is about power and control, not about being horny. A man isn't asked what he was wearing when he was raped and neither should a woman. Rape cases where the victim is asked what they're wearing are rape cases where females are the victim- you're being absolutely irrelevant. Going into a Nazi community where you EXPECT there to be Nazis is quit a bit different than going outside and getting raped.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I will get a lot of hate from this. If a man is walking alone past midnight in a dangerous area and is flashing his Rolex, if it gets mugged it isn't his fault. This is absolutely right. However, maybe if he had hidden his watch in his pocket until he was in a concurred, safe area he wouldn't get mugged. It is not his fault and the robber is guilty either way, but it is relevant. A conviction is not as simple as "guilty, not guilty". I said it was hypocritical because it gets woman victimized, when they should be treated as a human being, not as a genre. P.S. sorry if I messed up, not-native english speaker here.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Totally different situation. Robbers rob people for their things. Rapists don't rape because they like someone's body.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You keep making irrelevant examples. You don't understand the psychology behind rapists. People walk into a Nazi camp expecting Nazis. You keep your mouth shut about anti Nazi crap then. Rapists don't rape cuz their body made them horny. They rape for power. Walking outside in a skimpy outfit is not comparable to walking into a Nazi camp and saying anti-Nazi things. You don't walk outside expecting to get raped. A woman is not inciting certain activity toward her by wearing certain things, either. You idiot. You don't prevent rape by dressing conservatively. -.- Just like you don't prevent robbery by not owning super-expensive things. However, flashing your expensive items and getting robbed is not comparable to showing your body and getting raped. If it was, only girls with banging bodies wearing skin tight, skimpy clothes would get raped.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I didn't mean to explain anything related to psychology and now that you came up with it I got to say I think you're not completely right. They are not irrelevant examples. In fact, it is comparable from certain points of view. Robbers don't always rob because they need money, there are a lot of reasons for someone to steal besides the necessity and people who rob often do it because they want to rob, not because of the money. How do you prevent rape? You can get robbed even if you dress as simple as possible, they target people based in several variants. Same as rapers, they don't go raping the first person that appears in their sighr, they're are many possible reasons in why a rapist would target somebody.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It doesn't matter if you were talking about that, I'M talking about that- and how you don't understand it. "Research data clearly proves that a way a woman dresses and / or acts does not influence the rapists choice of victims. His decision to rape is based on how easily he perceives his target can be intimidated. Rapists are looking for available and vulnerable targets." "Rape is a premeditated act of violence, not a spontaneous act of passion. 71% of rapes are planned in advance. 60% of convicted rapists were married or had regular sexual partners at the time of the assault. Men can control their sexual impulses. The vast majority of rapists are motivated by power, anger, and control, not sexual gratification." "The research on convicted rapists has found several important motivational factors in the sexual aggression of males. Those motivational factors repeatedly implicated are having anger at women and having the need to control or dominate them" Statistics were obtained from various sources including the study Rape in America, 1992, National Victim Center, The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Crime Survey. http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/jhamlin/3925/myths.html No one said robbers rob because they need money. It was said robbers rob people for their possessions-Which is why it's not comparable to rape, because rapists don't rape because they like your body. "How do you prevent rape? You can get robbed even if you dress as simple as possible" Exactly my point. A woman isn't asking for certain activity toward her by what she's wearing 1 because clothes don't speak and 2 rapists don't care what you're wearing. Asking what she was wearing only makes the woman feel like it was her fault. It's been proven time and time again that it doesn't matter what you were wearing. It's an irrelevant question that puts blame on the victim.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

