+30 It's not "Misophonia", you're an actual goblin and need to control your eating noises. amirite?

by feestizabella 4 weeks ago

Is this unpopular? I never met someone who enjoys the sound of other people making gross noises of others eating their food

by fisherberenice 4 weeks ago

I'm sure there's a demographic for this somewhere on the internet

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Isn't that what ASMR started out as?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Tricky_Engine6346 4 weeks ago


by SunWarm57 4 weeks ago


by Impossible-Arm-1367 4 weeks ago

Rules of the internet, really: You can always find a speciric kind of asshole, you can always find specific type of idiot, and no matter what it is, you can find porn of it.

by AliveSquare4959 4 weeks ago

There are a ton of videos of people eating food loudly on the internet. I really don't get the appeal.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ever heard of mukbangs? They're wildly popular!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Second one today! People need to try a little harder.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I wish I was you. Everyone around me eats as if the food is running away from them

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There's literally a whole community for that. It's called ASMR lmao

by mosinski 4 weeks ago

It's called Mukbangs

by Tricky_Engine6346 4 weeks ago

My moms friends kid thinks it's perfectly fine

by smithmaverick 4 weeks ago

Idk about enjoying, but plenty of people refuse to accept that their eating habits are disgusting.

by zechariah25 4 weeks ago

I have.. I jokingly chewed gum in one of my classmates ear and she was like ooo do it again

by emmittlakin 4 weeks ago

yes its very unpopular. american white families love acting like this, and then will shrug off their rude behavior because you'd come off rude as hell if you were to show annoyance

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

not sure why you are assigning a race or nationality to it, I have met plenty of people of all kinds who do this and the other around them find it disgusting.

by fisherberenice 4 weeks ago

how can you have met "plenty of people of all kinds who do this" and have "never met someone"? i was just answering your question, i didn't mean that only american white people do this.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

ah, then apologies for the misinterpretation then

by fisherberenice 4 weeks ago

Absolutely. If you have abhorrent table manners you weren't raised right.

by Bitter_Abies 4 weeks ago

Table manners are not universally consistent. You and OP should never travel to Asia.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Probably won't. I just really can't be around loud eaters at all.

by Bitter_Abies 4 weeks ago

Is that their fault?

by Cultural_Award8022 4 weeks ago

To be raised wrong no to stay the same yes

by Expensive_Maximum 4 weeks ago

it's not so hard to eat with your mouth closed, don't smack your lips, breathe in between bites like a normal person and not talk with your mouth full right?

by Bitter_Abies 4 weeks ago

Yes. If they weren't literally raised by wolves, then it is their fault.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Means you've got 0 social ettiquette or manners. Don't know why you're proud

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yes. Nobody ever taught me to chew with my mouth closed as a kid, but I still picked it up as a teenager. It's not that hard to learn.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Being raised that way? No. Failing to pick up on social cues the rest of their life? Totally on them.

by Top-Kaleidoscope-978 4 weeks ago

His words. Not picking up on social skills is not really on them either.,...quite a common issue

by Cultural_Award8022 4 weeks ago

Who else is to blame for not picking up on social skills? Your personality is 100% up to you. If can't tell when you are being creepy, you are creepy.

by Top-Kaleidoscope-978 4 weeks ago

Aspergers/autism is quite common really... 1 in a 100 for full blown autism in UK Personality can chnage from brain damage, that makes me think it totally isnt a " Your personality is 100% up to you" type thing

by Cultural_Award8022 4 weeks ago

Unless a person has severe autism they can still learn to do things the appropriate way.

by Parker88 4 weeks ago

Yes. You can't blame everything on "but my parents didn't raise me right!" Once you're above a certain age. You become your own person and you can teach yourself things

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I can respect that having endured my dads side of the family

by Alert-Macaron 4 weeks ago

Flashbacks of my stepfather sounding straight up like a barnyard animal at the dinner table

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You're 1000000% right OP and anyone who doesn't agree is a barn animal with zero self awareness.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nearly everyone finds loud eating noises annoying. It's only "misophonia" if your dismay hearing such noises leads you to irrationally fear communal eating. You'd rather eat alone in the toilet than have to deal with what most would consider merely an irritation.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Fear or anger, misophonia hits the fight or flight response. I definitely have it and I get very upset with myself when I hear a noise that is pretty normal but my brain interprets it as the equivalent of someone flipping me off. Brains are weird

by Nico38 4 weeks ago

Whatever floats your boat

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I lose attraction immediately if a guy does this. He gets categorized as a literal animal in my head until I manage to forget about it.

