+32 Sam Bankman-Fried should not be sent to prison. amirite?

by Severe_Mountain9610 4 weeks ago

Agreed, if that bank didn't have that money laying around without proper security, I wouldn't have taken it.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

crime needs to be punished, otherwise there is no deterrent

by Existing_Annual 4 weeks ago

I would say that crime needs to be punish irregardless of whether doing so create a deterrent. Crime has existed since the dawn of civilization, and so has the punishment thereof. Why in the world is OP suddenly focused on this one particular individual getting an exception to a universal and eternal rule of humanity?

by eunice02 4 weeks ago

are we having a discussion, or are you just huffing your own farts in my general direction?

by Existing_Annual 4 weeks ago

In order: Yes. Yes. Yes. No. No.

by Existing_Annual 4 weeks ago

Again, you just want punishment for punishment's sake. That's just anger and fear talking. And it's frankly beneath your station as a human being. I'm not saying that as an insult. I'm saying you're better than that. And you know it. Humans live by the light of reason. We are at our worst when we forget that and our best when we raise above those impulses. Never forget that.

by Severe_Mountain9610 4 weeks ago

Hmm. Another unpopular opinion is to just take him out back and ol'yeller him. One time investment of about 27 cents. There's some good banking for ya.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I mean, you can leave it there for years and then when you need it, you can dig it out of him for an even return.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Added benefit of showing the consequences of one's actions. Could possibly deter future endeavors, knowing the outcome.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

the old yeller treatment would be too merciful for what this man has done.

by Accomplished-Pop4348 4 weeks ago

Well, by that logic, we should have no prisons.

by Confident-Amount198 4 weeks ago

Your first argument is essentially that no one should ever be sent to prison. Which makes your focus on the plight of some pathetic rich guy stand out.

by Tristianschumm 4 weeks ago

He should be forced to go around the country giving everyone back their money

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Somebody's already doing that for him. Like I said, if he'd kept the scam going another year he would never have been caught.

by Severe_Mountain9610 4 weeks ago