+24 Losing weight has nothing to do with cardio. It's all about what you eat. amirite?

by Remarkable_Key2347 4 weeks ago

If your key objective is weight loss, diet is more effective than exercise. For weight loss, diet seems to be more effective than physical activity To Lose Weight, Eating Less Is Far More Important Than Exercising More Why You Shouldn't Exercise to Lose Weight

by Pale-Strength 4 weeks ago

But the amount of muscle you have also affects how fast you metabolize foods. So exercise does also affect how much you can eat. Plus, I'm friends with a few NPC bodybuilders. Weeks before showtime, they do TONS more cardio and eat way less carbs and eat more protein and veggies instead. Carbs and sodium make you retain water and make you look bloated, so you LOOK fatter, even if you actually aren't fatter

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Cardio does help, but 20 minutes of serious cardio is a candy bar. You can get a real sweat that is entirely undone by a can of coke or a beer. Dieting > cardio, but cardio is not useless. I tend to recommend that people just getting into losing weight not worry about cardio, because it's a very easy trap to fall into — "oh boy, I worked super hard on the treadmill, I suppose I can treat myself to a snack that entirely undoes that hard work" is a very easy and typical mistake to make

by joanie95 4 weeks ago

Yes, easy to screw that up. But, the most fit period of my life, my wife and I would go out to eat something like Panda Express after we had hiked 10 miles that day. It's a great motivation. But yeah, Easy to underestimate how much your eating and over estimate how much you worked out.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's energy in < energy out. Less food = less energy in More cardio = more energy out Simple as.

by No_Lingonberry_3661 4 weeks ago

Simple as, correct. But people vastly overestimate calories burned in a workout and under estimate their intake. A small 200-300 cal snack can take 30-60 minutes to burn.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I heard somewhere that you "can't outrun your fork". So while cardio is good for losing weight, it's ultimately your diet that is more important

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Cardio is the least effective of all physical activity. You need to develop muscles so that food you eat that is protein rich can replace fat storage over time. Targeting specific muscle groups is more energy and caloric efficient. Doesn't even have to be heavy weights either unless you are trying to build bulky muscle.

by Personal-Length-8406 4 weeks ago

I don't disagree. But cardio is also important for you know, cardiovascular health. Im not saying anyone needs to run 50 miles every week, but getting 30 min of incline walking every other day is good

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

HIIT is the best according to research, but just anecdotally I slim down easier when cardio is at least 50% of the exercise I do. Plus it's just nice to have more stamina for day to day life, not get out of breath easily

by Wooden-Dark6672 4 weeks ago

Well you will still lose weight if you are hungry, but also more likely to cheat on your diet. So probably good to eat things that make you full and are lower calorie

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Put another way, you could run 2 miles or just not eat a donut.

by uskiles 4 weeks ago

True, but your metabolitic rate increases and that means you burn more energy for a few hours.

by Single-Common5485 4 weeks ago

Yes, and muscle growth helps even more than cardio. Strength training helps your composition more than cardio.

by Special_Ad548 4 weeks ago

Yeah. There's also the risk of thinking "I exercised today so can allow myself a treat", then consume more calories than you just burned.

by Ok-Homework-3530 4 weeks ago

Agree, but will go further... building muscle will burn more calories than cardio alone. Muscle will continue to burm calories.

by KeyInsect 4 weeks ago

Yes and no. More cardio is more energy out, but jogging for 30 minutes is much much more difficult than just not eating a snickers

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Techinally true and actually wrong. This is well studied too. Working out Also causes your body to eat more. It's very inefficient to workout to lose 500 calories that's an hour of cardio. Plus you need to need 400 of it back. So an hour of cardio for 100 calories or just make better fun choice? OP is 1000% right

by Gibsonrolando 4 weeks ago

So if I eat the same and do cardio I'll burn more calories than before? And potentially lose weight?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's SO much easier to eat 300 calories less a day than to burn an EXTRA 300 calories. They could already be working out some, so to increase their cardio that much is much harder than eating a bit less a day.

by Human-Vacation 4 weeks ago

More muscle mass = more energy out.

by joannieswaniaws 4 weeks ago

Pls no way 😂

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Agree, except exercise does increase your base metabolic rate for a day or so afterwards, burning more calories than the workout alone. Used in conjunction with a low carb, zero sugar diet, it's better than just the diet alone.

by Flossieward 4 weeks ago

Yeah, I don't needs to hear this but your weight loss does not hinge on getting rid of an entire macronutrient. The vast majority of people saying so either a don't understand the function of that macro in a balanced diet or (b) are trying to sell you something. Beware.

by Winter_Cucumber 4 weeks ago

"Show me where the carbs touched you Johnny"

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I don't think this is that unpopular. A lot of people think that "if you exercise, you can eat whatever you want" which is completely false. Exercise doesn't burn nearly as much as people think, it comes down to about 80% diet.

by lueilwitzdevyn 4 weeks ago

Wrong. Not an opinion either. You can eat as much carbs and sugar as you want actually, it's just about how much of it you eat. If you eat 1500 calories of carbs a day you're gonna lose weight. It's more simply that carbs and sugars are typically more calorie dense and not really nutritionally dense so it's easier to overeat when your diet is high in those.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There's an element of truth to it, protein and veg will make you feel full much more quickly than carbs and keep you feeling full longer (probably to more important part) and also veg doesn't equate to a lot of calories (veg type dependent).

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yeah at my thinnest I ate like crap but I ran 3-4 miles 5-6 days a week. I ended up dropping off to like 3 miles a week and switching to an office job and no matter how good I eat I can't get within 30 lbs of that weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

CICO gang

by Successful-Shoe2939 4 weeks ago

This is more like an unpopular fact

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's not a fact though. Cardio absolutely helps you to lose weight. The only issue is that food can be so calorically dense that you would have to do a lot of cardio to counteract bad eating habits.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I do cardio everyday, but in the last 14 days, I've drastically changed my diet, and I've seen drastic results. I don't disagree with you, but the diet part is crucial

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Absolutely it is. It's waaaaay easier to simply not eat 500 calories than it is to burn 500 calories with cardio. So much so that it's the only practical way to lose weight for most people. But you can't just say "weight loss has nothing to do with cardio" is fact, because it's objectively not factual.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yea diet absolutely more important, but you should probably still continue doing cardio. It's good for you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Exercise itself doesn't burn a lot of calories. Building muscle will raise your bodies base requirements though (basal metabolic rate). Will also be raised to fix the damage you do to your body through exercise for a short period after. The best way to build muscle is obviously weightlifting but regularly doing any form of exercise will build muscles somewhere.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You can burn about 500 calories in an hour of cardio and eat that many calories in 30 seconds

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The benefit of cardio and weight training is that muscle burns up more fat. Build up muscle, and you'll lose weight faster and are more likely to keep it off.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not really an opinion, just a fact. Weight loss is like 80% diet. And you can eat carbs and sugar as long as you keep within your calorie deficit

by Successful_Ship 4 weeks ago

Agree. Exercise is for building, picking what you eat can affect how you feel, but losing weight is simple caloric math. Its far better to not eat calories than to try to exercise calories off

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I feel like a lot of people who try to lose weight are unsuccessful because they've been given over complicated directions. If you don't need to build muscle its a waste of mental emotional and physical energy to exercise that could be directed towards learning the calorie count of your favorite foods. Also, many people who are over weight are over weight because of stress eating when they aren't hungry, or eating very unsatisfying and unhealthy snacks that end up totaling a very high calorie count. I have a theory that a possible reason some people stress eat is because they are feeling like they aren't enough, so they're unconsciously gathering and storing calories to combat that feeling. Thats why we tend to seek out resources when we feel inadequate or threatened, I think So feeling like you're enough, like you have enough, and not having to waste energy you probably already lack on exercise is helpful for some