As I said earlier, twice, I agree with the OP. Judges should not ask. Also, robbers don't always rob because of the possessions. All I said was that it was relevant to the case, I'm not saying it was because of it or was the victims fault. Same as rape, robbing is a lot of times because of the power that the perpetrator feels. It's an irrelevant question to the guilty/not guilty thing. But not to the case.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Actually, no, you didn't say that. Ever. In fact, you disagreed with their post and just now took back your vote. The entire point of robbery is to take things. Your money, your clothes, your jewelry. Robber rob people to take their possessions. If they weren't doing that, they wouldn't be robbing. It doesn't matter why the person is robbing. They rob your things. That's. The. Entire. Point. Robbers rob you of your things, rapists don't rape you for your body. The entire point of a case is to figure out guilty or not guilty. If it's not relevant to that, it's not relevant to the case. It's about as relevant as asking what color your socks are.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

No, actually women of all ethnicities, clothing level intoxication, and all sorts of things are raped. And yes rape is overwhelmly male so that is not sexist And racism is the dominance of one race over another so what I said is not racist

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I didn't say it wasn't rape, only it was relevant. If it was rape or not is to the judge to decide. Rape is not "overwhelmly male", in fact "male rape" is not even defined in some places making it very hard to have it's place in the court. This is clearly feminist and sexist. Your post is racist because you are excluding male rape victims, only woman have protection against rape?http://data.amirite.net/user_images/51dc9ed09a7d6.jpg

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Technically speaking (in Canada) we go by sexual assualted and close to 90% of sexual assault cases are women being sexually assualted and even men who are "raped" are often also raped by men. And rape does not depend on external factors, it just depends on the person doing it being a terrible person. Racism has to do with race not with sex/gender :s

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I agree with you, but then again, I didn't say it depended on it but I apologize about the racism accusation and take it out. I also think you're right in the original post, I just pointed out my opinion (in an overly aggressive way perhaps?) about male rape, I think focusing the attention about rape in women is a mistake and has an impact in affirmations such as yours, do you think that 90% is accurate including male and female victims of all ages? But anyway, sorry if I didn't take it the right way.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Number of men is still way lower. And besides that, this post is talking about victim blaming- which doesn't happen to men nearly as much as it happens to women, if at all. After all, men don't get told they were raped because they were wearing too little. You're just looking for reasons to pretend that men have it as bad as women.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I think amirite.com's downscaling made the infographic unreadable, I googled the picture and came up with this link containing it. http://imgur.com/r/POLITIC/PAaKz7A

by Anonymous 10 years ago

If you read Lucky by Alice Sebold, it shows that the job of the opposition lawyer is to make it seem as though it wasn't a rape or that the rape was the fault of the person who was raped. this kinda sucks because the victims are traumatized and some don't really respond well to what the lawyers do

by Anonymous 10 years ago

A lawyer, sure, I understand, it's their job. That's quite a bit different than the judge asking. When it's actually accounted for in deciding if she was raped or not, by the judge and the jury, even when the lawyer convinces people- it shows the woman-blaming society we live in. Men can walk around topless and get raped and not get blamed for it. Did you ever hear the story of a man who tried to rob a woman and ended up getting fed Viagra and raped for days? People blamed the woman then, too- as they should have. My point is, women get blamed, and that's wrong.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

If we as a society can be convinced by a lawyer than a woman was asking for her rape, but we can't convince that a man was, that speaks volumes about the world we live in.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I’m really torn in this one. Rape is an awful & unforgivable crime & is never the victim’s fault, but the reason for my hesitation is my experience of 39 years in the real world. As a teenager, it seems that I had a body that attracted the attention of men, and I admit that I did generally enjoy that. But a significant proportion of that attention was deeply unpleasant, and lewd comments, obscene suggestions, and even unwanted touching was quite common. It certainly seemed to me that men were sexually stimulated by my body, if not actually physically aroused. So rape may not be a crime of sex per se, but you cannot deny that dressing in a way that exposes your body attracts the attention of the type of man that might be a rapist. We live in a world full of perverts, deviants, and misogynistic men with an unfulfilled sex drive. It would seem prudent not to be attracting their gaze. It’s soo not fair, but the important thing here is to keep ourselves safe, I think.

by Anonymous 1 year ago