+31 Thought transmission is possible, amirite?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I agree with you on this one. I have a strong belief in this stuff now after a lifetime of questioning. I'm trying to come up with a solid definition of my beliefs. and i need to test this idea more before i can be 100% convinced of it. While we're on the subject, have you ever heard of/practiced astral projection? i've heard a lot about it and have been thinking about it a lot recently.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I've never head of astral projection, but I just searched it on Google. Now that I read a little bit about it, I think that it's possible as well. I do believe in out-of-body experiences. Can you tell me more about astral projection?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Well, very simply put, it's the process of your mind leaving your body. some people believe that our spirits exist in a higher dimension called the Astral, and that our body is just a vessel for us to travel throughout the physical world. since its a dimension higher than space and time, those things no longer matter. at any point in the astral you could be at any point in time or space in the physical world if that makes sense. If you mean actually learning how to do it, i could link you to some resources that have helped me in the past. i've done it myself, and i did an experiment that proves its true.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Wow, sounds interesting. I'll have to do more research on the subject. I've always been interested in stuff like that and interested in dreams and what's capable of happening when a person is asleep. Like, some people have dreams about the future (or maybe we all do but just can't remember...in which we experience deja vu), lots of people have mastered lucid dreaming, people have had out-of-body experiences.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

you should :) and when you do tell me about your findings. by the way, dreams about the future is called precognition.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Will do, and thanks for the fact smile

by Anonymous 9 years ago

To get started with Astral Projection first start moving your seat of consciousness around your body. Most people find their consciousness by closing their eyes in a quiet place and "feeling" where there conscious being is at that moment. For almost everyone this place of "being" is directly behind the eyes. Now slowly move that. See if you can "be" e.g., behind your nose, or in your mouth. Try to move your being further from its home place, your neck, your chest, your belly, and eventually out of the body. Some people find it easier to move up to the 3rd eye first, then down. I can do it with much effort, and I used to be able to do it at will, when I was younger and found marijuana helped.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll try it.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I can't say it's impossible. :-) BTW. Are you talking about a technology-free sort of transmission? I would not be surprised if one day someone develops a device that would be able to monitor a human brain and identify certain thoughts. The transmission part would be relatively easy.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I mean thought transmission as in telepathy, being able to transmit your thoughts onto another person, and being able to receive transmitted thoughts from other people; being able to communicate with another person without using your 5 senses. But, I'm sure that's capable of happening as well.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

It's called communicating. You can acheve it through talking or writing to people. It is very much possible.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Like sending someone a thought? Ha. Maybe! Seems cool though.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Guess what I am thinking jolly

by Anonymous 8 years ago

*gasps* OMG! Why would you think that?? (You know ik lol)

by Anonymous 8 years ago