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think of it like this. A slice of pizza is like 300 cal. Running 45 minutes will burn around 300 cal. (I know there's a lot of variables but please bear with me on the numbers). I run 45 min most days. But damn, it's really easy to eat 2 or even 3 slices of pizza for dinner vs 1. But it's hard to extend my run from 45 to 90 min. TLDR: eating calories is MUCH easier than burning them.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You'd "burn off" those remaining slices just by existing. Exercise accounts for less than 5% of the calories you burn daily.

by Kirlinmckayla 4 weeks ago

Thanks for writing this out. I'm gonna use what you said to win an argument I'm in 😂👍

by Icy-Manufacturer 4 weeks ago

Not to mention you can measure the amount of calories completely wrong. Measuring has been the hardest part for me.

by These_Advance 4 weeks ago

I think the reality is that most people are going to eat that second or third slice regardless of whether they did a 45 minute run. If you burn and consume an equal amount of calories and then start running 45 minutes every day and diet stays the same, you should loosing weight, right?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Portion control is the biggest factor, but if you actually get into a groove doing long distance running you'll be surprised at how much more calories you can burn.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The reason many people can't stick to diets is it prevents you from eating normally. When you go to a social event, 9 out of 10 times, the food offered is gonna be junk food. Same if you want to have a night out hanging out with friends. Most restaurants also don't have a surplus of healthy menu options. The only way to really make a diet work is if you arrange your life in a way where majority of the time, you eat at home, or a packed lunch.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You're right, working out won't help you lose weight if you're eating at maintenance or over. But it does help you burn fat and build muscle. This will make you slimmer and healthier, which is more important than numbers on the scale, assuming you're not obese.

by niko70 4 weeks ago

To a point, but a change in diet only is significantly less effective than a combination of diet and exercise. Exercise also has a number of benefits that contribute towards weight loss: decreased insulin resistance, muscle growth (increasing your caloric needs), increase in positive mood, and better sleep. You are more likely to maintain a diet if you are also exercising

by DisastrousArmy1081 4 weeks ago

When I started wresting in high-school I went from 230 to 205 without changing my diet at all. I was just burning that much extra energy. I would also argue that someone who eats what they want but runs 5 miles per day is going to be much healthier than someone who strictly diets and doesn't exersize.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is a fact, not an opinion.

by Professional_Ant4927 4 weeks ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just a fact.

by Public_Ad 4 weeks ago

This is not even an opinion. this is just fact. my Pilates instructor said to me once, "you can't outrun a bad diet."

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're in a calorie deficit. That's why "skinny fat" people exist. You can literally lose weight eating Mcds, you just won't be healthy. It's like how all those keto people end up with stupid high cholesterol levels. Anyway, that's the whole thing. Any trainer worth anything will tell you that losing weight starts in the kitchen. The reason for that is that sometimes you have an accident, you get sick, etc and exercise is not possible. So if you don't know how to eat, you're gonna get fat. That's why a lot of people who get injured, get fat. If you're sedentary, the amount of food you need is actually not a whole lot.

by No_Move_9695 4 weeks ago

This is not an unpopular opinion; it's in line with mainstream and medica recommendations.

by framisanta 4 weeks ago

You can't out work a bad diet but cardio sure helps alot with weight loss especially to help keep your metabolism high.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What you described here is the Atkins diet. It was the most popular fad diet of my lifetime. This isn't an unpopular opinion.

by Lebsackzackery 4 weeks ago

I mountain bike which can burn anywhere from 300 to over 1000 cal depending. Even then, it's mostly maintaining my weight but not really making me lose much. I blame my sweet tooth.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I mean, cardio does burn calories, if you do more and eat less, you should start losing weight (or gain less at least.) Of course it takes a long time, it's draining, and it's not exactly fun. 39 minutes of running probably isn't enough to burn off a Big Mac, so diet ends up being the most important factor.

