+335 Making fun of skinny people, is just as bad/mean as making fun of a big person. Don't assume that it only hurts the bigger person, and that the small person deserves to because they must automatically be anorexic. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm ALWAYS made fun of for being the thinnest. People don't realise how much it hurts my feelings.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People say stuff like "oh you shouldn't complain you're like, super skinny", I'm sorry, but if it was up to me, I would have some curves and a body that makes me look like a woman, not a preteen.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, just because I'm skinny doesn't mean that all of the clothes fit me like everyone expects.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My thoughts exactly

by Anonymous 12 years ago

See, I'm super skinny and I have health problems to go with it. I have fast metabolism, so fast actually that I had be put on pills to help slow it down so I could gain weight. I also have really low blood pressure and low blood sugar. I have no fat on my bones so I have to dress in layers all the time because I'm always cold, and it actually hurts to lay down on a hard floor because my bones stick out. So being really skinny is just as hard as being really fat, just for different reasons.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OMG finally somebody understand!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

THANK YOU!!!! In seventh grade in gym class we all had to stand on a scale in short-shorts and a t-shirt and be weighed, and my gym teacher took me into his office and asked me very seriously if I was eating regularly. I always have a hard time finding clothes that fit. I have to belt EVERY pair of pants I own because I'm so tall; pants that fit my legs assume that my waist will be several inches thicker than it actually is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Those adjustable-waist pants were amazing for a few years until I realized that the only pants with them are in the little kids' section.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or people could just man up and learn to take jokes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you mean that in regard to everyone, including skinny people, fat people, etc. then I agree.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I do. Fat people, skinny people, black people, white people, dumb people, smart people. I'm tired of being so scared of offending people. They're called jokes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with you, even though I agreed with this post. It always bothered me that I would laugh at the "skinny jokes" but I could never even think about making a joke about people considered fat.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm very petite. Short and skinny. I have an extremely fast metabolism.. I'm happy with my weight, I like being skinny, but I just don't like the comments that come with it. I hate it when people say "OH YOU NEED TO EAT MORE! AND GAIN MORE WEIGHT. YOU'RE TOO SKINNY. YOU'RE SO ANOREXIC" Anorexic is a medical condition. I am not anorexic, I'm petite.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

believe me.. being underweight is NOT FUN. your constantly cold, even on hot days, and you can't find any clothes that fit you ( half of my clothes are from kids) and your bones always stick out so they always hurt. oh and then you have to deal with the people that say, "you need to eat some food!!!" umm it's not that easy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Im skinny and i don't really get offended by people who call me skinny :

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no of course not.. but we are talking about when people are like "OMG YOUR SO SKINNEY YOUR SO LUCKY YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING! your like anorexic!!!" umm first of all we can't eat everything because even if we don't gain weight.. it's bad for your health.. oh and being called anorexic just because your really skinney is totally not cool considering that that is a disease ( btw Im not trying to prove you wrong since I agree with you that its not bad when people call you skinney) :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

... "skinney" no

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's 'skinny', actually.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

i've never heard of anyone being so skinny that they couldn't fit into an amusement park ride seat ; and when someone overweight walks into a room its a lot more distracting than someone underweight . It's also a lot easier to gain weight than lose weight (and keep it off) . lets all just lighten up and take a drink (:

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That last part is untrue. I have the most unhealthy eating habits of anyone I've ever met. I have gone a whole week eating nothing but sugary sweets and syrupy waffles without gaining a single pound. I would probably get a heart attack faster than I would gain half a pound of fat. I can't even gain muscle because it's constantly being broken down. You just can't fight a metabolism that's faster than Sonic the Hedgehog.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

actually that last part is not true. I have been underweight my whole life but recently I've dropped weight so that my doctor and family became very concerned. I was put on pills (pills for elderly people that helped make my bones stronger, imagine how it felt to take those at 15) and I was put on a very strict diet. I wasn't allowed to eat any junk food unless I eat anything healthy first and I was supposed to eat multiple meals a day with high protein and carbohydrates. And after all the hard work for 4 months I gained only TWO POUNDS! I think that just proves the consumption that gaining weight is easie r then losing weight totally wrong. (btw just to make it clear, I never had a eating disorder I just have a reallllyyy fast metabolism.)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i feel like your two replies were like the same haha. kay yeahh, that sucks . but I'm sure its more rare that people need pills to gain weight than the amount of people who need weight loss surgery and pills to fasten their metabolism so they can lose it .

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yah I agree that the amount of overweight people is alot higher then the rate of underweight people.. and that's why alot of people don't realize that both situations suck and ones not worst then the other :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeahh, saying "go eat a cheeseburger" or "you're anorexic" is annoying to even me, and I'm not bone sticking out skinny or anything and i hate hearing people say it to other people . but its a lot easier to be mean to an overweight person. like when they break chairs by sitting on them or words like "heffer" "pig" "cow" or whatever. Plus skinny people end up as models and whatever and sought after, and overweight people not so much, so the comments probably do have a little more sting to them with overweight people. however, the skinny jokes probably are hurtful too .

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yah I totally see where you are coming from.. skinney people have to deal with alot but people are never straight up rude like they are to overweight people. however i think this post is just trying to put it out there that alot of things that some people consider compliments like "OMG your like a stick you are like anorexic!!" can be very hurtful. So while neither is fun.. I guess overweight people have it worst but yah idk I think I made my point though ?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

sure did .

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Dude, I don't know where you come from, but where I come from it's a lot easier to lose weight than to gain, the only reason 'fat' people have trouble is because they aren't eating right, they aren't driven enough to lose that weight, not to be offensive, but if people weren't as lazy as they are, there would be no 'fat' people and then there would be no 'fat' people to make fun of skinny people. so you know what go home or get your facts right.roll

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I would have sex with this post and anyone associated in the making of it

by Anonymous 12 years ago

None of my friends ever call people out on being overweight, but I can't even tell you how many times they've been like "OMG you're sooo skinny go eat a cheeseburger". its just plain annoying and rude. I mean, I would never change the way I look, but that doesn't mean I wanna hear people tell how thin I am. Like I don't see that everytime I look in the mirror, seriously.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree, being called skinny can really hurt someones feelings. I never really understood it until recently. But I must add, even when someone DOES have an eating disorder.. it can still hurt their feelings if they're called anorexic. A lot of people with eating disorders don't feel they do, or they'd prefer not to be labelled by their mental illness.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I seriously think this is my new fav post on this website :) FINALLY SOMEBODY UNDERSTANDS!! (actually I was surprised that a lot of people do judging from the comments!!)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So glad people finally know how I feel. It's super annoying when people constantly say "go eat!!!" or when they call me anorexic. PEOPLE. Anorexia is where girls think they're really fat so they starve themselves. Damn. Get to know the person before you start assuming ignorant things.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The world would be a better place if people just stopped pretending they knew what other people were going through. There are reasons that it sucks to be skinny just as there are reasons that it sucks to be fat. Everyone has their own issues that they struggle with.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no freedom t'll we're equal, damn right I support it, lol.

by Anonymous 10 years ago