-7 It is very doubtful that ALL gay people are truly gay. Amirite?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

So you mean homosexual, right? Yes, some people who think they are gay are not actually. I don't think anyone's contesting that.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

NO....actually this post is a double take with a whammy built in to it. Look up the word GAY and its definition. The ORIGINAL meaning for gay back when I was a youngster was: "joyful, carefree, bright and showy." I looked up its definition just before this post, and the primary meaning is NOW in reference to homosexuality! I am still wondering how they pulled off changing a word's primary definition to refer to their group. Many older poems, songs, and literature used the word "gay" as it was meant and originated. The word has a very long history BEFORE being associated with the gay community. Deck The Halls - "don we now our gay apparrel" Flinstones Cartoon theme song - "You'll have a gay old time." Anyway, my post can be read 2 ways. Put the original meaning for gay in the first time used and then homosexual gay the second time used OR put the homosexual gay the first time used and the happy gay the second time used. Either way you do it, most happy people are not homosexuals, and all homosexuals are not happy!

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So it was just a trick question is all?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not a trick - more of a play on words.....

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It can actually be read 4 different ways. The two ways you mention and then gay (homosexual) as meaning for both or gay (happy) as meaning for both. You're not being clever.

by Anonymous 9 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

And it is even more unlikely that someone who says he is 100% straight is. Gay, as in a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. I suspect very few people have **never** had the "slightest inkling" of gayness.

by Anonymous 10 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

I am not opposed to NEW words.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It goes without saying that society been very lax in the couple of years....last

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Now I remember why I blocked you.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Good girl......I know the heat was just too great.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/words-literally-changed-meaning-through-2173079 Language changes all the time. The word 'gay' changing meaning isn't some sort of anomaly. It's also not an act of the "terrible minority" trying to overpower the majority. Trust me. It's language progressing. I've read over some of the other comments and you seem pretty set in your ways. But let me assure you that being gay is perfectly natural. Technology did not "allow" that option to exist, whatever that means. Gay people have been around since well... forever. Many, //many// other species have gay animals. Just because gay people want to be free from discrimination, doesn't mean they have some sort of agenda to control the world and change all straight people. They don't want to become the dominant force. Where did you even get that? I'm 100% certain that the LGBT movement does not call for countries to be built on the "gay model." But if you want a society where homosexuality was actually rather tolerated, check Ancient Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Greece). I wouldn't say their attitudes were progressive or an ideal we should pursue by today standards or anything, but there you go. Male/male relationships were fairly standard. They didn't even really have a concept of homosexuality the way we do today. And guess what? They were one of the most successful groups //ever//. I'm not going to even touch the rest of what you've said. This reply is rambling as it is.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So the Greek community was created and came about BY male/male relationships? Interesting. I did not say "tolerated" as you did - I said built on. How did men have babies to create more men so they could achieve this community? NO, NO, NO. They were only able to form by the existing (already born) men taking and wanting to be with other men who were already there. You clearly did not cite an example of a town, state, country or civilization that has been built purely by the procreation of homosexual or lesbian relationships. It CAN NOT be done, and you know it. The animal example you cite is incorrect. There are not "many, many" other species. There are a few, and I have addressed them in other posts. But they are not the NORM or the DOMINANT in any species or even every species. Had their model been the driving force in the supposed evolutionary model, then they would have risen to the top of the food chain and we would all be following their example by design and of necessity. I am still amazed that simple basic life and nature examples fly over the heads of so many on this site. And my technology comment is clear. BEFORE technology and the ability to perform sex changes, men were men and women were women. Now that all of this can be changed, it has added to mix of confusion and diversity. Take away that technology and scientific ability, and we go back to NATURE and original design of purely male and female - penis and vagina. Very basic and simplistic. Yes, maybe gay people have been around forever, but they have never ever dominated in a society, nor have they been able to dictate the laws and rules in a society. Why? Because they do not speak for the majority and never have. I also contend that they never will. Words may change over time and usage, but the word gay was chosen by a group for a reason. My point was and is: no group should be able to take a word and change its PRIMARY original definition just for their purposes. Homosexual and sodomite worked very well and were proper terms. American society is obsessed with lessening the impact of a word or its meaning to make everyone feel better about what they are or are not doing. I am not a lone fish in the sea on my views or thoughts either. I may be on this site - but this site is certainly no fair presentation of the dominant views held in our country or around the world. I know I am in extremely good and highly educated company when I express my opinions. I have read far too many sources to know there are many many conservatives who hold similar or far more rigid views and opinions than I do. Since liberals claim they are about helping others and doing what is best for society, one would think they would be far more tolerant towards views that differ from their own.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Is it wrong to be sterile, then? because sterile people didn't come from others that were sterile. I believe God makes gays and sterile people as population control. We are already rapidly heading towards overpopulation, and gays are slowing down the rate of that, as are sterile people and people that decide to not have children.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Huh? This does not follow the train of logic or reasoning at all.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You said "So the Greek community was created and came about BY male/male relationships? Interesting. I did not say "tolerated" as you did - I said built on. How did men have babies to create more men so they could achieve this community? NO, NO, NO." So you're basically saying their community didn't came about by gays becayse gays can't reproduce so it must be wrong. Sterile people also can't reproduce. So does that mean it's wrong to be sterile because society didnt come about by them? So yes, it does follow that train logic you were using.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So NO, it doesn't. And I won't be responding to you any more. It is simply pointless.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Are you being obtuse on purpose? I wasn't trying to say Greek society was built on gay relationships. I was trying to say they were a decently big part. I have no issue admitting that gay relationships aren't going to produce children without some kind of outside interference. Humans can't asexually reproduce. Nobody thinks that is controversial. Nobody. LGBT acceptance is not focused on making babies. http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior. Enjoy. Each section is only part of the full list. Just scrolling past it seems like there are quite a substantial amount. I think you and everyone else are on completely different pages right now. Like I said, //the LGBT movement is not trying to change people's sexualities.// That is the exact opposite of what it's trying to accomplish. You seem to think that the 'evil scheming gays' like to get together and plot about how they'll go about becoming the 'dominant force.' //That is not what it's about.// It is about promoting acceptance of people that are LGBT. Please understand that. Nobody is trying to argue that gay people should overtake straight people. Nobody is trying to ban penises and vaginas touching. 99% of people understand that babies are made when straight sex happens. What people are trying to say that not everyone needs to have straight sex. I'm going off on a tangent here, but I want to add that the movement is not just about having sex. It's about the relationships between people. Your technology comment was not clear. Being gay is not the same as being trans. Don't mix it up. Here's a link about the history of being trans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_transgenderism_in_the_United_States). It's limited to the U.S, but there you go. Although there was no technology for sex changes, trans people did still exist. Some cultures had an idea of a third gender, so your idea of 'men were men and women were women' is not absolute. Gay people have indeed been able to dictate laws and rules. Why? Because gay people are not //just// gay people. They are not some closed off subset of humans. People are not just defined by one part of them. I understand that you're probably talking about LGBT issues, but keep that in mind. Just because they are a minority does not give the majority the ability to oppress them. What the hell, have you never been able to sympathize with someone from a different group than you? I'm not Native American, but if we had a giant overhaul tomorrow and started throwing Native Americans in prison for no reason, I would care because of basic human decency. You know damn well why sodomite isn't used. Because it's an insult. And why isn't homosexual used? It's overly formal for everyday conversation. Why do we say straight instead of heterosexual? What is inherently straight about being heterosexual? Nothing. Why do we say dog instead of canis lupus familiaris? Language doesn't work that way, that's why. People don't speak like textbooks. And if you say gay was chosen for a reason, please explain to me that reason. I would love to know. Since gay people are, like you said, a minority, they weren't the only ones who took part in popularizing it. Gay people did not hold shotguns to peoples heads' and demand they use it. It is just language progressing. You don't think acceptance is best for society? Okay. Besides, highly educated does not mean right. Highly educated people also believed in eugenics. Frankly, I don't care that a lot of people hold a view. That doesn't make it right.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So you are also xxdetroitxx???? You pick up right where my discussion with detroit left off. This is creepy in my book. If you have multiple personalities, then I have no business dealing with you. This is completely absurd, and you are proof of many suspicions I have had about users on this site. Your views are yours to cherish from now on. Enjoy them.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

