+39 Eggs are disgusting. amirite?

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Finally! An actually unpopular opinion. Crazy take, but to each their own.

by Schusterliza 2 weeks ago

Woot! I always get weird looks and lots of questions when I tell people I don't like them.

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I assume you are not Korean. You wanna talk about eggs everywhere. (I think thats a lot of asian cuisine actually, but the "and, you know what would be awesome? throw an egg on that" seems very prevalent on Korean food). Not that I'm complaining. I love eggs.

by nreynolds 2 weeks ago

Nope, I'm white AF

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I also dislike eggs. Hate the smell

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I hate seafood and live on a coast so I feel that

by Schusterliza 2 weeks ago

Oh no! 😟

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Can we exchange places bestie πŸ₯²

by Low_Tangerine 2 weeks ago

That's heresy, lol

by orinchamplin 2 weeks ago

I hate seafood and eggs. They taste iron-y, as if it was a chicken's period. Oh wait…

by Accomplished_Mud27 2 weeks ago

I will only eat them scrambled lol so I feel a good bit of the struggle at least

by Majestic_Ad_6937 2 weeks ago

Eggs don't belong with steak - * unless they are in a bowl - alrighty then lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Lol no it isn't. Else unfertalized eggs would have no yolk.

by Ok-Impress 2 weeks ago

Yeah I have no idea, but seeing the yellow yolk and thinking about baby chickens ruins my appetite lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Reads this while making scrambled eggs

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Okay mom

by Silly-Dimension5251 2 weeks ago

Nah seems like a skills issue on your part

by Rebekaconnelly 2 weeks ago

One of us! One of us!

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

And me! How can someone smell an egg cooking and think "mmm, I want to eat that", will forever be a mystery to me.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Idk why but the only time I can smell eggs when cooking is when they are being hard boiled. They don't have much of a smell unless they've gone bad.

by Rafaela54 2 weeks ago

Eggs oftentimes come in a dozen!

by Amazing-Delay6731 2 weeks ago

Thank god I'm not the only one eggs taste disgusting and I hate the texture and the smell

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yay! Besties

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I'm that way with a lot of seafood too, but I'm working on it. πŸ₯²

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Hey, you have an open mind. That's more than enough

by Rebekaconnelly 2 weeks ago

I can stand some type of seafood, although not a big fan, I love sashimi

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I cant stand seafood either.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You can use tofu as a replacement for fish too!

by Ok_Significance3703 2 weeks ago

it needs to have cheese on it + toast on the side at the minimum for it to be edible so agree

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can relate. I don't hate them like you do, but I pretty much will only eat them scrambled and heavily seasoned/lots of cheese and salsa or ketchup, depending on if they're in a breakfast burrito or whatever. If I focus at all on the sulfuric smell/taste that's it. The texture is a bit weird to me as well, so typically when I scramble my own eggs I over-cook them a bit and they're more dry than fluffy. I also wish I wasn't this way, but I'm not at the hard line where you are where I can't eat them at all.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I have had them in breakfast burritos as well but even then sometimes I'll pick them out cause there is too much. I can only deal with it if I can't taste it. 😭☹️ I'm glad I'm not alone lol

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Finally, an actual unpopular opinion. Thank you

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Eggs are the superior breakfast food. Sandwich, fried, scrambled, you name it I'll eat it. More for us I guess

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I feel most of this. I'm cool with hard boiled as long as I can give the dog the whites. Otherwise I need significant amounts of ketchup (or whatever is in deviled eggs) to make them remotely edible. You're in good company, though. You know who else hates eggs? Celebrity chef Guy Fieri.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'm with you on this one, everytime I walk by someone eating eggs I just gotta take a deep breath and walk through without breathing. I just feel like I'm about to vomit whenever I smell eggs... Especially boiled. 😭

by Ok_Picture 2 weeks ago

Yes!! I made some deviled eggs for my spouse one day and almost vomited from the smell.