by One_Magician 4 weeks ago

Exercise leads to craving healthy food eating healthy food means your body is full filled more easily. Also exercise leads to better sleep which also lends to eating better.

by KookyProcedure8879 4 weeks ago

Yes and no. While people overestimate calorie burn (as do fitness watches). Really at best you burn 1.1 times the power output in a workout. So if you did a peloton ride and your output at the end was 300kw then you would burn up to 330 calories. But peloton will probably tell you 400+. Calories. Also you cannot eat those burned calories back. Keep to your calorie allotment. I lost 70 lbs in 6 months, never plateaued. Been maintaining for the last 18 months. I also run 8 or more miles every other day. And strength training 2 times a week.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Bingo Yahtzee... Carbs and sugar abound. You have to exercise till the cows come home, whereas cutting back on sugar and carbs and counting calories will do much more for your overall goals to lose weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If your weight has been unchanging, adding exercise will result in weight loss, IF the food you eat stays the same as it was before you started working out. Problem is many people add cardio, and also eat more due to the extra energy they are burning, so it cancels out.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not just an unpopular opinion, but a factually incorrect one as well!

by Breanna80 4 weeks ago

When I was about 20 yo I was about 60 lbs overweight. Food wise all I did was cut out dairy and fruit. For exercise, all I did was lift weights for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. That's it.

by Busy-Appointment-555 4 weeks ago

That's like saying buying is more important than selling. You can have anything if you don't buy!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Except for the fact I'm on a fairly similar diet and gained 60 lbs after breaking my back because... IM NOT EXERCISING. This is for unpopular opinions. Not stupid ones.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Actually, not what, but how much. It's pure Mathematics.

by Chloe53 4 weeks ago

Counterpoint: anyone who says weight loss is about any one thing is an idiot

by denesikhouston 4 weeks ago

As someone who's lost over 100 pounds in about a year without changing my physical habits and just cut down om food its true. That being said adding in exercise will just make you healthier

by Dapper_Detail_4341 4 weeks ago

You are wrong. Take in fewer cals than you burn, and you lose weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Indeed unpopular and also wrong!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yeah, avoiding fancy dinners, coke and chips could help more than you think.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There is simply no amount of cardio that can outdo the amount I eat if I don't watch my diet. However for me at least there is a psychological positive feedback loop of doing cardio and eating right. Doing one right helps me go harder on the other.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Back in 2007, I weighed 93 kg (175 cm). I was shocked since it was spread out and not concentrated to my stomach, so I hadn't realized it, since it was a long and slow process. Anyway, I joined a gym the next day and worked out 3-4 times a week (2-3 hours combining lifting weights with cardio) for 13 years. Within less than two years, I had lost 33 kg. Given that I was too skinny for my own liking at that point, I allowed myself to gain a couple of kilos, so I weigh 65 kilos and have done so for many years. In 2007, I wasn't familiar with calories, I was just aware of what foods to avoid (pizza and such)... Learning about calories was key. I was strict in what I ate, and how much I ate. Halving my calorie intake worked miracles, and my appetite decreased gradually. I busted my knee few years ago, but I still eat very little since I study and don't find much time to exercise, and it works well so far. I would like to make more time to get out on walks since there are many other benefits. I would like to think that cardio and workout in general sped up things, but yes, I would say that what really made things happen was a change in diet.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

So true. The amount of exercise needed to burn off that bag of chips & large soda is pretty massive

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

hiit cardio is one thing, but actually just walking burns a lot of calories. just look at the through hikers that do at trails. they are not skipping on food, eating any calories they can get. still after a month or two they become like sticks.

by Relative_Floor9740 4 weeks ago

Ok thx

by SpellLivid558 4 weeks ago

I drink 1L of chocolate milk a day and eat junk food constantly, I'm still getting skinnier from all the cardio

