+27 People with genetic diseases should be financially compensated by their parents. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes! And short guys should sue for getting bullied! Tall guys should get the extra cost for larger plane seats reimbursed! My glasses?! Parents pay up! I think it should be 100% legal for IVF to be used to select for fetuses not affected and/or abort in the case of serious illness. And I understand children being angry at their parents but I don't think an extra financial responsibility would change anything for the better.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It just so happens that parents do (in 99% of cases) pay for the extra expenses up until a certain age , 18,21 or even older

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why not pay for the medical expenses for life?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Medical insurance should cover that, no? I mean they didn't mean to give their child some defect, at some point a person needs to take care of themselves and until you're at that point parents usually do pay for the insurance and or treatments

by Anonymous 1 month ago

How does the child (especially once they are an adult) get medical insurance? In most cases insurance will not cover all the costs.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The parents pay for it - just how they pay for the other insurances until you get a job and or live alone

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In the case one cannot get a job because of the inherited genetic disease?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's what social security disability is for

by WarUsed2986 1 month ago

Does everyone with an inherited genetic disease get it? Does it cover their living expenses adequately? Do all countries have it? Are all their health expenses covered?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Everyone whose health condition is bad enough that they can't work gets it. It covers the bare minimum and I'm not sure how it works in other countries but I would assume most have some sort of similar program

by WarUsed2986 1 month ago

There are a lot of people who deserve it who don't get it. So parents should be responsible for them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

And if they can't afford it?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why create children that you can't afford?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Affording children is one thing, but then requiring people to budget for a worst case profound disability care situation?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Remember the parent is already aware that they will pass the disease to the child, before they have the child.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Genetic diseases don't just come out of nowhere. Someone in the family must have had it and they know they could have the genes. Read about how people who are carriers of sickle cell trait can avoid creating children with sickle cell disease.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Your ignorance doesn't make your argument stronger. Sickle cell anaemia is widespread in certain geographical areas, and also being a carrier confers some advantages regarding malarial transmission. Not all genetic conditions are understood, not all have had the gene(s) isolated. If you live in a bit of the world/country that doesn't allow abortions in case of genetic defects that significantly impact quality of life, what then?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I used sickle cell disease as an example. Due to immigration it can be found anywhere on earth but mostly in Africa and America (Black Americans).

by Anonymous 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ok. So Africa, the Arab peninsula and India. People with sickle cell traits have family members with sickle disease in lost cases so they know.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

they are aware that there's a chance. it's not definitive. hence why it's called a gamble or Genetic Russian Roulette. even with genetic testing and you show genetic markers for something. then one decides if one want kids. if they choose to have offspring, they then wait to get the fetus genetically tested. of course, these routes don't catch everything i.e. autism.

by Far_Acadia 1 month ago

If you know there is a risk of getting into a car accident with your car, you get car insurance and health insurance in case you get injured. It's all about planning ahead for the children who might inherit a condition that you are aware of.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

after a certain age we are simply not their responsibility my dude. exactly, us grown children should get our own health insurance and if you're so bad off, fight for disability. but saying, for example, your 50+ year old mother should still be financially supporting you just because you're mentally unstable/ill/whatever is silly. our parents should what? go into debt supporting us grown adults? after they've already gone into some debt supporting us? you're mad at your parents when you should be mad at the system(s) that make living so much more difficult.

by Far_Acadia 1 month ago

Wow! An actually unpopular opinion haha

by Leading_Office 1 month ago

I'm assuming that you have a genetic disease courtesy of your parents, and you want a payout due to the hardships you live under? What if your parents had no idea they carried the genes? What if you were born with an abnormality - say no legs - would you want compensation based off that? Am I able to sue my parents for me needing glasses given poor eyesight can be genetic?

by OwlOther 1 month ago

Yeah, you're making sense. You never asked to be born with bad sight and they gave that to you, so they should have to pay for all your glasses and appointments.

by Madalyn26 1 month ago

Compensation for a negative sets up a sliding scale. $500 for a hairlip, $2000 for neasightedness, $500,000 for diabetes. If parents owe for negative attributes they should be paid for positive ones. I think having functioning hands, legs, genitals, eyes & ears are probably worth a few million each. The value of a working heart or brain or digestive system is off the scale - without these you have nothing so the compensation for each is a lifetime income. Perhaps the idea of payments for inherited characteristics is a bit stupid?

by Egulgowski 1 month ago

Yeah, but if you don't have a beating heart or a brain you don't miss out on anything because you wouldn't be alive in the first place.

by Madalyn26 1 month ago

Why, though? What's it got to do with the parents? I mean, sure, decent parents would always try to support their child if need be but I don't see the validity of thinking they have to pay for the child's disease.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The parents chose to have the child despite knowing they would pass on a genetic disease.

by Anonymous 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

So pay all medical bills and living expenses for your adult children.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why, though?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Because choices have consequences.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They do, but that doesn't apply here.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why should someone else (kids) pay for the consequences of the actions of others (parents) ?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm sorry, but I can't really figure out why you think the parents are to blame for something that is wrong with the child?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Knowingly creating a sick child is not fair to the child. Parents should ensure the child is taken care of even into adulthood.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If it is particularly bad, they likely do already. They may never live independently. Treatment here is covered though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ok. So it's already happening. Good.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Of course it is. Parents support their children no matter if they have a disease or are perfectly healthy. Up to 18 if not beyond. Whether they should be "financially compensated" I don't even know what you mean. But in this country stuff like medical bills aren't an issue as we have a national health service.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What about living expenses for the adult who inherited a genetic disease that makes working impossible? Don't say disability because almost everyone on disability says that that money is not enough.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They probably do already. This is a really weird beef you have, it is not like the parents did it deliberately.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is more a broad conversation about Healthcare and safety nets. Because they brought the person into the world they are owed compensation? Practicality thinking. Who would be in charge of overseeing this?

by Westgennaro 1 month ago

It can be made a law. That way an organisation is made to oversee it. Just like CPS oversees affairs of minors.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why not judt fix Medicare to be a safetynet and expand to more than it is? and ubi? Seems like an easier solution

by Westgennaro 1 month ago

That can be a solution. What happens for the time being as the "system is being fixed"? What about living expenses?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

True. That is a "future" solution. What about the children suffering today?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Obviously the social systems are not adequate currently. So the parents should be financially responsible.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What would be the penalty for not being able to pay fully

by Westgennaro 1 month ago

Good question. What happens when you sue a broken person who owes you money and they can't pay? Probably prison.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Homie doesn't understand the first thing about delict

by Existing_Cow 1 month ago

A parent can be a carrier of a disease without even knowing it

by NeighborhoodLivid 1 month ago

what if they were adopted? what if they lost all their family? what if they've been estranged? not everyone is aware of these things. diseases can skip generations.

by Far_Acadia 1 month ago

Thanks to 23 and me, ancestry DNA tests that is no longer an issue. Also when people go for their yearly health check up they are asked about family history of any diseases. This requires people to check a few generations back for any diseases.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

uh huh, and you realize those are like 50-100$ and not easily affordable to everyone. and you realize that not everyone has access to the internet or cable to see these things advertised?

by Far_Acadia 1 month ago

When people go for their yearly health check up, they are asked for family history of any disease. This requires someone to check a few generations back.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

no one does that lmfao they ask you to fill out the form to the best of your knowledge. if you don't know your family history they're not saying "oh well go get genetic testing and then come back". if you don't know family history you leave it blank, choose "unknown", or write "N/A".

by Far_Acadia 1 month ago

People with genetic diseases should just not be allowed to have children. If they want kids, they can adopt.

by ypaucek 1 month ago

Do you have any family history of any genetic disease?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes. I also prefer to have never been born.

by ypaucek 1 month ago

Ok. I get you.

by Anonymous 1 month ago