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Seriously unpopular haha

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The only way I eat them is when someone throws them at me, half-boiled, aiming for my mouth, all while I'm tied to a sticky pole in the middle of a wheat field completely naked except for a Harley-Davidson bandana blindfold.

by Ryderdickinson 2 weeks ago


by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

i like eggs but just absolutely cant stand egg chalaza. the look of it. so i only eat eggs at home after I remove them.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I just had to google what that means lol

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Wow, an actual opinion that is unpopular. I can't say anything to you except thank you.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I agree. However I make an exception for scrambled and by exception I mean they have to be finely diced. It's a texture thing to me.

by stokesdan 2 weeks ago

... when cold, eggs are disgusting when cold.

by Eriktowne 2 weeks ago

Honestly…I kinda agree. I will eat egg if o have too but I've never liked them much either. The only time I "like" egg is when it's boiled and only the white part. I hate the yolk.

by Ok-Claim 2 weeks ago

You lost me at mushrooms haha but yeah I think that makes sense! :)

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Yeah it's either that or the tomato that lose people!!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

How do you fry the tomato? I've never had a fried red tomato but grew up eating this American Southern dish known as friend green tomatoes. Freaking delicious

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I hate eggs as well, I also wish I liked them but they taste metallic and like sulfur to me.

by These_Power_8994 2 weeks ago

I'll never understand how eggs taste ok until you eat more than two at a time. All of a sudden I get the egg ick and it's like an invisible threshold has been passed.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I usually don't like eggs. But then I realized that I didn't like the eggs they sold at the stores. They just taste dry and somewhat bland (even the organic ones). I recently got some eggs from a local farmer who just lets them roam his acreage. He doesn't sell them on a large scale but produces enough to just sell very local. I have never tasted an egg that was more rich, creamy, and flavorful in my life. It changed my mind about eggs.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's interesting! How do you eat them now?

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Scrambled. And I hated scrambled eggs my whole life! I put a little bit of milk and salt in it and that's it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sometimes I get farmers market eggs for my spouse so maybe I'll try one next time!

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I assume we are talking from a chicken, have you tried eggs of another species?

by deven70 2 weeks ago


by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

My toddler endorses this message

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

How dare you, savage (eggs are cheap and my country was poor 100 years ago so it's in standard cuisine)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What country are you from (if you don't mind my asking)? Here in the US, eggs are a huge breakfast staple. And people eat them with other meals all the time, too. πŸ™ƒ

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I have somewhat recently started to dislike eggs. The only type I can tolerate now is an omelette. I once tried an egg sunny side up out of curiosity and it was gross

by Cool_Improvement 2 weeks ago

Bro will not survive armageddon

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

An actually good unpopular opinion, I hate them scrambled, poached or fried but love them boiled, like eating several a day.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I used to like em as a kid, then I turned full vegetarian. When I started eating them again, I too disliked them. I think it's fine from time to time but the smell like you mentioned, makes my head hurt. It literally overtakes everything. I can't drink from my cup without it smelling like eggs once I put my egg mouth on it. Like I have omelette and take s small sip of water. Later I wanna use the same cup to have tea, EGG SMELLLLL gets me nauseous

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

i basically forced myself to like eggs when i was young because my parents kept feeding me them no matter how much i hated them.... i guess it works out since i can stand them in some ways now, but i totally 100% understand where you are coming from. especially the smell and texture bleh, it's awful.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Just makes me think of whenever the cafeteria at the school I work at makes boiled eggs in the morning and the whole school gets bathed in the rank odor of 1000s of students farting and in general smelling like they just bathed in sulfur (not to mention all the ones used as projectiles)

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

OP: Eggs don't belong with potatoes, or meat Also OP: The only way I eat eggs is with potatoes and meat

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Ketchup on eggs is the only thing gross in here

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Truly unpopular and insane.

by No_Net 2 weeks ago

Same bro, I hate eggs, they smell so bad too

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh I'm totally fine with that. It's just when eggs are like the star of the dish. Omelets, quiche, etc. are no go.

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

So eggs aren't always disgusting, is what you're saying.

by vedablanda 2 weeks ago

An actually unpopular opinion. I can't tell you how happy I am to disagree with you lmao

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Is it a taste or texture thing for you if you don't mind me asking?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

ah, Well eggs arnt for everyone I suppose.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Like chicken?

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

I eat eggs because they're easy, cheap and high protein. But you're right, I really don't like them that much. Disgusting is a stretch though.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Oh to me they're repulsive haha. I can't. I've become a lot less picky as I've gotten older but eggs are still a no for me. 😟😟😟

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Try pickled eggs

by Possible_Sun3745 2 weeks ago

I would rather not

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Oh... I'm so sorry you have bad taste. I know how rotten that is.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Eggs are superfood.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Most people prefer the egg yolk almost always

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, everything about eggs is disgusting, I can't even be in the kitchen when someone is cooking eggs

by gerda20 2 weeks ago

I feel so seen, I hate eggs with a passion and wish I liked them. They are terrible, oval-shaped ick-flavored orbs of pain

by MatterMaster 2 weeks ago

I like them, but I get the worst stomach ache when I eat them. Same thing for milk.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

My sister is the same way, she always hated eggs, hated the smell, everything about them. She would literally gag if she walked into the kitchen when I was scrambling up some eggs for myself. Some people just hate them. Like any other foods, I guess there's always a few weirdos that can't stand 'em! I feel bad for you, eggs are amazing. Lately I've been putting some scrambled eggs and sometimes bacon in a quesadilla for breakfast, yum!

by HauntingBrilliant740 2 weeks ago

Finally an actual unpopular opinion. People who don't like egg and/or cheese have the palate of a toddler and can't be trusted.

by Wooden-Resolution 2 weeks ago

Eggs are overrated, but not bad.

by Strong_Being 2 weeks ago

I go in and out of phases of being absolutely disgusted by them and enjoying them. Even when I like them, they absolutely have to be mixed and cooked all the way. No runny yikes for me… even just thinking about that makes me queasy.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Don't worry. It's ok to be wrong.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The worst part is the white part of a boiled egg or I'm general I can only imagine that it's the texture of what cum is like cooked But I do like the yellow part of a runny egg to dip my sausages in. I even remember the day I told my family I didn't like eggs, I mind of wanted to fit in with my siblings

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

He has a blunt in his mouth, and his hand. He bout to get lit

by Emmittharvey 2 weeks ago

It's like, everyone has different food preferences and you cant really discuss/debate against it because it's just how some people are adverse to food/flavors/textures.

by Rbotsford 2 weeks ago

"Eggs are disgusting but I still eat them" I mean...ok

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

also would recommend liaded breakfast burrito

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I also hate them. I have no idea how I ate them as a kid. I the taste and texture makes me gag. Also don't like thinking too much about what they are

by NoPage4421 2 weeks ago

Try steaming them, OP.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

They are absolutely vile. They smell terrible and the texture is gross.

by Low-Instruction-5938 2 weeks ago

Cracking open a hard boiled egg in the break room is so nasty. should be an automatic termination.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I love eggs, but my husband can't stand them. It makes me sad. I used to really enjoy making egg casseroles when I lived at home with my mom, but it's too much food for me to eat on my own.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

They nasty in every application. They taste like sulfur 😷

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Boiled eggs are delicious, fried ones are a close second

by Xfeil 2 weeks ago

Yousaid eggs don't belong in potato salad....If you like mayonnaise, you're in for a surprise.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I hate them too. The smell makes me gag. I can't eat if it smells like eggs. I'll only have them in some roundabout way like using them for French toast coating. Ingredient? Sure. Itself? No.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I hate eggs and any sea food due to the overwhelming smell and odd texture!! I feel seen! Lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Damn... That must suck dude. To not enjoy a nice rich runny sunny side up egg with an english breakfast or not enjoy an eggs benny, fried rice, a spinach and tomato omlette, develled eggs, or even just over medium on a home made burger... I have so much empathy for the sad sad bland un rich protein light life you lead :( if i were religious I'd pray for you even. Jokes aside though eggs do rule lol.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I like eggs but I hate ketchup. Guess there's two sides to a steak!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I cant eat eggs in the morning, it upsets my stomach. But i love making a over easy egg late at night if im still hungry before bed. Even better if im drunk.

by Erniedoyle 2 weeks ago

I can't stand fried eggs. It's the crispy bits that make me sick. I will DOWN a poached egg though. Or Gordon Ramsay style scrambled

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

We all have something common place we don't like to eat. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would willingly eat a scone, for example. But I do appreciate eggs. They're versatile and easy to make. But those who don't like them, I get it.

by melany99 2 weeks ago

You aren't alone I hate them as well

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Bro I kind of agree. I only like eggs if they're drowned in hot sauce.

by Scary_Emu 2 weeks ago

You may be sensitive to the sulphur smell coming off them. If you're really interested in getting over it I'd look into getting the higher quality eggs to experiment with.

by Medical_Vegetable828 2 weeks ago

What kind of broccoli are you getting??? Never tasted bitter broccoli or brussel sprouts. Now munching on a Tylenol is bitter, but veg? Wild stuff. Eat what ya like 😎😎😎

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's actually a genetic thing! Some people find that foods like broccoli are very bitter while others do not, and they found there's a gene or two that determines that.

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

Neat, so like the cilantro tasting of soap thing.πŸ€”πŸ˜Ž

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah! I love cilantro, thank goodness

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago

They're literally a chicken's period.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Well I don't eat eggs so I only buy them when I'm baking and I get the ones in the cardboard cartons. lol

by No_Lie 2 weeks ago