-96 Obama is "One Big Ass Mistake America", amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

hahaha nice

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

Why, because an eight-year foundation of colossal fuck-ups haven't been fixed overnight? OH NOES what a failure.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

@ZuRG Because he is creating even more fuck ups than before and people think he is the messiah and Obama refuses to show his birth certificate... Etc. HE IS A SOCIALIST!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Because he's a liar (he hasn't pulled the troops out of Iraq; in fact, he's sending more over), the citizens of the U.S have been brainwashed by him (they are exalting him in every way and giving him awards, ie the Nobel Peace Prize, which he did absolutely nothing to deserve), and because over 75% of those who voted him into office were black and wanted to have one of what they consider to be "their own kind" as president. Which is a ridiculous reason to elect someone. In addition to this, he is promoting the idea of socialism, whether or not liberals recognize it yet. Socialism being, essentially, taking money from the hardworking middle class and giving it to bums and old people who are too lazy to work and save money for themselves.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Stolen from Facebook, but YYA anyway.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Nice. I agree with TheFONZ. I'm tired of people defending him. First of all, he's practically the definition a socialist. And socialism was supposed to be the OPPOSITE of America. Ask freaking George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, any of the founding fathers. America was one of the ONLY countries left in this world today that you can actually EXCEL in. In America, if you worked hard, you got places. If you slacked off, like the people Obama's trying to "protect" with national healthcare, YOU GOT LEFT BEHIND! There was no "everyone should all have the same" bullshit! In America, it used to be that you got exactly what you worked for. But not anymore. Obama's making America some watered-down, weak country that it was never meant to be. America was MADE to be the best. And Obama's making it "one of the rest" =

by Anonymous 14 years ago

George Washington promoted the idea that we shouldn't have political parties for the exact reason that's going on today. You think he's making America into a weak country? Thanks, but Bush and his cronies did that for the past 8 years. We took advantage of the Middle Eastern countries to take their oil. We bailed out banks while millions of Americans suffered. "America was made to be the best" is one of the most arrogant comments I've ever heard. It makes me ashamed to call myself an American. You know what happened during The Great Depression? FDR provided for the poorest so they could, in return, stimulate the economy again. It's not free money, it's for the stability of our fucked up capitalistic system that tanks every twenty years. Is providing help for the poor to help them get back on their feet a Socialistic value? I don't think so. You should shut your elitist mouth.

by Anonymous 14 years ago