by loreilly 4 weeks ago

I cannot stress enough how pissed the "mm" noises make me. Moaning over some damn food.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This belongs in rant. It is not an unpopular opinion to favor basic manners.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I've had allergies and sinus issues for my whole life, and I still manage to chew with my mouth closed, so I don't wanna see that excuse either

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yep, basically the same for me. Broke my nose as a kid and have to mouth breath most of the time. I still learned to chew quietly with my mouth closed.

by Business_Passion 4 weeks ago

I'll never forget going to a fancy steakhouse and there was a guy at a table next to us on a date, smacking his lips, chewing his food like cud, moaning, and talking about every bite of the meal with the type of passion typically reserved for lovers. It was so disgusting, but also made it a memorable dinner for me in the long run lol.

by dareorie 4 weeks ago

Yeah, there's a lot of unpopular opinions where someone clearly recently had a disagreement with someone and decided to vent here.

by BridgeOk8775 4 weeks ago

If a Reuben doesn't make you moan, it's a bad Reuben.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If your Reuben doesn't sneak under the table while nobody's watching, its a bad Reuben.

by jonesadaline 4 weeks ago

The sneaking under the table is what makes it a bad Reuben . Such a bad, bad Reuben.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I don't think you have misophonia. It's not a matter of being annoyed at certain sounds. In my case, its not being able to process a cacophony of unrelated or discordant sounds. I can go to car races because the engines sound relatively the same, despite the decibels. But take me to a sports bar for example, and within minutes I have to get out of there before I get claustrophobic-type anxiety. I can't handle people nearby trying to talk over the TVs, TVs tuned to different channels and kitchen noise, all at similar volume-levels.

by Antonettawatsic 4 weeks ago

Dowmvoting because I agree. Absolutely cannot stand eating noises from specific people, so I know it's not a condition that makes all eating noises unbearable.

by mayra98 4 weeks ago

Is especially annoying in movie theatres. We're trying to watch a movie here, this isn't a good time to audition for a snack food commercial.

by Positive_Virus2606 4 weeks ago

Yea not a fan of people gobblin up their food like that

by Any-Mail 4 weeks ago

Told someone once to chew with their mouth closed and I was the rude one???

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The amount of people who eat with their mouth open is astounding to me.

by Kevin94 4 weeks ago

This is why I eat alone at work , with the door closed

by Greedy-Visual-3450 4 weeks ago

Agreed (at least for me). I've only ever had "misophonia" when around my ex who would hyperventilate and snort while chewing with their mouth open

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My mom's like this. I can handle eating around anyone else but she's beyond loud when she eats and it's so infuriating.

by Sad-Manufacturer-335 4 weeks ago

I hate having a radio on while I work but just before COVID hit I was working in an office with only two other people. The manager liked to talk to herself and the other one drank with loud gulps from a flask and noisily ate snacks all day, so when our manager suggested we got a radio I agreed enthusiastically. I even turned the volume up on a regular basis. When we returned to the office after COVID, the coworker who used to drink and eat noisily no longer did so. I suspect that as she had to work from home while her children were going to online school they complained so much that she finally learned some manners. She was close to sixty so it was about damn time. (The noisy coworker also showed up at least an hour late but left " on time" at least twice a week and if her sixteen year old daughter got ill she HAD to stay at home and look after her. It must be nice to be the manager's pet)

by Therese78 4 weeks ago

Everyone should eat like Simpsons characters.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Raise your hand if you heard Nicolas Cage's voice screaming while reading this.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm sorry that nobody taught you after they pulled you out the zoo, but now's as good a time as ever to learn how to not be disgusting while eating. LMAO. I enjoyed that.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

People that chew and drink much louder than the general population are unpleasant to listen to Daring now, are we?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"I'm sorry that nobody taught you after they pulled you out of the zoo…" 😅🤣 LMAO. I'm going to save this one for future use.

by Master-Specific 4 weeks ago

I do actually have misophonia and it sucks buttholes

by Odd-Possession313 4 weeks ago

Who are you around that this is your experience so often?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I really do have misophonia and even "normal" noises make me want to explode in rage.

by Bettie40 4 weeks ago

Same my friend. Lip smacks, ronches, schlups, and slurps make me irate and leave the room if possible 😫

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I don't have a neurological condition You don't see that sentence much online anymore…

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I genuinely don't hear eating noises

by grant12 4 weeks ago

"Eat…then breathe…SEPARATELY!"

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

chewing with your mouth open is disgusting

by Herminavon 4 weeks ago

The second paragraph reads like you believe people with misophonia chew loudly. As someone with misophonia (manifests in me mostly as a fear of communal eating due to chewing noises), I do my best to eat quietly because I do not want to add to anyone else's pain. I would like to add that one thing that can help my misophonia from flaring is making the same sounds as the ones I am getting annoyed by (which I understand can really suck for the people around me), but if this is the case for the misophoniacs around you, maybe reconsider what you are doing.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not liking people who can't eat normally isn't unpopular. If you get ragefully angry just because someone is eating chips in the same room in a normal fashion, that is misophonia. My husband has it, and it's not remotely what you are comparing here. He can't sit at the dinner table with normal eaters because just normal sounds of people eating make him viscerally upset.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think the point is that the NORMAL sounds disgust them lol. That's what makes it a condition.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I have a coworker like this. Eats chips like he's doing audio for a potato chip commercial, Talks with his mouth stuffed full. I have to put on headphones to drown him out, otherwise, I'd probably flip out on him.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is definitely not unpopular

by MycologistJolly 4 weeks ago

I actually can't eat pizza with my current roommate. When he eats Pizza (and nothing else) he makes this disgusting schlurping noise that's somewhere between someone drinking a milkshake and slurping a bowl of porridge like a medieval peasant.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's only misaphonia if it causes you significant distress. I have misophonia and it has completely ruined my life. It has destroyed my relationship with my parents because I can't stand being around them, and so I can't spend any time with them and it has given me intense anger issues. I was completely fine before and then bam one day my brain decided to turn against me out of nowhere.

by wkreiger 4 weeks ago

Nice rant. On another note, how are you with people eating beside the one you are clearly talking about that blamed you for having "misophonia" (whatever that is)?

by Americo33 4 weeks ago


by darececelia 4 weeks ago

If this a regular issue then the problem is most definitely you.

by cindy65 4 weeks ago

I was just having a little joke with you...why so ...condescending and disrespectful?

by Cultural_Award8022 4 weeks ago

Skill issue

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm confused... Nobody enjoys people slurping like a 90yo barely able to chew and swallow without making the noises of a clogged toilet. But to counter your unpopular opinion with another one, most of those who claim "misophonia" are the ones struggling to be around other humans and who need to claim suffering from a (controversial) neurological condition to excuse their lack of tolerance.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It is misophonia, you have issues and need therepy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree except with belching, I have gastritis, where am I supposed to put the gas that's in my esophagus?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think OP is talking about people who belch open mouth without covering their mouths or anything.

by ullrichcarleton 4 weeks ago

I mean, yeah, but there's a big difference between the sound of a covered and uncovered burp. Think like, the sort of burping in cartoons that causes lips to ripple. If OP can't handle polite burping, I don't know what to say to that lol.

by ullrichcarleton 4 weeks ago

I honestly can't help how loud I chew, it's the sound of my mouth closed chewing wtf do I do past that point, it's still loud AF I'm not smacking, grunting or anything it is just inherently loud

by KlutzyAssociate 4 weeks ago

😂 Didn't know so many people were so offended by normal eating sounds, thankfully I don't have to eat around anyone who wants to pick and choose how I'm allowed to enjoy the meal!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I love the sound of people eating and chewing! I know they are doing something satisfying that they enjoy and I then brings me joy.

by Interesting-Mood 4 weeks ago

Seek professional help. Unhinged comes to mind

by Cultural_Award8022 4 weeks ago

I eat with my mouth closed, breathe normally, and am generally polite and aware of myself when I eat. However, I totally make "mmm mmm" noises sometimes when something is really good. I will never understand why my pleasure seems to really set a small section of the population off. Sorry you were taught not to express your joy, I guess?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Jeeze. I believe half of the dislike for people's food consuming behaviors comes from your predisposed dislike of that individual. It's part of the beautiful scope of human social hierarchy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Here we go against with the uptight wave, unplug your butt blug every once in a while

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Na judging by your respons here is definitely a you issue. Seek help

by bruenjacey 4 weeks ago

Pretty culturally insensitive

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago