+48 No one should ever be treated "equally" to do so is to diminish people's individual needs, you should treat them with justice. It's the same as saying you either have to give the special needs child as little help as the advanced child, or the advanced child as much help and support as the special needs child. This goes the same for maternity and paternity leave. As male I'm not housing a 6 pound person inside of me, so I don't feel I need as much time off as my unfortunate wife. Justice, not equality. AmIrite?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I don't think that is what is meant by equality equality is allowing all adults to vote it's treating all with respect and kindness, etc

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Nope. justice requires judgement and thou shall not judge. Equality is the only fair way to treat people. So stop calling anyone "special" instead treat them like the equals that they are

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You don't give everyone a 6 inch stool and call it justice, some people are still left taller than the rest. Equality is giving everyone the same size stool.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The point is you (or anyone else) doesn't get to decide who gets what chair base on their size or shape. Yes people should have the right to chose but saying short people get short stools and tall people get tall stools? http://data.amirite.net/user_images/533658c0e4592.jpg

by Anonymous 10 years ago

No, it would be the short people get the tall stools so that they can see equally as well. Ex: a 5ft 4 person getting a 6 inch stool, a 5 ft 2 person getting an 8 inch stool, a 5 ft 0 person getting a 10 inch stool.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I don't know. Equality is having a variety of stools available and letting everyone choose the stool they want. Not forcing them to "be equal" but letting them choose what makes them happy. Not saying "well you're already good at maths so I'll teach you spelling." but saying what do you //want// to learn and I'll teach you that. Maybe I am proud to be a bad speller or I want a tall stool or I like having short hair. Don't make me change to the whim of the law, let me be equal on my own terms.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not everyone is going to be able to get a stool that makes them happy, the purpose of fairly heighted stools isn't to make people happy, it's to prevent people from being unhappy bexause they can't see over tall people's heads.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

again, what if they don't want to see?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Why can't we just accept people are different, have different needs and desires and are therefore not equal

by Anonymous 10 years ago

We can accept that. However to identify those differences we would need to judge them. Everybody is differently abled. The effort needed to say "oh, Johnny needs 90% more help with throwing a ball, 25% less help with math, 65% more help with spelling, 15% less help with social skills, 80% more help with relating to animals, etc. etc." is wasted effort. I mean seriously? What are you going to do, pick out the one attribute that stands out most in your mind and give Johnny extra help there and ignore all the infinite ways in which Johnny could flourish if given extra help in those areas instead? Let's say Suesie needs extra help with spelling, should we concentrate on that? If instead we had nourished her affinity for acting out she might have become the next oscar winning actress. How can we, as mere mortals know? We cannot, we cannot judge, we are human and any attempt to judge each other is surely folly. It will seldom lead to the results we, with best intentions, hope to achieve.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I see what you mean, but equality is moreso applied to basic rights I guess.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

a balance must be met and as every child is differant that balance will differ for each to think that love and repect alone will do show a lack of experience

by Anonymous 9 years ago