What, two people can't reply to you? Is there some rule against it? That's just stupid.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I quote from Anonwhale's last comment: "Are you being obtuse on purpose? I wasn't trying to say Greek society was built on gay relationships. I was trying to say they were a decently big part. I have no issue admitting that gay relationships aren't going to produce children without some kind of outside interference." That was clearly the SAME person I was talking to before - which happened to be YOU! I am done with your pathetic little mind games and your alter ego! Surely any other reader will realize where the stupidity is.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So two people have the same opinions and think the same thing, so they must be the same person? Absolutely ridiculous.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Um, you replied to my comment? I //made// the original comment about the Greeks, too, so I don't see how that proves your point. I thought the reply was directed at me? I'm sorry that you have nothing to say back. I'm definitely not detroit. No multiple personalities. You just dismissed my whole comment because of a ridiculous guess.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It is impossible that all who say they are straight/gay/bi/etc. are truly those things.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Ah, I see what you did with the word play.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Glad somebody got it! I felt it was clearly obvious - but so many missed it completely.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

It took me a minute because of the picture, but I got it XD

by Anonymous 9 years ago

The picture itself was almost a play on the play of the post. The teen in the picture is "gay" but did not look very "gay" to me. He almost looked sad. nme

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I read "gay" both times as meaning "homosexual." I think there are some people (I've read it's about 1% of the population) who are asexual. I'd think some people who are not attracted to the opposite sex may think they are gay when they actually attracted to neither sex,

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Homosexuality is a spectrum

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I thought bisexuality was a spectrum, with homosexual and heterosexual on the ends? Also there is attraction to genders that are not male or female.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

No, when someone says he is gay, then he probably is. Not in a mean way, though.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

I had a friend who said she was going to go gay because guys didn't like her. She is a prime example of people who are not truly gay! Being truly gay is having a desire for the same sex...Not settling.

by Anonymous 8 years ago