-24 It's unreasonable to expect people to intervene in a crime being committed in front of them. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok but most of the bystander effect studies have to do with not even calling the cops for a murder in progress.

by PieFormer7867 1 week ago

That's not the bystander effect. That's you guys forgetting to call the cops.

by jaiden77 1 week ago

And the hundreds of others that just drove past, all assuming that someone else must have called 911 by then?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Probably assuming that the multiple people pulled over to help called the cops, as they would be more informed of the situation and the correct people to have on the phone with 911

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I will say, if I saw 3 cars on the side of the road next to a truck on fire, I would have assumed someone there called the cops and the situation was being handled by people who understand what to do more than I would. I would not assume that no one called 911 and they were all just sitting there staring at the wreckage. That's not what the bystander effect is. The bystander effect is based off of inaction without justification.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The most famous case of this is Kitty Genovese where people allegedly heard her screaming and no one called the cops. This is incorrect. Multiple people called the cops, but the cops took too long to do anything about it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

kinda wonder wtf cops are there for tbh

by Slow_Somewhere 1 week ago

The big landmark study on that was basically a massive lie. Fewer people witnessed the attack than suggested and multiple people did call the police, only for the police to ignore the reports.

by clementinekupha 1 week ago


by AssumptionExtreme281 1 week ago

Yeah, you don't want to put yourself at risk. But running away and calling 911 is helpful. Though, perhaps too little too late. It's still better than nothing

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Wholly depends on the crime. Meaningless without context.

by Most-Structure-6010 1 week ago

Right. Like a drug deal? Not my business. Someone running away and screaming to get away from someone else? I'm calling the cops.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Breaking and entering big lots? Good luck homie

by Gaylordjason 1 week ago

Lol that is how Seinfeld ended they went to jail for recording and mocking a robbery instead of helping

by Equivalent_Mine 1 week ago

Which wasn't illegal. Seinfeld had it right. Cops are insured if they get injured. They have qualified immunity if the hurt someone. You have nothing and can and will be killed, injured or charged for 'helping'.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I know its a comedy and its stupid, but towns are not allowed to make bylaws that are unconstitutional.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That is why there are Good Samaritan laws to protect people who render aid

by Equivalent_Mine 1 week ago

And does said law protect you from a knife or bullet?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes, yes it does

by Equivalent_Mine 1 week ago

There's not like a price you put on how much you'd get into a physical altercation for. The point is, you are not going to come into where I work and start f***ing s*** up. I don't even work in customer service and react the same way if someone came in here and started jacking stuff haha.

by Dietrichshakira 1 week ago

Like, why though? I'd be very surprised to find your risk-benefit calculation weighs in favor of getting into a fight (that might kill you) over some broken/stolen trinkets in an office

by Kimberlypouros 1 week ago

"risk-benefit calculation" Ok, while you're over their doing that, I'd just think; This is crazy disrespectful, I'm not going to allow it. If the guy is clearly holding a weapon or twice my size obviously I'm not going to die over it. But I'm also not going to sit there doing a risk analysis while my office is getting ransacked.

by Dietrichshakira 1 week ago

Some punk kid did that exact same thing and shot a guy a couple years ago trying to intervene.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You wouldn't be dying over a few pairs of jeans, you would be dying for a few more dollars in some rich assholes pocket. Those jeans were going to leave the store and be worn by someone either way

by Ok_Needleworker_8844 1 week ago

Doing so requires courage, a rare thing that I won't even claim to have myself

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Someone stealing from Walmart ? Yeah I'm not intervening. Somebody beating up a woman/child? Yeah I'll call cops/intervene something. Really depends what the crime is.

by Strict-Compote-1191 1 week ago

That seems to be the most common answer to this question lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And the reason is quite simple: you do not risk your life/health for someone elses minor possessions. Because it's not worth it. In the same vein, if you're threatened with a weapon and told to hand over your wallet or else - what are you going to do? Risk getting killed or take the loss? And if you're willing to take a loss, why take the fall for someone else's loss?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I will only if someone's life is at risk or they are being hurt. If someone is shoplifting or stealing a car the it's not my monkeys not my circus.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If I saw someone breaking into someone's car I'm absolutely reporting that. I wouldn't confront them though. A kid that went to my school was killed the other week because he confronted some lowlifes breaking into his car. Shoplifting idc enough tho.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A society should always be ready to step in and help someone in need though. If someone is stealing a can of soup, I can look the other way. If someone is being assaulted or robbed damn right I'm stepping in to help them and so should everyone else. Be at least human to others.

by Professional_Cap5121 1 week ago

Yeah the bystander effect is about calling people to help. Most people won't get involved directly in a crime not because they feel someone else will step up, but instead they are afraid for their own safety. If there is a bar fight happening in front of me I decide to not step in to break it up because I'm worried of getting hit, not because I believe the bouncer will address it.

by Rogeliostark 1 week ago

Well if you stand there watching it and don't do anything, that just makes you a bad person. If it's a violent crime that you don't want to get involved with you better light your ass on fire and get out of there. Standing there going, oh my gosh did you see that. Oh look more bad things. Let me record this so people won't think I'm lying.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Decency isn't enforceable.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Legally, you're correct. Morally, I think it depends on the crime. Google Kitty Genovese.

by alan50 1 week ago

Apparently that whole case goes much deeper than that. It was later found that there were lots of calls made to the police that day during that time. But the police took too long to arrive. Or they weren't taking the calls seriously. So they had to fib that they didn't get calls because otherwise they would look severely incompetent

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think I've heard of that, isn't that where the term "Bystander effect" was created?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Bystander effect also applies to CPR and life saving measures. This is why when they teach CPR they tell students to tell people around them specific instructions or jobs so they don't just stand there and assume someone else has it covered.

by Alert-Feedback 1 week ago

I already forgot how to do CPR i forgot they taught us that

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think so, yes.

by alan50 1 week ago

Dawg just mentioning that case shows ignorance. People did call the cops, they were slow, then the media storm kicked up a fuss.

by jaiden77 1 week ago

Solid point

by Anonymous 1 week ago

With a bigger knife.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Technically, even the police are not required to intervene unless the general public is at risk. So the law agrees with your opinion.

by Antonietta27 1 week ago

Seems like it lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

To quote the prophet Chiles: Have you ever heard of a guilty bystander? No, because you cannot be a bystander and be guilty. Bystanders are by definition, innocent. That is the nature of bystanding

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Don't see the connection you're making between being legal and reasonable, the two concepts don't have a strong correlation

by Such_Sun 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

According to your own opinion, 200 years ago if you spotted people participating in the underground railroad, it would be your responsibility to intervene, since that's a crime. You're confusing legality with morality using the word "crime".

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ah I see, thank you for explaining and not being an asshat like the other person lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would definitely not intervene in NYC. There is too great a chance that I would be arrested and the actual criminal released.

by Over-Bat 1 week ago

There'd be a lot less crime if every time anyone committed one they were immediately mobbed by everyone in the vicinity.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"The same list as the person who did the crime" that seems kinda crazy lol but whatever suits you

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Whatever floats your boat I guess lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are too fast. That was like 10 seconds If you're ever a victim or family member of a victim I wonder how'd you feel knowing that a couple people just watched, it's easy to say you'd not blame them but I'd bet that'd change as you look someone dead in the eyes screaming help and they just ignore you leaving you to whatever horrible things happening, or your kid hides behind a strangers legs crying about that not being their parent and he just shakes them off and straight into a kidnappers hands without a care because it's not their deal.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Why would I expect someone to help me if I wouldn't do the same for them

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's different when it's actively happening to you or your loved ones

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't have any loved ones I'd give a damn about

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you do ever, I sincerely hope you or them don't find out how horrible it is to know someone just watched as something unthinkable happened. You can think it's not a big deal, but if it happens to you, you'd understand. It's easy to make claims when you've only been on one side of it. If you can honestly say, even after having experienced something like that, that it's ok for people to actively ignore something horrible, then you need a psychiatrist because something in the old noodle got broken and you need help. It should be basic empathy and human decency to want and try to help another innocent human escape from some of the worst things we as humans can experience and if you don't you're either just as bad as the person causing the pain or mentally and emotionally impaired in some way or another.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No one was there to help me when I actually was tho lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Did you wish someone was? That sucks btw

by Previous_Big1475 1 week ago

Thank God for the people that do though

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

For me, it would depend on the parties involved. If a man is hitting a woman or child, then I will step in. If it's two bikers (gang), then there on their own.

by Colejake 1 week ago

What if it's a woman beating up a man?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That, too. But to be honest (not that it doesn't happen), but I'm 59 and i have never seen that before, but I would most certainly intervene.

by Colejake 1 week ago

I feel like you'd reconsider this opinion quite quickly if you were ever on the receiving end of something like that

by Financial_Tadpole 1 week ago

Most people probably would

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean, I once broke into a home. My own. I had left my key inside, so.... I had to break in (no damage, yay!).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Olay but would you prefer someone calls the cops or let you be robbed blind in case its not you?

by Hhalvorson 1 week ago

Unreasonable, no. Unlikely depends on the area.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'll step in if someone is being hurt or if someone is hurting an animal. But other then that I won't.

by rbraun 1 week ago

As long as you never need or accept anyone's help in an emergency, then that's fine with me.

by lincolnwitting 1 week ago

I hope I never have to depend on anyone for an emergency again

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by lincolnwitting 1 week ago

I feel like a lot of the people who swear they'd be the hero in those situations would freeze also

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You'd really need a least a few exposures to high-intensity situations mixed with a concrete resolve and a good understanding of the current situation itself. That's not an easy combo to fulfill.

by Mental-Scene8458 1 week ago

Depends. I'd probably risk my own life for my daughter, but not anybody else.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Unless you're a risk you should always intervene, otherwise you're considered guilty.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What do you mean? What did you expect I would be like?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree. Get to safety and call the cops.

by randallowe 1 week ago

The bystander effect includes not calling the cops because "someone else probably already called"

by Jaskolskileola 1 week ago

It's probably true

by Anonymous 1 week ago

On the other side, how often do people say "that's what cops are for"? It's s double edged sword.

by hilbert00 1 week ago

Someone looking in need of need help is different than witnessing a crime in front of you.

by Sea-Camera1419 1 week ago

I still think I wouldn't get involved in either situation tbh

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I would intervene some, won't intervene others. But I'd never expect it from others because it sadly is normal human behaviour

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We've all got a little bit of sociopathy in us, don't we? If you cared about the victim you wouldn't stand by. The idea of a civil society is that everyone cares for one another. Even strangers. What would you want to happen if you were the victim? Even if you understood the people standing there watching you get robbed or mugged or beaten were just being rational like you, do you think you would feel even more terrible feelings as you got violated? (Look, I'm sick of selfishness. I'm not making a case for anyone needing to intervene. It's a very personal choice and there are any number of reasons to not involve yourself in such a situation. But this formalizing of not giving a crap about strangers and sharing the message really irks me.) Yeah, OP. Your opinion STINKS.

by RefuseFederal 1 week ago

Sorry for irking you but I genuinely don't care about other people aside maybe 6 people. Your version of an ideal civil society will never happen

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't believe that people expect others to intervene to prevent a crime, just to call the authorities.

by NiceCommunication 1 week ago

100% this. Usually people look at camera footage and they see a crime being committed and people standing by. This could be for a tons of reasons. A) It's possible the bystander wasn't paying ANY attention to their surroundings and by the time the crime has been committed they are still trying to get a clear understanding of the situation B) They arrived too late to the scene and have no idea what has transpired before the scenes in front of them (especially in assault cases) C)They don't think they can offer any meaningful help (they don't have training etc) D) They are scared for THEIR lives E)Various laws and weird legal systems may actually cause a "Good Samaritan" to be charged or involved in a case somehow. Also most crime takes place pretty fast (faster than you can get a hold of yourself, dial the police number and clearly explain to them what is happening)

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't know it was a crime in so many places to not helping people dying haha

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So, I was supposed to punch that guy in the nose? As an American, I really wanted to. I don't speak French to understand who was really in the wrong but when the fight was about to start I decided I would side with the indian guy who sold me tasty tacos rather than the guy with a big punchable nose who came in and pushed around taco guy. I missed out.

by West-Information-959 1 week ago

That's why French people tend to be more nosey and confrontational. Lol But we don't have a second amendment so in our defense gun and weapons are not usual occurrence.

by Estrella89 1 week ago

Wait, it's a crime in France to buy/sell alcohol to/from an adult? Since when? No more cidre. 😥

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Interviewing it's up too you, but calling the cops and giving any details you can is something you have no excuse not to do

by brayan95 1 week ago

Your point?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's not what the bystander effect is

by salvatore09 1 week ago

Just watched another good Samaritan get killed last night. He left his wife and kids. I used to think I'd do this and that, but now I'm very careful to intervene. You never know who is having a bad enough day to take out the first person they get their hands on.

by Educational-Egg-7611 1 week ago

There are times when you are not responsible for doing the right thing. People can be shocked that people are behaving exactly according to their responsibilities and nothing more.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The few times I've called the cops, they didn't show up until hours later and then only made things worse.

by West-Information-959 1 week ago

You could just act all oblivious to the crime having been committed but just stumble and be in the way of the person committing the crime, but then if they touch you it's personal at that point and you can and should respond more fully.

by Roeldooley 1 week ago

You be a hero then man

by Anonymous 1 week ago

— especially when intervention has little to no bearing on ones safety. Not everything is a violent crime and even then, some things are well worth a little risk.

by Sea-Idea 1 week ago

Ok. Nice society you got there...

by Sea-Idea 1 week ago

It's actually a bad idea to try and take the law into your own hands. For good or for ill the police have legal protections in place that prevent them from being sued for a false arrest. As a private citizen you have no such legal protections. If you see a crime being committed, calling the authorities and documenting yourself should be sufficient.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I only want to chime and say that, most often, when bystanders are shocked/stunned into inaction they will follow the lead of who ever first takes decisive action. Most people are simply waiting to follow.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

To my knowledge, the bystander effect is not restricted to crimes. The example they game us in psch 101 in college was that, if someone passes out in front of you from a heart attack, most people will assume someone else called an ambulance and since everyone assumes this, no one ever really calls an ambulance. Also applies to calling the police in domestic violence situations, etc.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Equip everyone with tasers and mase. Let's just see what happens

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ok, but if you stand there AND video? You should be publically belittled, humiliated and mocked.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't say anything about recording lmao

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You keep being a hero then

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's such a weak point of view, even for a woman.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What upsets me is all the people filming others in trouble without lifting a finger to help.

by zackschuppe 1 week ago

They could at least call the cops or an ambulance. Like, I don't expect someone to jump in front of a knife to save me, but damn dude at least call an ambulance before I bleed out!

by Wild-Perception 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

This isn't so much an unpopular opinion…in reality most people are too scared to do anything..similarly 90% of soldiers are just bodies while 10% are warriors..same as bystanders, some have that warrior nature to defend the person next to them. Other people don't have it and look the other way.

by chloe32 1 week ago

I wouldn't step in because the cynic in me says "they had it coming". You undock, you consent to PVP. 🤷‍♂️

by gschroeder 1 week ago

The bystander effect is about people not reporting the crime / not calling for help, you dingus.

by dariusharris 1 week ago

Disagree, that's just anti social. This individualism has gone too far! However, if someone steals food I didn't see anything

by Parisiandeja 1 week ago

How tf has individualism gone too far

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Everyone for themselves!!!

by Parisiandeja 1 week ago

When you become the victim of a criminal, your view will likely change.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I already was

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If there is a crime and you know someone is suffering because of that crime and you sit there and say nothing you are just as responsible. Isn't this the way the entire world is desensitized and evil?

by Metzjakob 1 week ago

Maybe I'm just desensitized then who cares?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think it's unfair to say just as responsible. The person committing the crime is more responsible than the person who does nothing to help the victim. They are not just as responsible but they are irresponsible if there is something they could reasonably do that would help.

by Armandooreilly 1 week ago

I'll call the police if I see something but like What do people expect my 5"1 120 pound ass to do

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That is NOT the bystander effect. The bystander effect theory suggests people are less likely to intervene or offer help IN THE PRESENCE of other people. Most hypothesize this is because people don't feel as much responsibility to act because the other people in the area could do something to intervene or help instead of themselves.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And there's a sizable portion of the population that wants to arm teachers so they can be the ones to gun down an armed mass shooter. In general, I agree. I don't think standing by and watching someone be victimized is a good thing. Not at all. It's just that no one knowa what they'd actually do until they experience that situation, and that intervention may get them hurt or killed.

by Reillyamelie 1 week ago

It's certainly a morally a grey area. If we expand on this, by what distance is it okay to intervene? If we do nothing even though we are "capable", are we also complicit in the crime? Should we be up in arms for atrocities committed in other countries? If we knowingly benefit from the suffering of others, even if indirectly, are we also complicit?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You do you, but I'm getting involved.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not if you aren't a coward

by kunzelincoln 1 week ago

I gusss I'm a big ol coward then

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't see that your username infers you identify as female. As a man I think it's every man's responsibility to protect.

by kunzelincoln 1 week ago

I'm not a man but I don't think it's "every" man's responsibility to protect

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's ok your not a man. AS a man. It is what we're suppose to do. I understand you don't understand but it's a man's nature to protect.

by kunzelincoln 1 week ago