+30 Time flies faster as you age because each moment is a smaller percent of your life, amirite?

by Serenitystark 1 month ago

Username checks out...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Maybe. My bet is adults have way more to worry about that keeps them constantly occupied. Go sit by a river for an hour with no distractions. That hour feels like forever.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't find time passing quicker and quicker.

by blickhester 1 month ago

Except when you're at work or at a party and want to go home

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Years also matter more as discrete units of time and included landmarks for the young. Up until you're 18 your life is split into school year and summer. Some continue that through college, but at a certain point most of us end up in a year-round career and the time is less divided in our memories by those oscillations between busy and carefree.

by Prestigious_Fold1565 1 month ago

Back in my day a summer lasted 5 seconds and the time spent in the dentist waiting room lasted 20 years.

by Rachelosinski 1 month ago

I have clear memories from age 2 and 3. Maybe I'm an outlier.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I kinda find that unlikely, but some people are different I guess. It's quite possible you only remember a later memory of that event. Particularly one that was told to you. I know of events that happened when I was 2 or 3, but I don't recall them directly. As for me, the earliest thing I remember occurring was my first day of school at age 5. Earlier than that is an instant blur.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think it's because we been on the planet for a while...we r used to the things , a routine whatever, it goes faster. For sure. Years just flying by. Feels like it was 2020 just yesterday

by Burdette89 1 month ago