+33 Doodles are ugly dogs, amirite?

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

their skin looks weird without hair Have you seen any dog without fur not look weird?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yea, pitbulls

by Mammoth_Dot 4 weeks ago

Oh god it's horrible

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Pitbulls have fur.... Like...what?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The point is they look fine without it

by Big-Being5601 4 weeks ago

I guess I mean when it's shaved and they have really tight waves against their skin

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

opinion is wrong. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

by Felixemard 4 weeks ago

I swear every other dog in the UK these days is a cockapoo and they've exploded in number since the pandemic. They all look pretty samey for a crossbreed with those boxy-shaped heads and curly moustaches. They all have names like Teddy or Alfie. They've become like the beige of dog breeds, a go-to 'my first dog' for families with young kids who really want a puppy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I also don't think they're cute but I also don't find most fluffy or scruffy dogs cute. Even when they're well groomed, they're prone to eye goop, drool, and food on their long face whiskers. Poodle types are slightly less gross just because of their hair pattern, but I'm still not into them. I don't think any dogs look good shaved though so idk about them specifically

by jbogan 4 weeks ago

One hairy hot dog, coming up πŸ˜‚

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My mom's dog is about half pit bull, a quarter weiner dog, and has a good chunk of Mastiff in there... She looks exactly how she sounds. Stubby legs (her nickname is Stubs), loooong body, big pit bull head, and about 50lbs of solid muscle. Some guy at the beach looked at her and said "that's a built-ass bitch"

by jbogan 4 weeks ago

Well and the guy who created the breed says it's his biggest regret in his entire life.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My coworkers service doodle is about 8 years old and one of the most well behaved doggos I've seen, but I will admit that she is the ONLY one I've seen like this. I think that dog is half human because she seems like she understands English. I had another friend with a doodle and it got taken away because of numerous attacks reported towards other people and animals.

by Fluffy_Channel 4 weeks ago

" I don't understand why everyone has fallen in love with them over the last five years." It's because they're hypoallergenic and I think people find them cuter than poodles.

by lydagleason 4 weeks ago

I guess it's purely anecdotal, but I had a chocolate labradoodle for 14 years and it was amazing to never have to worry about shedding at all, and she was super simple to groom and clean, most of the time I would just do it myself. I tried to avoid some of the classic doodle styles, going short in the summer, maybe with a little bit of a mohawk, and longer but clean look in winter. I will say that so many dog's behavior, regardless of breed (with obvious exceptions), is much more dependent on the owner. I made sure to constantly expose her to people of different ages (huge family with lots of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews), different group sizes, different environments (forest preserves, sidewalks next to busier streets, dog parks), but not just forcing some small puppy to endure 50 people at some random BBQ. It takes a lot of work and patience, it's hard to find the balance between wanting to spoil them every second while maintaining certain stricter rules. And people will easily forget that their dog is still an animal-- no matter how sweet or cuddly they are, don't just assume or let little kids jump and play all over them. Be vigilant when letting them get used to a toddler who may pull their hair or poke their eye on accident. Obviously, as time goes on and trust is built, you can relax; however, at the same time, KNOW YOUR DOG! Everyone wants their pup to be great with kids and act like little cartoon characters, but it's not always the case. My girl took some time getting used to it all, but when she decided on her own to join the kids on the trampoline (yes she would jump up and the goddamn big trampoline to play with everyone, and yes it was adorable but not recommended at all and rather irresponsible), it's sign they she at least could tolerate their antics, maybe even enjoyed it. But I have seen too many owners ignore the fact that their dog is clearly trying to avoid the little kid that keeps sitting on their head. I know everyone always thinks their dog is one of kind and the best thing to ever exist, but I will gladly join that group. She was friendly, highly intelligent, loyal, playful, but also could be a diva with a bit of an attitude, one of the few dogs that could sleep through a firework show, played in the snow, enjoyed the summer, and just a gorgeous soft-haired gal.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I admit I personally find poodles the same kind of ugly but I think they have a dignity to them. Poodle owners usually seem really experienced so their dogs are well behaved, from what I've seen. Doodles since the pandemic have been purchased by first time dog owners that have no idea how to properly care for them.