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I couldn't agree with you more. It took only to change the bread I'm eating to lose my weight on spot.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Genetics are a large part of what goes into weight. There's an indigenous population in Mexico that is extremely thin and healthy but as soon as any of them move into urban cities they become extremely obese because the diet is so radically different from the diet their people evolved to eat.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Can someone explain how I've restricted myself to 1500 calories a day for weeks and have lost no weight at all ? I followed the diet religiously and have lost nothing. Not a pound all thouvh I felt lighter if that makes sense but only because I was constantly hungry most likely.

by Lrolfson 4 weeks ago

I lost weight with zero cardio, weight training and diet will work just fine.

by Daremalcolm 4 weeks ago

It's just how much energy your eating vs using. Olympic athletes eat a literal crap ton, buy they also train a crap ton. If u do cardio all day and eat nothing you won't be skinny you will just be passed out

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Mostly but if don't exercise you end up skinnyfat which isn't a good look either.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You're right. I changed my diet around and lost 65 pounds since November 30th. However diet only gets you so far I haven't lost anything in like 3 weeks. Probably gonna join a gym soon

by Living-West 4 weeks ago

No sh!t.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is just so true though.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Cardio will help but 90% of the work is in the kitchen.

by Classic-Party3898 4 weeks ago

Agreed! Few years ago I went through a period where I was eating "extremely clean", no sugars outside of fruits and no frieds. I accidentally lost a good 15 lbs without trying. Weight loss is about palate discipline.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"nothing to do"? That's crazy man. Getting stage 4 cancer will cause you to lose weight. Your weight is the final outcome of all your bodily functions. So yeah, cardio will cause you to lose weight, because it increases the calorie intake your body needs for energy. Hell, if you cut all sugar and carbs but increase your protein intake such that your original calorie intake is doubled, you'll probably gain weight. The reason why people doing cardio have problems losing weight, is often that they proportionately (or in some cases disproportionately) increase their calorie intake along with the exercise, because spoiler alert, you get hungry if your body isnt getting enough calories. But yes, good take on protein. Protein is actually the hardest calorie to process, and will require more energy to digest and process compared to say... carbs and sugars. Scaling back your carbs and sugar intake to the absolute minimum and replacing them with protein will increase your body's calorie requirements without doing anything else.

by Beautiful-Site 4 weeks ago

Do a 10 kilometer run everyday and tell me you won't lose weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

From my GP, my friend a GP and two dietitians, diet is for weight loss, exercise is for fitness.

by ashly90 4 weeks ago

Not unpopular

by Main-Meaning 4 weeks ago

Exercise very strongly affects mood and sleep, which can often help the diet go easier But yes, diet is more important for simply losing weight, absolutely

by verndenesik 4 weeks ago

Just do cardio without upping your calorie intake. Not rocket science

by Deckowconnor 4 weeks ago

Calories in must be lower than calories out. Pretty simple. Moving more for the purpose of weight loss allows you to either lose weight faster, or consume more food while also losing weight but just slower.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You gain muscle in the gym. You lose weight in the kitchen.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As with almost everything related to people, it's not that simple. It's very difficult for many people to lose weight without exercising. I'm one of them. When I exercise, my appetite goes away - the opposite of what you'd expect. Exercise burns calories (which means OP is wrong), but it also helps me regulate my food intake. It affects not only metabolism, it affects mood and many other things. Also, exercise builds muscle, and carrying muscle burns more calories. All other things being equal, if you exercise diligently, it can be the difference between gaining weight and losing it. It's not a matter of opinion at all. Exercise helps many people lose weight. If you're the kind of person who can just eat an apple once a day until you reach your target weight, great. But not everyone finds that a viable strategy. Exercise helps, and it helps a lot.

by josie28 4 weeks ago

Agree. I lost 200 pounds alone by just cutting out fast food, soda and lifting weights. I hated cardio. Still do and refuse to do it.

