-5 Donald Trump is a big hypocrite, very racist, and always makes bad jokes about women, but Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are socialist, even worse. No good future presidents left campaigning. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz already dropped out. This is sad. Should we vote for the horrible Donald Trump so Hilary Clinton (most likely to be nominee) would not be president? And they are all big liers incase you didn't know. Shocking, right? What now? Vote for Trump? Not vote? This is really sad. Amirite fellow Republicans that agree with me? Amirite?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

I'm not backing down from whom I'm voting for. Not even for money. Not voting at all, isn't going to do anything at all.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Trump is a racist? How do you figure?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Oh looking who is turning now. I thought you couldn't stand Trump.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

No DD, that's simply //your// interpretation of me saying, "Trump is not my guy", or words like that. He's not my first choice. I would have preferred Cruz. But, Cruz is not running anymore. So, Trump is the last man standing. And I would proudly cast a vote for him ahead of Hillary. Understand?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Good luck with that and your splintered party. He and Cruz weren't even close in ideology, so you are just basically voting for him for nothing.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Keeping Hillary out of the White House has great value.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

And voting of someone who is a racist, sexist, xenophobic ignorant pig who knows absolutely nothing about politics has great value?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Your opinion of Trump is just that - an opinion. Hillary is in fact a threat to the security of the USA.

by Anonymous 7 years ago


by Anonymous 7 years ago

Yes, I know my stuff. I even know it well enough to defend it. How about you? You claim Trump is racist. Please explain why you say that. What evidence do you have that Trump is racist? "Splain" yourself.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Saying the illegal Mexican immigrants were mostly rapists and murderers isn't enough for you?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Is that what he said? Or, what you heard (or were told.) //When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. …They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."// And, what’s really upsetting people on the Left is Trump’s assertion that Mexican illegal aliens are committing a substantial amount of crime in America. That is inarguably true. And, it doesn't make him a racist.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

and that's what you're being told? Who said that? Trump? HE'S A BIG FAT LIER! If you actually know your stuff...

by Anonymous 7 years ago

The 2011 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report documents crimes committed by foreign alien nationals inside the United States. It counts as an alien any immigrant who has not been “naturalized” – that is, any alien who has applied for and been conferred with citizenship after being brought into the United States from their home country. Therefore, even this report would not include the criminal offenses of the millions of immigrants inside the U.S. who have converted their green cards into citizenship papers, about 19.3 million. So, for instance, the elder Boston Bomber, the recent Chattanooga Shooter, and other immigrant terrorists naturalized by the federal government would be counted by the government as citizen crimes, not alien crimes. The report tallies approximately 3 million arrest offenses attached to the incarcerated criminal alien population. Of these offenses, half a million were drug related, 70,000 were sexual offenses, 213,000 were for assault, 125,000 were for larceny/theft, and 25,000 were for homicides. Based on the GAO’s sample of criminal aliens, they estimated that their study population of 249,000 criminal aliens was arrested about 1.7 million times, averaging about 7 arrests per criminal alien. By definition, not one one of these crimes would have occurred absent the immigrant who committed it – in other words, without admitting these individuals, there would have been at least 70,000 fewer sexual assaults, 25,000 fewer slayings, 125,000 fewer robberies, and so forth.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

No Mexico is not trying to get rid of people and put them in our country, but people want to move to America because of the freedom, the right to choose, the right to stand up for yourself, the right to own property, free education, more and better jobs, and in some countries simply THE RIGHT TO LIVE- NOT TO BE "SACRIFICED" TO SOME MORON. Many reasons, but Mexico is NOT trying to destroy our country. It was the people's choice. Those people do not have serious problems unless they were born like that or became like that because of a recent event. The authorities are not trying to push those people out, maybe they are trying to sacrifice them to a false religious god. THOSE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO LIVE. SIMPLY TO SURVIVE. And what's the best place for that? AMERICA! This is just like candidates who want to change America. Why don't they move to a different country if they want America to be like them? Now, they might answer with something like, "Well, I'm just trying to make every country good," but no. The reason that they want to stay in America is simply because they know America is the best place to live because of all the freedoms and right we as a citizen have! You see, people like Donald Trump lie to try to get to the top. He simply doesn't care about the people dying every day in other countries that just want to live. And how? Of course, by immigrating to America! You see, people want better lives for themselves and their children, and they know America is the best country for that! Donald Trump doesn't care. He only cares for himself. I bet you he thinks of all the stuff he wants to do and can do if he becomes the president. ALL LIVES MATTER, no matter your racial origin, your religious beliefs, your standards, your thought, ALL LIVES MATTER! And guess what, Donald Trump doesn't think so! Imagine if you were one of those people about to be killed for nothing! Those people are innocent! GIVE THEM A CHANCE! Donald Trump knows this, and he's not doing so. Why? Because others don't know this! Now, help spread this word so people can vote for the best person to be president.

by Anonymous 7 years ago


by Anonymous 7 years ago

Steak, don't be silly. Walls, fences, borders are to keep out the illegals, the ones that won't use legal means of entry. And, who are we at war with?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Well Trump isn't racist just because he believes Muslims shouldn't enter the U.S. or that we should build a wall that way illegals won't come in. If that's the case, then everyone needs to keep their doors unlocked tonight and let people in who want to come in. Trump has more minority votes than any other Republican candidate in the past. That has to mean something. And as I recall Hillary and Bill KKKlinton honored a KKK member who STAYED Democrat till his death. Trump may be loud and politically incorrect, but he's winning because people want someone new. We've already had the Clintons in office and nothing changed. I think it's time to try a different approach. As for Cruz and Rubio they aren't even really Republicans. The GOP has been dividing the party tremendously. Republican Trump supporters were always being criticized by the GOP even though a lot of them were donating to them. Rubio even said that if Trump is elected as the Republican nominee then vote Democrat. What real conservative would say that? GOP should always be behind the candidate that the majority voters want. I'm glad that they dropped out. The Republican party is a joke now that's for sure. People like Rubio and Cruz were always bending backwards to get the approval from the liberals. Republicans back then would never be this soft or PC. Same goes for Democrats. I suggest people go look at all the "racist" things past presidents have said. When they stood for something they stood for it. No BS or trying to please the other side. Trump also doesn't need lobbyist so that's another reason why both sides are against him. Republicans and the GOP are too busy trying to bring down Trump that they barely worry about Hillary or Bernie. That's their other flaw. So I will stay independent until I see the Republican party actually stand for conservatism and the candidates aren't afraid to stand for something besides wanting to kiss the a** of the Democrats and liberals.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Let me see. He has said that we are getting rapists and murderers from Mexico. Always goes on about women and their looks. And he wants to round up 11 million people. The last person who did that successfully was Hitler. And he wants to deport Muslims. Also, he has a thing for people who have served in the military and those with handicaps. How many groups has this man NOT insulted?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

He never said he wants to deport LEGAL Muslims out who are already here! He's trying to keep the illegal one's living in the Middle East from coming in. How's that racist? Muslims aren't even a race. That's like saying anyone who's against Christianity is racist. Do research before making accusations that are obviously based on emotions than facts.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

See you didn't touch the Mexico comment with a ten foot poll. Smart.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Exactly. You are completely correct. Thank you.

by Anonymous 7 years ago