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

People get hung up on the fufu part but my guys are crazy good bird dogs very athletic and really easy to train because of their intelligence. We studded out our red standard with another red standard and got two of the puppies and they are so great. Yes I have 4 dogs. Yes they are all poodles. Yes I am keeping all of them.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Never had one, but have always been impressed with their intelligence and loyalty.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's not hard to be cuter than a poodle! In all honesty poodles are good looking dogs when given a sport clip

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not all are hypoallergenic. An old roommate has one. I had continuous asthma attacks. I moved out after an especially rough night in the ER because I couldn't breathe in the apartment. After moving out I haven't had constant asthma attacks. Most breeders care more about the $2500/puppy than your allergies

by Johnstonburdett 4 weeks ago

Spoken like a cat would

by baumbachkelsi 4 weeks ago

My dog is a border collie labradoodle cross and she looks like a teddy bear wished to life. She's mellow, loyal, sweet, gentle, and the most intelligent dog I've known. Her coat doesn't take that much looking after really and don't all dogs look ugly if you shaved them?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

At that point, your dog is a mutt πŸ˜‚ and that's a good thing!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

All dogs are cute unless they are badly bred to have genetic deformities that cause them permanent pain and discomfort

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

they're also designer dogs only bred for cash

by Competitive-Sea-4238 4 weeks ago

I seldom come across a labradoodle that has labrador type behavior. They almost always inherit the asshole poodle gene.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As someone with standard poodles who works at a dog daycare, I've NEVER met an asshole poodle, but I've met many asshole doodles. It's not the "asshole poodle gene," it's bad, unethical breeding.

by frieda93 4 weeks ago

Right? This tells me this person has never been around a well bred standard poodle.

by AggressiveDrawer5234 4 weeks ago

Poodles are among the smartest dog breeds. They are super cuddly and sweet as well. Any dog with those traits is a winner.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think they can be very sweet dogs but they're usually super anxious and their owners are often first time dog owners who don't know about proper exercise, mental stimulation and consistent discipline

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

Walk dogs and can honestly say that the majority of dog owners have no clue how to take care of their dogs

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Poodles arent really assholes. They actually very nice when given the proper care. But if not, as one of the dogs with the highest intelligence, along w bordercollies, they might develop aggression issues and similar if you dont meet their needs in terms of play, exercise and mental work(hidden food etc) Poodles are just high energy dogs, most people assume theyre not.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Poodles are awesome, labs are awesome. Backyard bred, designer dogs are almost never awesome

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

you're so right OP... one would be hard pressed to find a greater dog lover than me, but doodles and their ilk tend to leave me feeling "meh"

by Warm-Pass 4 weeks ago

Me too

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

I also ugly without hair. What's your point?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If you were to cut most of the fur off of a doodle so it was the length of the average dog, enough so you could see the face and body, it would be uglier than most dogs. All of the cuteness of doodles is the fluff. Without it, theyre ugly.

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

That's like saying a car looks ugly without paint and only primer. The car will be painted and a doodle will have fluff.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My parents have a Great Dane doodle and it's the ugliest dog I've ever seen.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

wtf why would anyone breed a Great Dane with doodle fur... that sounds ridiculous and super ugly.

by Top-Draw 4 weeks ago

Not to mention they are OVER BRED!!!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Their personality is also horrible. Extremely anxious pillows basically.

by No-Peak 4 weeks ago

They're mutts. And I loveeee saying that to someone who tells me they have a "purebred" doodle.

by Cronadallin 4 weeks ago

πŸ˜‚ Fr, they absolutely freak out

by Osawayn 4 weeks ago

Bit hypocritical

by Least_Lychee5181 4 weeks ago

Aww I love labradoodles though. Their fur is so soft and they don't wreck havoc on my allergies. 🀧

by Last_Package 4 weeks ago

Many doodles have fur and shed fyi

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

Don't talk about my complete asshole of a Scottish Terrier like that. She's cute at least.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My bernedoodle would disagree

by powlowskipierce 4 weeks ago

You take that back!!!

by Then_Scientist 4 weeks ago

My family has a doodle and I 100% agree. He's hideous. Love him tho but god he looks human sometimesπŸ’€

by Actual-Guarantee 4 weeks ago

I do think they can be very sweet, wonderful dogs.

