+29 Sagging is stupid, amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What decade is it?

by Tiny_Waltz_1454 5 months ago


by Marcelopouros 5 months ago

Oohhh, you're talking about pants sagging....I didn't think of anything else

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Wait. You still see people who sag?? Last time I saw that was around 2007. Then they wonder why they can't get jobs? Yeahh… okay. It's clear what your agenda was here.

by kristoferlemke 5 months ago

Ya it's still a thing in some communities.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I actually didn't know that, and I've lived in several of the most populated cities in the US. So I assumed I've seen almost all trends that go on in the moment. But I suppose I can't speak for places I've never been.

by kristoferlemke 5 months ago

What's my agenda?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You sound like you're talking down on a group. Who is walking into an interview with sagging pants and then wondering why they didn't get the job? Did someone who sags personally tell you they didn't get a job recently for sagging? Or is that a rhetorical way of saying they are too stupid to advance in life? All I'm saying is most people are smart enough not to have their pants down at an interview. You sound like an old ass person talking about the younger generation lol

by kristoferlemke 5 months ago

Sagging started out in the prison complex where it would let other inmates know that you are available for sexual relationships. Just a fun fact!

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I hear this but I wonder if it is actually true? Wouldn't the guards get mad at an inmate for not wear the uniform properly and also promoting prostitution?

by Anonymous 5 months ago