+24 Backing into a parking space is a waste of time and rude to people behind you in a parking lot, amirite?

by kochgaylord 1 month ago

So you're fine with waiting for someone to back out.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Op is now the dog meme with "no reversing out! Only parking in!"

by Street_Arrival3022 1 month ago

No one wants to wait for you while you squeeze into a spot, slowly just so you and whip out fast later. But its just the other way round if u dont, then people have to wait for u when u slowly backing out, so how does it make a difference? Besides, when u have backed into a parking space, u can quickly and more easily get out, u have a better view, and therefor can more easily see if someone walks right in front of u.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No one really cares, it's not that you will start ramming my car because you don't want to wait, you'll just wait.

by Regular-Seaweed 1 month ago

God forbid you're inconvenienced for 5 seconds for knowingly following someone down a parking aisle. Grow up, homie

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It is slower for me to drive in forwards as I without fail have to adjust. Whereas I'm in first time when reverse parking due to never parking forwards. So if you're happy to wait longer and for safety to be compromised…

by Fancy_Ad_2018 1 month ago

Backing in is not only faster than backing out, but it's also much safer. 20% of all accidents are in parking lots, any increase in visibility greatly reduces your chance of an accident

by prohaskaheber 1 month ago