+389 The price of gas is way to expensive, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

High prices suck, but it makes us use less fuel I'm all for it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

wow troubleAfriend that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my life, its not making people use less gas its making them spend more out of pocket. Gas is something that everyone will buy, because its a product that we cant live without, without gas we have no motorized vehicles, even most electric cars need a little gas to run, so why would u want the price to be higher? its just hurting u individually

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Have you heard of walking? Or cycling? There are alternatives to using a car, you know. Do them a little more often, and hey presto! You're spending less on gas/petrol. It's not difficult really.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well my daily commute is nearly 30 mintues in car to get to where i need to be, yep im sure as hell gonna walk there i should probably have left about 3 hours ago so i can get there by noon tommaro, sound like a plan?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Why can't we just switch to ethanol or something? I know the change will be gradual, but shouldn't the government at least give it a shot?

by Anonymous 14 years ago