+44 It's better to always be fueding with your neighbers than to be friendly with them. amirite?

by giovannawiegand 4 weeks ago

(rings multiple bells frantically) Here we are! Yay! Someone who knows how to be civil with their neighbour(s)! Be the good person, do good thing, challenge the bad thing, use whatever resources available to you such as law enforcement if things really overstep the mark. Simple! Tea, anyone?

by Sstrosin 4 weeks ago

I mean, if you really want to live a high stress life where you're constantly embroiled in a argument with your neighbors instead of calmly and rationally approaching them like an adult and then leveraging the structures of government to enforce codes, file liens, get citations for when they're non-cooperative... be my guest. Who am I to kink shame. But you're going to live a miserable life.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Moved in 3 years ago, haven't spoken a word to my neighbors besides random greetings sometimes. Life is good.

by Colestanton 4 weeks ago

That makes no sense lmao, I don't live for conflict personally

by Titus86 4 weeks ago

I have never even spoke. To my neighbors let alone had drama with them. Owned my home almost 24 years now.

by hoyt78 4 weeks ago

I prefer the relationship with my neighbors. They don't speak English and I don't speak Spanish, so we just don't interact. Everyone minds their own business. It's perfect. Except my neighbor's husky. He jumps his fence sometimes and comes into my yard. He will bark until I come out to walk him back to his yard. He's a good boy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago