-155 People who are vegetarians because they feel sorry for animals are annoying, but the ones who think it's 'healthier' are worse, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1) It IS healthier, actually. 2) Can you blame people for thinking we shouldn't kill animals for our food? Hoiw are they annoying? YOU'RE annoying for generalizing people who have different opinions than you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I like you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's not healthier, actually. People need proteins and fats. Omega-3 (vital fatty acid!) is most commonly available in meats and kelp, and we don't all have access to kelp. As for killing animals for food - animals do it too. Either we kill plants or we kill animals. Or both. I prefer both.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

We don't all have access to kelp? I'm pretty sure with today's shipping that lets me go to a store and grab a pineapple and some bananas that I could get some kelp

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There are MANY other ways to get protein and fatty acids in a completely vegetarian (or vegan) diet. Things like nuts and beans have lots of protein and fatty acids. Much of the stuff you get in meat is bad for you (lots of fat, etc.). You also get all the artificial fertilizers and hormones that animals eat on plants or are given. Being vegetarian also makes you more aware of what you're eating, since you have to read ingredient lists on everything. While scanning for meat products, you're likely to notice all the other junk that is put into your food and buy healthier, more chemical-free food. I think everyone could benefit going vegetarian, just for a month or so, and seeing how it changes their lives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"artificial fertilizers and hormones on plants" you voided your whole argument with that statement

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How? I'm talking about artificial fertilizers and artificial hormones that an animal (like a cow) would get. It would be given artificial hormones (like rBGH) and eat artificial fertilizers (like chemicals on grass). I'm not trying to be rude; I just don't understand why that was wrong.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because they put pesticides and herbicides on plant that are sold in store. And use fertilizers from cows that have eaten artificial hormones, so with bio-magnification, those same hormones end up in your vegetarian diet

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not healthier, actually. People need proteins and fats. Omega-3 (vital fatty acid!) is most commonly available in meats and kelp, and we don't all have access to kelp. As for killing animals for food - animals do it too. Either we kill plants or we kill animals. Or both. I prefer both. What reasons for being vegetarian did I miss? If I got them all, I may be generalizing, but I'm generalizing accurately.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, you'll save many animals lives! You kill a chicken for a chicken sandwhich, one animal doesn't eat that chicken. If the animal was relying on that chicken to survive, that animal dies. And so on. It's all just a matter of what you kill and what gets affected by it. D: But, yea, protein is good, but NOT like a 30 piece bucket of chicken wings from KFC. NO healthy. THAT's when a veggie burger comes in handy. :D

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Nothing would really be relying on the chicken to survive these days. KFC doesn't really find all their chickens in the wild

by Anonymous 12 years ago

KFC barely even counts as meat, the only good part is the skin anyways. And that animal who's life I just "saved" will be eaten by somebody else

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Factory farming much? For me, it's not the idea that you're killing animals, it's how you're killing them. If people weren't cruel and torture the animals, I would eat meat.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Nuts and fish

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Humans are, by nature, omnivores. It's unnatural for them to not eat meat. That would be like a vulture deciding to just eat leaves off of trees. It wouldn't make any sense.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually...no. The only reason we eat meat is because we have the tools to kill an animal. If it weren't for spears and guns, we would be eating leaves like most apes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Chimpanzees eat baby birds and eggs

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And other small primates O_o

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

If we didn't have the tools to kill animals, we would evolve into creatures that could kill them without any tools.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're 110% correct. I'm a vegetarian for over 2 years, and you my friend, know exactly what you're talking about.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if the love of your life turned out a vegetarian, grocery shopping at *gasp* a health food store! Then how would you feel?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I shop at Whole Foods anyway? And he's not, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him if he was.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So you're basically saying you wouldn't love someone if they are a vegetarian?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree cause I like meat

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm a vegetarian because everything with a heart deserves to live. & I don't eat gelatin or anything that came from meat, but I do eat eggs & dairy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So I assume you are pro life?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes I am.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

How the hell are we annoying? What people eat has nothing to do with you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I completely agree. I was raised a vegetarian, and most of my friends in grade school could not comprehend why I didn't like meat. Who cares what we eat and what we don't eat?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It gets annoying when I'm at a restaurant having a steak and some vegan asshole is giving me dirty looks the whole time

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is possible for a vegan to not be a jerk. Not all of them are the same.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No group of people is all the same. Except for the ones that use that line

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is healthier, which is why I'm vegetarian. I'll eat meat, but then I feel gross and heavy. You're annoying for not minding your business. Live and let live. Or live and let die.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't care what people eat, as long as they don't tell me I'm being unhealthy. Let me eat my bacon in peace.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is healthier, if you do it right. We aren't really built to eat meat which you can tell by the length of our long intestines, our teeth, the fact that we have to cook the meat to be able to eat it, the small sizes our food has to be before we can swallow it, and many other reasons. All the protein and nutrients you need you can get from plant foods, where do you think the cow got its nutrients?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Technically speaking, there's a lot of meat that it's safe to eat raw, provided you don't overeat on it. Cooking does remove harmful bacteria and diseases that have become more prominent due to the way the food industry is run, but even still, there are meats served raw all the time. (in particular, fish and seafood.) ...though I pretty much agree with the rest of your post.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hm, I was going to NW this since I know vegetarians that are definitely not annoying, but the comments changed my mind.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's never been scientifically proven that life is valuable, and I have no issues with extinguishing it for a delicious meal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Meat is murder, tasty tasty murder. Bacon is meat candy. *holds up a steak* this cow was a vegetarian, and it didn't live that long.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My best friend is vegetarian used to be vegan. I'm not vegetarian but if you are that's fine, just keep all this PETA bullshit and videos of "tortured" animals to yourself because I don't give two fucks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's only annoying when they either 1) preach to you about how it's so much better and you should be a vegetarian 2) brag about how they are so healthy and you are not 3) refuse to go to a certain resteraunt because they can't find anything vegetarian that they like

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The last one isn't really annoying... I can see if you're going out with a big group, but as a vegetarian, if I'm going out with a few friends, I will suggest that we don't go to Outback Steakhouse or J. Gilberts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey I have an idea. Why don't we let people eat whatever the hell they want to eat? I'm a vegetarian, and the same way people don't like when vegetarians preach to them, I don't like when meat eaters preach to me. I'm around meat eaters all the time, but they don't bother me, and I don't bother them, and we all live happily ever after.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What annoys me is hearing people say, "Well, I'm a vegetarian, but I eat poultry and seafood - just not red meat..." Last I knew, a vegetarian didn't eat any meat, not just certain kinds. I also hate how Peta tries to shame people into going vegan, and makes a huge deal over meat eating. It's not their place to decide what people should and shouldn't eat.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't care, as long as they're not in my face about it. Not every vegetarian is annoying, just the ones that try to guilt people. Not every meat eater is annoying, just the ones that bitch about vegetarians every time they meet one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Animals were put on this earth for a reason, Ever heard of the "Food chain"? I have nothing against vegetarians, but some of them just get far too high and mighty, or hate on me because I enjoy meat. A lot.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Same with avid bicyclists.... "boff boff boff, look at me saving the environment. I have plenty of time to ride my bike on this road that was built for cars so I'm going to assume that everyone else who has to yield to me has plenty of time to get where they're going as well."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Meat tastes good and if I don't eat it or someone else doesn't eat it, then an animal died for nothing except maybe Jennifer Lopez's fur coat. And it's proven to be healthier than living without meat. Don't put guilt on meat eaters. I didn't personally kill the animal. I just ate what I paid for.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Humans are omnivores. We have teeth in front to tear meat. I for one love steak, and only eat it while its red in the middle, but I also love salad. I've got a really diverse diet. There's nothing wrong with eating meat, I just wish the animals lived more naturally and weren't hormone injected before slaughtered.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm perfectly aware that humans are omnivores, and don't go around telling everyone they should be vegetarians like me. But factory farming is an incredibly corrupt industry, not just because of their cruelty to animals, but because of their treatment of workers and their effect on the economy. I personally do not want to fund an industry as corrupt as factory farming.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I live by the motto if you couldn't kill it, don't eat it. I couldn't kill a pig so I won't eat one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cannibals are the WORST. They go on and on about how we should "JUST TRY IT!!" And I'm like, "no thanks," but they get all pushy and tell me it's healthier.

by Anonymous 12 years ago