+36 cherry flavored candy is gross and tastes like medicine. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cherry Life Savers are legend.

by Present_Ad 1 month ago

Starburst too

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Jolly Ranchers as well.

by Old_Engineering 1 month ago

I like it because of the medicine taste tbh

by Stammkraig 1 month ago

Wait till OP finds out how many ludens I've had not having a cough…

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ludens are pure candy in the disguise of a cough drop. :P

by Ordinary-Age9288 1 month ago

OP's age? I say 11 on the high end.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well, I suppose I would assume that someone who says 'it's icky' to probably not like medicine. That's why if you're 3 or 4 years old 'A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...'

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cherry is one of my favorites 😬

by Boring-Thought 1 month ago

As a kid it was Cherry Lemon Banana "Tropical" Blue raspberry As an adult they're all almost too sweet for me to tell the difference. I miss being able to crush a whole bag of skittles in one go...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm always shocked by the amount of people that like banana

by Boring-Thought 1 month ago

Yeah it's a pretty controversial flavor lol. I've been roasted for it on several occasions but I'll die on that hill 🫡

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I like the banana flavoring in Runtz, but thats it. And ita probably more nostalgia for me.... back when i was 5 and the only parts of the runtz pack id eat were bananas.

by Ordinary-Age9288 1 month ago

Maybe you just think "cherry" tastes gross, and it has nothing to do with medicine. Maybe as a child you ate "cherry flavored medicine", and didn't actually eat cherry-flavored candy for the first time until after those experiences. So now, you associate "cherry-flavor" with medicine, which explains why your explanation seems off. Think about it. "Medicine" is not a flavor, but cherry is.

by danemertz 1 month ago

yeah but alot of candy flavors are an abhorrent mix of flavors that barely resemble real fruit, i love real cherries and i dislike cherry flavoring its just weird and doesnt carry the freshness of the real fruit over

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah that's perfectly valid and doesn't detract from my initial point. You dislike "artificial cherry flavor", which is still a distinct enough description that makes sense. There are different variations of "artificial cherry flavor", but overall, your point still makes sense. OP was saying they dislike the "medicine flavor of cherry", which makes no sense lol.

by danemertz 1 month ago

nah i try various cherry flavored things all the time just to see if i actually just gaslit myself into not liking it. i do not like cherry flavored anything. but yes that's a very valid explanation for why i don't like cherry flavor.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's what I'm saying lol. You don't like the taste of cherry, this has nothing to do with medicine. You said you don't like cherry because it "tastes like medicine". That makes no sense. Medicine in and of itself does not have a particular flavor associated with it lol, but cherry does.

by danemertz 1 month ago

Cherry is goated, fight me

by Anonymous 1 month ago

nah, i'd lose.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cherry Jolly Ranchers

by Leading-Variation530 1 month ago

Cherry limeade are the best

by Old_Engineering 1 month ago

Gotta try cherry sours. They're little round sour cherry flavored chews

by blicktrevion 1 month ago

I like the flavor of cherry medicine lol

by ColdOrganization6004 1 month ago

Cherry medicine is good cause it tastes like candy.

by kiana79 1 month ago

My unpopular opinion is that I loveeee syrupy medicinal tasting things lmao

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I guess cherry medicine is good then??

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That means you haven't actually had cherry candy.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Finally, I meet my contrary. I love cherry flavored candy because it tastes like medicine. I confess sometimes I want to buy a syrup flask I used to drink as a kid and chug it down. But I bet that's full of sugar.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm sorry… why would I take the opinions of someone who calls things "icky" seriously?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

icky is a based adjective okay?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Op's def under 12 years old

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's probably because cherry is a common flavor for medicine.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

yeah, my opinion is that cherry flavored anything is gross.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's why it's good

by eliezer86 1 month ago

They're my favourite

by wisokyhallie 1 month ago

Yessssssssss!!! I've never liked cherry flavored candy!! 🤣

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"It just tastes purple" doesn't make sense yet it's accurate

by Automatic-Exercise83 1 month ago

You're icky lol

by Popular_Conflict_428 1 month ago

You're so correct actually

by Geraldine73 1 month ago

Depends on the brand I think

by Anonymous 1 month ago

i only like cherry flavored starbursts, i don't really care for anything else cherry flavored

by Fjacobson 1 month ago

Agree. Cough medicine

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It taste like medicine to you because you had cherry flavored medicine before you tasted cherries

by Anonymous 1 month ago

As a kid, every medicine that my mom spooned feed us was cherry flavored... Was a combination of just super gross medicine/artificial red syrup. And the simple fact that I was sick and didn't feel well. To this very day, the smell alone of cherry flavored anything is just so nausea induced grossness.... I do, however, love actual cherries. 🍒

by Ornrafaela 1 month ago

I used to think raspberry flavour tastes like medicine, and then I grew up and realised it's the other way around, they make medicine taste like raspberry for kids.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

100% agree. Cherry is always the worst flavor.

by Tschultz 1 month ago

I associate it with cherry flavored Sucrets from when I'd get sick as a kid. 🤢

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Spiced Coke tastes like cough medicine, disgusting.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That is odd, I think cherry medicine tastes like candy...

by Far-Tension 1 month ago

That's not unpopular

by ihammes 1 month ago