by Maxglover 4 weeks ago

Well…calories out vs calories in is a big part of the equation.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Theres no reason to cut out carbs. You probably should cut out sugar or at least limit it consciously in your diet, but that's a different thing. Your body turns all of what you get from the foods you eat into fat, from vegetables to bread to meat. It's how your body stores and delivers nutrients throughout your system. With an ignorant enough mindset about dieting, you could potentially eat yourself into obesity from consuming any kind of food. In a way its all about what you eat, but not 100%. You can lose weight without doing cardio but it certainly helps. In any case, even if you arent trying to lose weight, it's good for your long term health to just do some light cardio on a regular basis.

by Pfannerstillzet 4 weeks ago

Experience and science say otherwise. Though everyone has the right to opine incorrect facts. Working out affects resting metabolic rate. Afterburn. Do the math.

by Connerkutch 4 weeks ago

Yup, went on a clean keto diet for about 5 months and list 18kg with zero exercise lol felt better than ever

by CommercialBed 4 weeks ago

It's a lot of things, but it all comes down to will power to put in the work

by Traditional_Tap 4 weeks ago

From what I gather, facts are now unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

When I was at my smallest I walking fast on a high incline for 4 hours and ate lots of carbs but just burned lots of calories soo this isn't super accurate. I have an Ed but still.

by tzemlak 4 weeks ago

It's about burning more calories than you consume

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I eat like a grown child, anything I want whenever. Oreos and a big glass of milk sometimes. I don't gain weight easily. Maybe it's adhd but I seem to burn calories over analyzing every single moment of the day when I should be sleeping.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is not that true

by Malcolm41 4 weeks ago

As someone who lost over 50 pounds in less than a year, and has kept it off while getting shredded (without any assistance whatsoever).....you don't know what you're talking about.

by AtmosphereEither 4 weeks ago

This isn't an opinion, it's just plain wrong

by Civil_Noise 4 weeks ago

Hope you don't get paid for your fitness advice lol

by trey06 4 weeks ago

Saying it does very little is just not true. From my personal experience, yes eating healthy is absolutely vital but cardio can speed things up a lot more than just straight up diet. Like a lot a lot more. Like months to years faster for similar results. Idk how really you could even make this claim tbh.

by joesph21 4 weeks ago

I used to walk 10 miles a day I lost weight, I used to drink alcohol and not eat I lost weight. It's not just diet or fitness it's calories in vs calories out, simple as that.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is patently false. It is scientifically false. Weight change has absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. It's about caloric intake versus caloric expenditure. Period. You can lose weight eating 1000 calories in junk food every day, and you'll gain weight eating 4000 calories in vegetables every day.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Kind of a lazy take. It literally is about starving yourself. You eat less than you burn. It doesn't matter if it's fat, proteins, or carbs. Is protein generally more filling? Sure but that's doesn't mean 200 calories of meat is less than 200 calories of potatoes.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is actually unpopular in the sense that not many people are aware of this outside of those well read on this stuff. Which is extremely bizarre to me but I still hear people saying absolute misinformation on diet etc and I work in healthcare. Like some people still think weight loss drops in water will help them lose weight

by darien95 4 weeks ago

Mmm not wrong but not 100%. If you look at the 70s and how everyone was so skinny one thing they were always doing was moving. People hardly ever sat around because the food they were consuming wasn't always that great. The problem today is the food is arguably worse, arguably even higher calorie and less nutrient dense and people are moving a lot lot less

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Why is this on unpopular opinion

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

So you don't actual lose weight when you do cardio?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

While diet is more effective, it's not the only thing. Cardio works too.

