+131 If something is subjective, then arguing about it will never be worthwhile. Amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Do you like a good debate?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Would you like to debate on whether anything is subjective or if there are absolute truths?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I get the impression you would :) and if you said thing I disagreed with, I would say so :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Our subjective views of reality are either true or false interpretations of what actually IS. If Something is true, then someone having a false opinion about the matter won't change the truth in question. There is absolute truth, and it's only our views that can be skewed and, thereby, wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Our subjective views of reality are neither true nor false, that's why it's a subjective view. If you think that something is the best, it isn't because you're right or wrong, it's because of you, and what you like. If 1000 people thought that R&B music was the best music, and 1000 people thought that it was the worst music, you couldn't argue that either party was wrong, because they're not stating it as a fact, they're stating it as a subjective opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If they state that they think something is the best (their opinion), they state truth (they DO think rock/R&B is best), but if they state that rock/R&B IS the best, they are either right or wrong, for (if those are the only 2 options) one would have qualities that make it better than the other (at least in certain respects). Opinions can be held, and the fact that we hold them does not change the subject.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's impossible to determine which is better than the other, because everyone has different views on what makes something good quality, for example, someone could argue that when listening to music, it is more important to have lyrics you could identify with, so might prefer R&B because they feel that that is the genre of music that portrays it more effectively, but another person could argue that the lyrics are the least important aspect of music, and therefore strongly dislikes R&B. Neither of them would be wrong to state their opinions, seeing as they both have fair reasons to think so. The only things that one could definitively say are right or wrong, are things for which there is undeniable proof, and in any other case it's always going to be a matter of opinions and beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Is it not possible that lyrics are more important than beat? Is it not possible that the rhythm is more important than the rhyme? I say that it is possible, for certain qualities CAN be a greater determining factor of the value of something than other aspects. If a car looked good, but had a bad engine, would it be a good car? In some people's Opinions, maybe; BUT it would not fulfill it's purpose as a car, and therefore would be a bad car. Similarly, we can like certain things for their qualities, but if those things (car, music) does not fulfill it's purpose, it IS NOT good.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand your point, and I've come to realise that what we're talking about is exactly what my original post was about. Because I personally don't believe that the quality of something is set in relation to something which is different, because while you could argue that the most important thing about a car is the engine, and therefore having the best engine would make it the best car, while someone else might argue that as long as the engine works, the best car is one that looks best. Whereas you feel that one of the two is objectively better than the other, and arguing against it is just a wrong view. But seeing as neither of us have factual evidence to back up what we think, and it's quite a philosophical issue, we'll never come to an agreement.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

okay, I see your point. So, you walk away from this argument thinking you're right (subjective), and I walk away from this argument knowing i'm right (objective). ~Just a closing joke :)~

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Genius, we should do this again sometime ;) but it will never be worthwhile :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Of course not. But at least its an interesting use of time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh wow I can't believe I just read through all that. oh irony just explodes in your conversations...or is that a coincidence...I always mix the two terms up. I think it's irony...

by Anonymous 12 years ago