+353 23 years old and a virgin is fairly normal, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

only if you aren't married.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its ok and doesnt make them a weirdo or anything, but its definitely not the norm

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't know whether to click YYA or NW, because I think it's normal as in 'there's nothing wrong with it'...but it's very rare to be a virgin at that age, so technically not normal as in 'average'. In my opinion anyway.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you've said "I'm not having sex until marriage" it's alright, but if you are trying to get some then you're not normal

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well... if you've been trying and failing for that long... yeah

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The post is wrong, but not because there's anything wrong with being a virgin. It's just anything but average to be a virgin that long... but who wants to be average? That shit is overrated. If you're a virgin by choice, more power to you(you are missing out, though!)... if you don't want to be a virgin, then you're gonna have to get off the computer, out of the house, and meet some people. The person you want isn't going to knock on your door, and your chances of meeting them in an online game are slim at best.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just want to remind you all that not every girl has a beautiful, attractive face, & a slim, sexy body. There are many, many women who have never attracted the gaze of a man, & have never experienced the feeling of being sexually desirable. Many of these unfortunate women, together with those that are inherently shy, resign themselves to a life without sex. Men are brought up to admire only a certain shape of a woman’s body as being sexually desirable, & I put this down to two things. Firstly, advertising; virtually always are beautiful girls used to promote a product, & secondly, film & TV. These take the viewer into a world of fantasy where the object of the male viewer’s desire is usually stunningly attractive. This whole system brainwashes men into only desiring these idealised females, & unfortunately the male sex drive is driven mainly by visual stimuli. If you look back through history, you’ll see that the “ideal shape” of a woman has varied greatly. Many societies in the past idealised the larger female frame, & fat was beautiful, so it must be possible to change men’s attitude in the long run, but not all the time they are bombarded by the modern idea of what is sexy. This is not helped by the advise on health where experts extol the virtues of the thinner frame, & fat is unacceptable. I don’t pretend to know the answer, but I thought that girls should realise that many of them are not virgins by choice.

by Anonymous 9 months ago