+34 There must be a shortage of ugly girls who want to act since they just put glasses on pretty ones when they need one for a role, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There's a shortage of people who will give the more unattractive people a chance in acting. Reality is audiences don't wanna look at unattractive people for an extended period of time.

by cnicolas 1 month ago

It's like a skinny actor wearing a fat suit. They can't get a fat person to be suddenly skinny or an ugly person to be beautiful.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In some cases it does happen, the fat skinny thing, not the ugly thing lol

by DifficultCat 1 month ago

Actor starting fat in a movie and getting thin? Not just movie prep, and morbidly obese at the beginning?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They can use make up to make girl's look prettier or uglier. I have seen guys put on makeup and look like a pretty girl.

by Equivalent-Bet9222 1 month ago

Not actually. There's a shortage of people who woukd give 'ugly' actors a chance.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There are roles that call for certain looks like "middle aged Asian housewife". It's typically when it's a main character you get a "Hollywood ugly" girl by messing up their hair a little and adding glasses.

by Eschamberger 1 month ago

Wait....you don't think movie producers just grab random strangers off the street to fill significant movie roles.....do you?

by Anonymous 1 month ago