by Crafty_Minute 4 weeks ago

A slight caloric deficit will go a long way. Those who stick with it the longest collect the biggest reward. Small effort = Small reward.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I've lost almost 7-8kg by fasting/just not eating and it's been a hella lot easier than exercise 🤷🏼‍♀️ definitely doesn't and should not work/be done for everyone, but exercise is not for everyone. The gym is expensive and not everyone has the time to do exercise . Dieting and/or eating Less can be cheaper and faster effects- taken me less than a year to lose that weight by eating one meal a day on the weekdays

by Stellarowe 4 weeks ago

This is true with emphasis on what not how much because if you eat food that satiates you then you don't need to eat a lot if it.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Can someone, for the love of god, just please tell me how this is an unpopular opinion? This is literally biology, my friend

by Pure_Atmosphere_9266 4 weeks ago

Compare everyone who walks miles a day at work with those who have to be sedentary at work. America is 70% overweight and 40% obese. Diet definitely helps, but...

by Ubeahan 4 weeks ago

They go hand in hand it's the combination that provides results not mainly one or the other.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Skinny-fat is a thing you know

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Why can't we just get rid of our stomach and get everything we need through an IV?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Cardio is exercise and exercise helps the weight come off a lot faster because it's burning calories. If you're burning more calories then you eat, you're going to lose weight faster. Source: I did it

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

True. No sugar, dairy, alcohol nor fats and you're good to go. You can even once in a while eat and not gain weight but it's your bodily memory that determines that.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

People hate to hear it but it's the simple truth

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"Weight loss is all about what you choose to eat" no its not, this is not a opinion.

by Leather-Current 4 weeks ago

Honestly, it's just calorie and fat count. No food group is good or bad; we need sugars and carbs to live.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This isn't really an opinion it's a fact. But cardio and other exercise can still help and are good for you.

by UnluckyUse175 4 weeks ago

Half agree. It's not about cutting sugar or carbs. It's about calorie deficit. A lot of people misunderstood that you consume so much protein and eat less carbs and fats but you still don't lose weight. It's because you eat more than your body uses.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Eating well and strength training is what people should focus on, when "losing weight" \*. Strength training is very important. Not because it burns a lot of calories. But because it prevents you from losing more muscles than fat. Dieting with no exercise is the reason why so many people become skinny-fat. \* btw. Focusing on what number there is on the scale is a terrible motivation. Lower weight does not mean that you're in better shape! Because muscles weight a lot more than fat. And when people go on hardcore diets. Their weight goes down mostly because of muscle atrophy.

by pourosalisa 4 weeks ago

I don't eat sugar and the carbs I eat are limited to fruits and vegetables. Potatoes is about as carby as it gets. I do eat small quantities of rice occasionally. I eat loads of protein. It's more about how much you eat. I eat healthier than probably anyone you know, and I'm probably fitter than most of them too, but I'm fat because my body can't process hunger signals very well, so it never tells me when I'm full.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Saying diet is more important than cardio when it comes to losing weight isn't unpopular because it's true but saying cardio has "nothing to do with losing weight" is unpopular because it's completely wrong.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nah, when I was running track and cross country I was like 138 pounds and my diet was awful, and I was in the best shape of my life. You can't expect instant results with exercise, it can take a long time to build muscle and get your body used to a good, beneficial routine that works for you. It really depends on your starting point. Like if you're extremely overweight, and you've barely exercised in your life, yeah, you're guna need to slowly work towards getting your body used to being active. You're going to need more recovery time in between exercises, and diets going to be more beneficial to you cuz you're already so out of shape. You can't overdo a lot of your workouts cuz it will put wear and tear on your joints. So you're right, but this really only applies to extremely overweight people, and even then, exercise is still going to be helpful overtime.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree with the title but honestly disagree with the body. Low car, low fat lots of protein is a great diet but it's not really the way to lose weight. Literally the only way to lose weight is eat in calorie deficit. If you eat less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight. Everyone has their own way of doing that

by Ok_Holiday 4 weeks ago

That's not really an unpopular opinion… Diet/eat healthy to lose the weight and use exercise for your overall health and body composition

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago