+38 The number of infinity as a theory, amirite?

by StatisticianDry9097 1 month ago

You are just describing 'multiverse theory' lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well, infinity is very much practical as the whole quantum theory is defined in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. In turn, quantum theory is very much practical from your computer chip to nuclear bombs.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Mathematician here. This everywhere-splitting timeline would actually be waaay bigger than the normal non-splitting timeline. There's a whole theory of different infinities (look up "infinite cardinal"), and the splitting timeline would have size at least 2R, which is a bigger tier of infinity. Fun stuff!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean infinity isn't really a number. Yes, it is an irrational number but as far as I know it's more often than not used as an extreme. For example the hyperbola y=1/x will basically never reach 0 but but if you would replace x with infinity it basically is zero but it isn't but it kinda also is. It's irrational

by Anonymous 1 month ago