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

Facts, not to mention the problems from inbreeding or the filthy conditions of backyard breeding of them

by simeon50 4 weeks ago

All dogs are beautiful

by BudgetAltruistic 4 weeks ago

Well, if you only love dogs for their superficial traits, that says more about you than the dogs.

by Medical_Ad 4 weeks ago


by Felixemard 4 weeks ago

I'd rather have an ugly dog than an ugly ass soul like OP's tho

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

doodles also have ugly souls

by mohammad22 4 weeks ago

Nah I have a standard poodle and when the hair is off her face you can really see her eyes she's the prettiest

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is hilarious

by Low-Spare 4 weeks ago

As a balding guy I think I would look weird without hair as well...oh shoot. TIL I might be a doodle

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Simple. They like the personality of the one breed, but want the less shedding coat of a poodle. A lot of people don't care about the dogs looks so much as long as it's a good pet

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree so much

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I like the small ones. But big doodles kinda freak me out visually.

by karigottlieb 4 weeks ago

Straight up weird animals

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Some dogs are just ugly I'm not even gon hold you. But every single one of them is equally deserving of love. So that's all that matters.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As long as it's friendly I'll take a poorly trained dog over one that sheds any day. Let's be real. Most dogs are poorly trained.

by lydagleason 4 weeks ago

poorly trained dogs jump on people, scare children, destroy stuff (including furniture and houses) among many other things. No thank you. Having a well-trained dog isn't that hard if you put in the effort to know the breed you are getting compared to your needs and honest ability to put in the work. Most people lie to themselves about what they are willing to do for a cute puppy without thinking about the long-game, and how much time and effort it actually takes to have a well-trained dog. I will take our heavily shedding GSD+Malamute over an untrained doodle absolutely any day. She's well trained and is a dream to share life with. She knows our expectations without us even having to give her commands anymore, she just watches us and does what she's supposed to do.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Some will, sure. It's just that for a lot of doodles, the genetic combo of a super smart dog with a dopey but friendly dog can cause conflicting personality traits that make them hard to consistently train.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Meanwhile breeds with double coats are going to shed like crazy no matter what.

by lydagleason 4 weeks ago

Doodles do indeed shed. It just seems like they don't because their curly hair gets tangled and matted, so the shed hairs stay stuck to the dog instead of your furniture and clothing.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

They don't have a double coat like many breeds so no they do not shed nearly as much.

by lydagleason 4 weeks ago

People just like the silly name.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm fine with dogs as long as they're not yapping or have a crusty ahh face. Those really weird me out

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree, I'd rather have a mix of unidentifiable origin from the shelter.

by Apprehensive-Tea 4 weeks ago

Tbf cavapoos are the only ones I don't think are ugly. They're pretty cute and well behaved after puppy hood. It's mostly the large ones I'm talking about.

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

I agree. Doodles costing thousands of dollars from a private breeder are so popular where I live. It's almost like there was some big ad campaign that told everyone they're the only hypoallergenic smart dogs.

by ckrajcik 4 weeks ago

Lol also *not all hypoallergenic *not all smart

by Inside_Lake 4 weeks ago

I have an aversion to all dogs with that kind of bushy fur hiding their faces. Ugly dogs. But i mean most dogs are uggo outside of like gsd/husky type faces.

by Material_Dog 4 weeks ago

Agreed, but pretty much all dogs are ugly.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago